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Huntsville Burger Bash 3-22-08


Keeper of the Asylum
Feb 28, 2003
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Re: [Huntsville] Spring Burger Bash 03/22/08 10:00am

Man... I am on a monster sugar buzz!! Between the deer sausage and the cake/coke/ice cream/donunt holes, etc,... I am feeling a little peculiar... :brainsnap

Thanks for coming out everyone. Also thanks for all the donations we found in the kitchen after everyone left! I hope everyone enjoyed it. I got pics, will post them up soon.

Could the weather have been any better!!?? I even managed to get out and put some miles on the Strom today :rider:
Re: [Huntsville] Spring Burger Bash 03/22/08 10:00am

Thanks for having us Scott and Beth. And thanks to others for your help and input. The food was really good. Good times with great people. Bryan, send me an address and I will send you a battery tender.
Re: [Huntsville] Spring Burger Bash 03/22/08 10:00am

I had a good time, thanks for having me. I guess everyone else is still out riding. :rider:
Re: [Huntsville] Spring Burger Bash 03/22/08 10:00am

Thanks for having us Scott and Beth. And thanks to others for your help and input. The food was really good. Good times with great people. Bryan, send me an address and I will send you a battery tender.

PM sent.
Re: [Huntsville] Spring Burger Bash 03/22/08 10:00am

Thanks Scott and Beth for all the hospitality. The food was great and it was nice to meet everyone. Afterwards Keith, Ken and I had a great ride. Along our ride somewhere we met Rick from Houston on a DR650 and he rode with us. We told him about TWT..Hi Rick:wave:







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:tab I never got a head count , nor did I have a sign in sheet like Chuck would have done... :-P However, we had a nice turnout. James Cain showed up right about 10:00am loaded with goodies, food and otherwise :trust: After that, Debbie "Snoopster" and Dick "Bluedevil" showed up. I lost track after three people :lol2: :doh: Here are the pics. I don't recall all the names because I am missing the gene that makes people remember useful information like that :doh:

The happy face in the foreground is Monkey Boy... er... Daniel...


V1rotate, KennyD, Fangs and Bluedevil checking out Kenny's immaculate KLR :bow:


Eli Jones, an aspiring motorhead, belongs to our friends Dusty and Jennifer, who are not motorheads :-P

Oh yeah... he's hooked :lol2: (Jennifer behind him and Dusty on right)

Some of the dual sport crowd


Pkiser, Rockmantex, prhaussies, Bluedevil

TexasT, no clue :oops:, V1rotate

Cagiva549, Fangs (the artist formerly known at Teeth)

James, Hardy Baker, and Steve "Desmo"

Hardy's VFR 750, which happens to be for sale, so PM him if you are interested as I know NOTHING other than it is a VFR 750 :-P

My Precious... Sarah (whose feet now reach the pegs of a PW50 :trust: )

A little shade, a slight breeze, no humidity, and blue skies... :bow:

Daniel and others admire James's 1200 GS

Not everyone rode their bikes, that's fine though, we were just happy to see them.

KennyD and his farklized KLR

:tab Around 3:00pm, most folks had come and gone. After some cleaning up and getting the kids down for naps, I hopped on the Strom to enjoy what was left of the afternoon. I shot down to King's Cafe and got there just as they were closing. I enjoyed a quick visit with the waitresses that used to take care of us when we were doing bike nights there and also a scoop of ice cream. Then I cruised up 149 to Anderson, 3090, looped back on 244 to Anderson and back to Drifters just outside Richards where I found Snoopster, Cagiva549, Bluedevil, Desmo and James Cain relaxing and enjoying refreshments. We hung out for a bit visiting and just enjoying the incredibly nice evening!!

Snoop's SV650S and my Strom making all the other bikes look ho hum :-P

I believe the guy said it was a '56 something or other... :shrug: Kickstart only

Rumor has it that Harley only recently discovered the technology of seals... :lol2:
Thanks to Scott and Beth for hosting a great bash. Me and the old KLR sorta "struggled up the hill" as we were leaving. This was after filling up on burgers, hot dogs, deer sausage and cookies (good thing I missed the ice cream).

In spite of being a couple of airline pilots, Jon (v1rotate) and Keith (fangs) are actually pretty good dirt road riders. Go figger.

Thanks again.

I passed you and the guy in the XR. I was heading North on 149 out of Montgomery and you were heading South almost to town. I had just been visiting with a few other KLR riders at the Texaco there in Montgomery. I missed the cookies! :doh:
A big thanks to Scott and Beth for hosting a fun get-together. You couldn’t have ordered better weather. I’m so glad I put off the yard work for another day.

After the get-together, David (Cagiva) took us on a route from Huntsville north thru Bedias then Iola and south to Yankees’s in Carlos. The parking lot was full because of the beautiful weather. We sat on the porch with a cool one and watched the parade. I never realized how much fun it is watching the uncoordinated fall over. Some bikes should have training wheels.

We then hit 3090 and picked up the pace a little. At one point we had a loose calf run across the road right in the middle of the pack of bikes. A pucker moment for some 'cause we could not tell exactly what he was going to do. Drifter’s had a big crowd of bikes too. While parking we saw a trike almost rear-end some bikes while leaving. We also saw a woman on a cruiser fall over and launch her young passenger into the ditch. Leaving the parking lot in dangerous there.

With the popularity of bikes right now, I wonder if some people wouldn’t be better off with a different hobby. Then again, only egos were bruised so I guess it’s all good.

Thanks you to the Fridays for putting on a nice party. :clap: The burgers were delicious if I don’t say so myself. Blue Bomber has a secret ingredients.


Donnie, Emily & D.J. came with some yummy cookies :eat3:


Since Squeaky couldn’t make it Dick “Blue Devil” and I tagged along w/ Caviga’s group. Dick & I had just mentioned that we’ve never drove through Bedias & low and behold David takes us right through there to come up the backside of Yankees. That was a great route. :thumb: I'll definitely have to do that again.


We enjoyed our teas & soda on the front porch of Yankees. :sun: Sat there & watched a couple turn into the parking lot & dump the bike. Glad it wasn't me.


Sat there & watched a couple turn into the parking lot & dump the bike. Glad it wasn't me.


Getting a snapshot of myself:phead:

Someone mentioned if anyone had checked out Drifters so we headed that way:flip:


The parking is quite tricky over there but we pulled in on a make shift road. As we were parking & bikes were leaving there was almost a collision. After a while we see Tourmeister go by. He spots our bikes and turns around to join us. A couple riding there own bikes w/ their kiddos on back were leaving & the wife drops it trying to pull out. There is a slight incline & the concrete does quite go to the road. Several people run up to help & w/ no harm I guess there are on there way.


What a beautiful day to be our riding!!!!
Oh I don't know... It starts getting hot soon. Maybe Sept/Oct :-P Of course, anyone can plan their own event whenever ;-)

Oh. RATS! I KNEW I should have tried to get up there! But...I'm glad ya'll had such a great time. Everybody looks really happy!
My pics from the event.... yeah, I'm a little slow:




