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TWT Spring Hill Country Rally


Dec 2, 2005
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Here are a few pics from my camera. There are a few still at Inks Lake, I am sure they will have some good pictures as well. It was a great weekend with great weather.

Loaded up and ready to go

Amazing it all fits on a bike



Plenty of these around

The fishing hole

I think Gary wants to trade in the FZ1 for this

Helmet to match of course

Near Leaky, after the dirt section

Cow Creek Road today

Someone said the best ride reports are ones with more pictures than words so that is all I got.
Re: Spring Hill Country Rally


I'm glad I made it out for this, even though Deb and I had an abbreviated weekend with just Saturday out, camp one night, and Sunday back.

...but watch out for those heavy chunks of gravity out there Matt! :lol2:
Re: Spring Hill Country Rally


I'm glad I made it out for this, even though Deb and I had an abbreviated weekend with just Saturday out, camp one night, and Sunday back.

...but watch out for those heavy chunks of gravity out there Matt! :lol2:

I was starting to get there... heh
Re: Spring Hill Country Rally

Did Matt scuff the Sprint ST again!? Shamera is not going to let him out anymore if he tears it up every time he goes on a trip :doh:
I apparently missed a phone call from ST-Scott on Friday morning - a message said he was trying to get a phone number for Matt (STrider) - something about money, fees or something. Matt mentioned the issue back in the prep thread - glad you guys were able to get it hashed out.

Now, I am just waiting on details :coffee: and pictures. :popcorn:

Re: Spring Hill Country Rally

Did Matt scuff the Sprint ST again!? Shamera is not going to let him out anymore if he tears it up every time he goes on a trip :doh:

He scuffed the belly pan trying to load it in the back of his truck. We used the offending wooden ramp that cause the damage for firewood on Friday.
Was headed east on 337 just out of Leakey with Leeroy, Stuart, and Markus in tow when I see a group of riders parked at the riverside. The one who was frantically waving his arms looked like a skinny Matt. Sho' 'nuff it was. Had the whole gang there.

We stopped to shoot the breeze a bit and meet the group. All new faces to me, but Matt handled the intros. Sharp looking bunch.

As hunger and sore muscles (this was day 3 for Stuart and me) were calling--and we did not want to be caught out at dusk since Stuart and Mark have a real animal attraction in that area ;-) --we needed to get going.

Matt et al decided our route back via Hunt and Ingram via separate navigation worked for them too, so off we went.

Good to meet you guys and to ride with you--even if was very briefly.
Re: Spring Hill Country Rally

Did Matt scuff the Sprint ST again!? Shamera is not going to let him out anymore if he tears it up every time he goes on a trip :doh:

Nah, nothing like that. He was standing around near the campfire when all of a sudden a HUGE chunk of gravity came by and just knocked him over! :eek2:

Gotta watch out for that gravity, folks! ;-)
Many, many thanks to the group for their patience with me as my tire started showing the beginnings of belts/cord in Kerrville. Fortunately, Jeff Lavender and Shane at Destination CycleSports (www.destinationcycle.com) out near the Kerrville high school worked me in quickly and got me setup with a new tire in about an hour.

Wake up, sunshine

Morning prep

Gas up



RR337 meet up
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Re: Spring Hill Country Rally

Nah, nothing like that. He was standing around near the campfire when all of a sudden a HUGE chunk of gravity came by and just knocked him over! :eek2:

Gotta watch out for that gravity, folks! ;-)

I hear that alcohol warps gravitational fields. The same is true of dense bodies. Maybe there is a connection between the alcohol and dense bodies... :ponder:
Well now that my office has blocked SmugMug (they consider it "file sharing" and a potential security risk) I can't do a report yet. :doh:
Re: Spring Hill Country Rally

Good weekend, good weather, good rides!! Thanks everybody for patience w/ routes, traffic, construction....

There are no fish in the lake. There are, however, a varietous bunch of lures, baits, and hooks.

For the people who left their camp chairs, I have them.

And now... the long dreaded, not asked for, and embarrassing...


Early bird, and Gracious Host, and Top Fisherman
STScott: For getting there early (and literally getting the worms ;-)), and not only ensuring a group site, but doing so graciously and without complaint. Just a good, fun guy to hang out with. Thanks, bud.

Scooby Doo, and And, and Leading from the Rear.
Squeaky: For Where are you? 5 minutes into Sundays ride and we'd already parted ways. Sorta. Snoopster was also nominated. Squeaky also earned the award for the meal with the most conjunctions. Mac AND Cheese AND ... AND ... in one bowl. How, uhh, interesting...
GREAT route on Sunday!! Thanks!!

Tourmeister, and Mystery Shopper
jbh: Hey, it's Scott!! On an...FJR, what the...? And for scoping out and reporting well on the quality, content, and pricing of the dealership. NOT however, for remembering the directions to the dealership.

Henny Youngman
Tracker: For quotable quips, jabs, and pokes that kept us laughing straight through. ...Chuck Norris...:lol2::lol2::lol2:

Prodigal Son, and Most Improved
Tehtank: For taking a ribbing at the hands of the arguably "more mature" set, and for increasing his daily mileage by 333 miles. Good riding, bud!

Don't Leave Home Without
Rsquared: Roger never ceases to impress me with his easy-going, naturally friendly, generous and capable nature. For being more relaxed and flexible than a stoner on their day off. Thanks, bud.

Blue Blur
Snoopster. Perennial favorite Thermalser was displaced by Deb. I'd either forgotten, never noticed, or never had a chance to notice, she can flat out ride.

And now presenting, the first ever, long awaited, heavily debated, Group Awards!!

Orion's Belt
leeroy, kocook, Texian, Thermalser: These guys are so fast, they're just 4 tiny spots in the distance. Good to see you guys though, if only briefly. Lesson learned: Exchange numbers with multiple people at different sites.

Quality in Lighting
Tracker and Rsquared. Should be a ride rule that the sweeper has to wear one of those jackets.

Finally, the Non-participant Participant Awards!

Wake Up Little
Soozy: Or Soozy's burg' rather. We were starting to worry till Tracker showed up and relayed the starting problems story.

Bless Her Heart
Cracker Barrel waitress: She said she was frazzled by the biker rally that had been in earlier. There was some debate amongst us that she was frazzled from the mentally taxing accomplishment of getting her shoes on the right feet. So... bless her heart. (Good one, Scott!!)

Unclear on the Concept
Bandera: For coming to a motorcycle rally on a bicycle. ;-)
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It was just a perfect 4 days of Hill Country riding! :rider:

We put down over 400 miles on Friday alone, covering all three sisters and then some. I'm glad we ran into the rest of the group on Saturday in Leakey and could atleast run up 337 for a while.:trust:

Here are some shots of the shady characters buzzing around the Hills this weekend....

Thursday 04-10-08 A Beginning

It was a dark and stormy night…….well it was!!! It was nasty the night before the morning departure….rain, high winds, rain, lightning, thunder and an 80lb monster of a dog turned quivering pansy was trying to violate the laws of physics by occupying the same space in my bed that I had already claimed all combined to make for no sleep.

So being the intrepid hero that I am I called Sharkey and said “Hey….let’s wait a couple of hours and let the streets dry up and then head out”. Sharkey, being Sharkey said “Sure”. Blessed Morpheus take me!!!!

Two hours later we hit the road…..me bound for glory and fame at the TWT Spring Rally, courageously conceived and meticulously planned by STRider (more on that later) and Sharkey to Austin for some continuing education (involving guns, knives, and explosives….and that was just in the hospitality suite!!!).

Sharkey gassing up his testosterone challenged ride….aka “scooter”…aka “Sharkey’s 5th bike in two years”:

Arriving at Inks Lake SP I was able to beat back the hostile natives and claim this camping site:


The view was great!!!!

The fishing not so much….these weeds are about all I caught on this trip. A lot of fishing went on but no catching:

Friday 04-11-08 Reinforcements Arrive

After what would be my last early night I awake refreshed and do some sightseeing.

Lost Caverns SP:


Matt (STRider), the man who planned this shindig arrives:

A photo of a rarely captured natural phenomena….two motorcycles sniffing tailpipes to get acquainted:

Beer??? There is no beer here sir....why would you think we had beer? We would never violate park rules!! Never!!!

So….we’re sitting around the campfire, not drunk from the beer we never had, when Brad’s ears perk up and says “I think that there is a Triumph Speed Triple coming” (we soon figured out that Brad is the “rainman” of motorcycle engine noise and lore) and sure enough here arrives Gary (Tracker) on his Triumph Speed Triple. Of course since it was kinda late and he had been riding for a long time he missed the signal fire that Brad (who is also a latent pyro) had built, drove around our campsite and back to the entrance of the camp. This forced us to stumble….did I say stumble? I meant walk with great purpose to the front of the campground...no mean feat when one has been drinking (or so I am told) and yell “Hey!!! You here for the rally!!” and that is how Gary and his son Lane (TEHTANK) arrived at our humble campsite.

Thus kinda endeth Friday.

Saturday 04-12-08 We Ride!!! And Girls Arrive!!!

Saturday morning we wake fresh and rested, ready to face the route Matt has planned.

Gary getting ready to unload Lane’s new to him Honda Magna V30:

We are joined by Roger (RSquared) on his FZ1

The pre ride gathering:

The post gas “where the heck are we and where are going meeting”:

The closest I ever came to Roger:

A brief interlude:






On the road again:



We meet the fast group:




All in all it was a great ride. Matt set a good pace, everyone had fun and no one crashed.

When we arrived in camp we found GIRLS!!!! And not just any girls but the infamous Squeaky and her trusty sidekick Deb.

We spend the rest of the evening NOT drinking around a huge campfire and we solve the world’s problems.

Sunday 04-12-08 I Do My Own Thing and Everyone Else Does a Co-Ed Ride

Sunday morning I awake and document everyone’s campsite.

Gary and Lane:

Rebecca and Deb:

Brad (you can seen his tent hiding in the woods):

Squeaky and Deb join us for breakfast


…where Squeaky eats reconstituted egg like stuff and brings back some not so good memories for the veterans in the group (Matt and I…all the rest of the group were dope smoking long haired draft dodgers!!! :mrgreen: ).

Roger rejoins our group and they all head out for a ride.

I, on the other hand, had signed up for the Vanishing Texas River Cruise out of Lake Buchanan. If any of you are ever down there….go do this!! It is worth the twenty bucks!!! The cruise takes you through Lake Buchanan and up a portion of the Colorado river.

Pictures from the cruise:




After the cruise I do some riding around and find that cows like the ST1300:

I also find a 1949 Super Packard:

Monday 04-14-08 The Winding Road Home

Matt and I pack up our campsites and say a tearful goodbye….well, I wasn’t crying but that Matt sure is an emotional guy.

Leave no trace:

What the well packed bike is wearing this year:


Lampasa…..I stop at the “Yum Factory for lunch:

A hard boiled, breaded, deep fried egg…when I saw this on the menu I just had to try it…..not bad!!!:

“Did you see the size of that chicken?”:

Name the movie and I’ll mail you Matt’s map book that he left behind. :rider:

Quotes from the weekend:

"Sunshine on your backside and cup of coffee"

"Here's a beer...thanks for watching my sausage"

"The TW200 is the Chuck Norris of motorcycles....it doesn't drive on the dirt, the dirt parts to let it by"

"Gravity chunks....they're everywhere!!!"

Matt.....thanks for a great weekend!!!:clap:

Hopefully more folks will jump on the fun next time.:rider:
Well that was fun. If you were'nt there you missed a great ride. Thanks again Matt. It was a pleasure to meet everyone, Thanks for letting me ride along.

Oh and Scott, the movie was Young Guns and the character was Dirty Steve. I'll P.M. you my address for Matt's Map book.
I graciously accept my award and thank everyone who made it possible.

You all look like fun folks. I am sorry I missed this. If I had made it there, I was not bringing home brewed beer or Crown.
So Matt did not get the group lost or headed down the wrong roads? It would seem he is getting better at this :lol2:

Roger, if you ever get up this way, give me a shout. I have a strap thing of yours, ROK strap or something? It was left in the truck after the Arkansas trip last fall. Came across it while looking for my missing TwinMax balancer... :argh:
Well, Deb was VERY patient with me all the way there and back. My speed has decreased lately (mental block?) and she just went right along with it. When we were following the group Sunday, I'm sure she was glad to have a chance to stretch her legs a bit.
Met Deb in Fulshear bright and early



We got caught up in the MS150 mess for a little while, which I thought I had routed us around to avoid. Oh well. We were in no hurry.


We finally made it through to 290 when traffic came to a standstill - the annual Chappel Hill wildflower festival was under way. :doh:

We detoured around the madness and eventually needed to u-turn, which brought us to this structure. It looked too good to pass up the photo op.


The day was beautiful. Blue skies, white clouds, and temps in the mid 70s.





Do you see what I see?


Look closer...



Deb and I eventually got to the park and found the loop Matt had reserved for the group. Since the boys were nowhere to be found, we st up camp and went for a walk around the park to take advantage of the remaining daylight.











We found a group that had a band playiing on the other side of the park.


The boys eventually made their way back and we had dinner, made fire, and reveled in stories and jokes for the remainder of the evening.

What happens at Inks Lake stays at Inks Lake....
(day 2 still to come)
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What is it we are supposed to be seeing in those two pics? :scratch: I am old and slow, so I must be missing something... :shrug: