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Westbound Flight

Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
Cypress (NW Houston)
First Name
Lately I've had my share of being crammed into a coach class airplane seat with headphones jammed into my ears playing loud tunes to drown out the noise of rushing engines. I've jetted over the country, staring wistfully out the window at puffy clouds, colorful terrain, and twinkling cities dotting the horizon.

When I heard that my long-time friend Steven (fellow super-involved 4-Her, fellow dorm resident advisor, college roommate, and at one point in my life almost like a brother) was getting married in early April, my first thought was to look at airplane ticket prices. After looking at my calendar, my next thought was a long and considered "Hmmm."

The wedding was to be in Santa Barbara, CA. The following weekend was the Sport-Touring.Net Region 2 meet in Alpine, TX (almost halfway to California). The wheels turned (swooped through curves?) in my head as I contemplated my available vacation time and probable early spring conditions (negating the really good stuff in the Sierras and Rockies).

I finally decided to skip the flight in favor of loading up the R1200ST for an 11-day western US excursion.

In a few minutes I'll buckle up and take off on a grueling 1600 mile 2-day interstate blast to California. The return trip will be a little more relaxed. I'm going to drift up the coast and visit some friends in the San Francisco Bay Area before heading east into Utah and New Mexico. I just need to land myself in Alpine by next Friday.

I'll try to post updates nightly... but I can't guarantee nightly internet access. Enjoy the flight!
Safe trip. Looking forward to the update and pics. You do a great job at both. :rider:
You probably already headed out, but I just wanted to wish you a safe, fun trip. If you do catch this message, be especially careful coming through West Texas today. We're expecting sand storms with wind gusts approaching 50 miles per hour (probably faster through the mountain ranges) today.

Take lots of pics! Talk to ya soon!
On your way home if you find yourself on Hwy 68 between Fanta Fe and Taos around dinner or bedtime and need a place for the night, you are welcome to the futon in the living room. Just PM me for our phone number if interested.
I already subscribed to this thread but I can't resist posting up to offer a good luck wish and to reiterate that we're all looking forward to a great report and hopefully updates from the road. :rider:
Please fold your trays and put your seat in an upright position during the taxi. Thank you and welcome to Rocketbunny Byways. :rider:
Please fold your trays and put your seat in an upright position during the taxi. Thank you and welcome to Rocketbunny Byways. :rider:

And flying she is. She's making great time and is already more than 400 miles out by lunchtime! :clap:
I10 must be grueling, but it'll get her there and the fun will start after the wedding Saturday.
This is going to be fun. I was a little confused by "fellow 4Her". I read it "for her" instead of "4-H'er". Go, Rocketbunny, go!
Wow, she's like the Energizer bunny - she made it out of Texas before 6pm and she's well on her way through New Mexico - she's practically in Arizona already! I wonder how much coffeeeeeeee she's had today. :mrgreen:
Wow, she's like the Energizer bunny - she made it out of Texas before 6pm and she's well on her way through New Mexico - she's practically in Arizona already! I wonder how much coffeeeeeeee she's had today. :mrgreen:

Okay, how are you tracking her? Is there something on her blog I am not seeing or do you have some super-secret link to a SPOT report? :wary:
Wow, she's like the Energizer bunny - she made it out of Texas before 6pm and she's well on her way through New Mexico - she's practically in Arizona already! I wonder how much coffeeeeeeee she's had today. :mrgreen:

Heh. No coffee whatsoever. I put in about 900 miles today. I'm beat.... Gonna do a trip update in a few and then go to bed.
do you have some super-secret link to a SPOT report? :wary:

I suspect that Squeaky is on RB's SPOT email list. I get emails from Rich (Simmons1) when he is out and about and sometimes from Squeaky...
I suspect that Squeaky is on RB's SPOT email list.


Nice work there Becca - I need to take some pointers from you if I'm going to get through the miles that easily!
Enjoy your ride and the wedding.

I'll see you in Alpine next Friday.

Ride well!:rider:
I could never do that many miles in a day.

You would be surprised. Many times just riding daylight hours, you end upd +800 mile days. (it helps having a destination that is on either coast or border though).

Safe travels there RB! Looking forward to your updates!
Day 01
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Houston, TX to Lordsburg, NM
918 miles


The skies were still dark as I made my departure. The R1200ST and I hummed down I-10, making good time yet very aware of speed limits. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many highway patrol as I did this morning between Houston and San Antonio. LEOs were everywhere! Camped out in ditches, hiding by on-ramps, or just twinkling away as they made someone ELSE’s morning a little more miserable.

I zoomed through the San Antonio area on Loop 1604 just after 9. Morning rush hour was almost over, barely checking my progress.

At my second gas stop’n’snack in Junction, TX (around 11 AM!), I noticed some oil seepage on the left valve cover. During my third stop (in Ft Stockton, TX) it had made itself known with light oil splatters on my boots, pants leg, and sidecase. Analyzing the trail, I decided that the “donut seal” (as Jim VanBaden calls it) had not sealed properly when I reinstalled the valve cover after I did the valve adjust last weekend. I always carry spare oil, so for now I’m watching the oil level. I’ll try to get a chance to pull the cover and reinstall it either in Santa Barbara or at a friend’s house in the Bay Area. I’m assuming that the “donut seal” may easily be ruined at this point. I’m thinking it might be a good idea to call a BMW shop in Santa Barbara (?) or Las Vegas (assuming they’ll be open on Tuesday) to see if I can get a replacement. I can install it…. I just need the part.


The weather had been mostly cool all day. I caught a few sprinkles in the Hill Country, but nothing that inspired me to swap my summer gloves for the waterproof ones. The skies cleared in the afternoon and the temperature rose into the 90s (according to my temperature guage, which can’t always be trusted).

Somewhere in west Texas it occurred to me that an undocumented Saddlesore 1000 (1000 miles in 24hours) was very attainable, or if not that, a Bunburner (1500 miles in 36 hours). I just need to make 1500 miles by something around 4pm Pacific time tomorrow and *I* at least will know that I’m capable.

El Paso was as polluted as ever. I was a little concerned because I was going through around 5pm. It turned out that my only delay was a 5 minute backup as my side of the freeway rubbernecked a particularly spectacular accident that had shut down the other side.

A mini-whirlwind rocked us hard near Deming, causing me to reevaluate my plan. It was starting to get cold and dark clouds hovered over the horizon.

Somewhere between Deming and Lordsburg I abandoned the SS1K idea. The main factor here was that I didn’t want to have to find a motel in Tucson in the dark (I hate staying in large cities). The sun was still in the sky when I checked into a motel in Lordsburg, NM.

//As Squeaky said, the [bleep] pictures will start on Saturday or Sunday. It's an interstate. I don't have time to stop and I'm not sure it'd be worth it anyway.
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I10 and its 80 mph speed limit helps (since I KNOW that RB just has to be fully legal) :lol2:

Actually, I really did stay pretty close to speed limit today. I tried to keep it to 83 in the 80mph zone. I've heard that the highway patrol is serious about enforcing it....and my MPG was certainly suffering.

I think the main thing that contributes to making good time is that I don't need much in the way of breaks. I pull up to the pump, get gas, get back on, roll 200, and repeat. I only pull up to the station when I need food or a bathroom break. And even then, it's all business. I eat and get going again.
Somewhere between Deming and Lordsburg I abandoned the SS1K idea. The main factor here was that I didn’t want to have to find a motel in Tucson in the dark (I hate staying in large cities). The sun was still in the sky when I checked into a motel in Lordsburg, NM.
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I probably could have talked my sister into putting you up at her place in Benson, just SE of Tucson on I-10. She's been talking about getting a bike and this would have been a good persuader for her.
Becca - Have a great trip! I'm glad it's off to a good start.

Looking forward to more of your report. :mrgreen:
Sounds like you're off to a good start :clap: (except for that seal :doh: ).

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many highway patrol as I did this morning between Houston and San Antonio.

Maybe Squeaky isn't the only one getting your SPOT emails... :wary: