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To Texoma for a little (very little) fishing

Aug 1, 2007
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Fort Worth
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Friday I took off from work to head up to Texoma for a striper fishing trip. Our church's men's ministry is doing more outdoors events, and we organized this one. We had 7 guides showing up on Saturday morning to take 28 of us out. One group of four went up there Friday morning, and they limited out by 9:15, so we had a great fish fry Friday night. My friend Josh needed to leave from work over in Irving, so it was a great opportunity for me to ride up there.

Here's the route I took up there:

Getting out of town and up to Denton was kind of a whipping, but I wasn't going through Dallas if I could help it. That would have been worse. Once I got through Denton, things opened up a bit.

There are lots of nice horse ranches on 455 and 377. It wasn't terribly curvy, but the elevation changes a bit, and it was a pleasant ride. FM 902 had a sign that said, "Rough Road 11 miles", and they weren't kidding. There weren't a lot of potholes, but the surface was very rough. Rough enough that I turned off at 289 instead of going all the way to Hwy. 75. Hwy. 289 and 56 were rather nice.

The fishing was a bit disappointing, at least for those in my boat. We caught 6 fish, only one more than 2 pounds. Friday night the wind shifted and drove all the bait fish from their accustomed spots. The other guides apparently worked harder or knew more than ours did, and the other fishermen caught 5 or 7 fish each. I wasn't all that pleased with our guide. Oh, well. You pays your money and takes your chances. Doug Shaw was the guide who contacted the other 6 guides and set this up. I recommend him highly, even if our guide didn't get us onto the fish very well.

Coming home I decided to try 121 instead of 902. Guess what? The same sign was on 121. There must be an unwritten law that east/west FMs in that area are poorly paved. Actually, there was one left-hander on 121 with a very rough strip right at the apex that gave me a few moments with my heart up in my throat.

Here's the route I took home:

Again, there were some nice horse farms on the north side of Lake Ray Roberts. There were some absolutely beautiful little foals out with their mothers on some of the farms.

I had initially planned to skip most of I-35 and come south on 156 from Krum, but I was tired after little sleep and a day on the water, and just took the straightest route from Sanger.

Here are some of the pictures. Most of the ones I took were at Texoma. . I have to learn to stop and get more photos. The problem is I'm usually past a nice picture by the time I see it.

Loaded up

Me and Dale

Our cabin

Look! There's the water!

Local residents

Cove at Little Mineral

Harleys in their natural habitat

Kids and fire

The dock - one of the guys caught a 17 pound black drum right here on Friday.

All this food makes me dizzy

He's fishing. Really.

THEY were catching fish

Our crew and our meager catch

I stopped to change maps in Tioga and saw this quaint sign. Must be a biker's sign, because there's flames.
Doug does our fishing trip every year and does a great job also. I think he's loyal to some guides that he shouldn't be though, as there are some that just don't catch fish, year after year.