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Not bad for the first solo trip.

Sturgis is coming up soon. The talk around the campfire was that I should go. The group felt that as soon as I would arrive, some burly group would up-end my scooter into a dumpster.

I went to Walmart today and found Fly's little brother parked with him when I came out.



Across the street there is a Sonic where I talked with two fellows who were busy putting 30,000 test miles on a couple of '09 Saturn Vue Hybrids.


33mpg. 120,000 mile batteries that power basically a golf cart electric motor. The batteries do not have to be recharged by plugging in to an outlet because they charge from the turning wheels and the braking system. Now when the batteries do go, they will be about $6000 to replace.


I rode over Monarch Pass for fun. Going up, the drops were on the left and a lane or two away from me. It was all good! Coming back across, the left scary stuff became the RIGHT scary stuff. I am very uncomfortable with steep drops beside me so the cold, the rain, and the fear gave me rubber knees. That was fun too.

Chuck pulled up behind me to make his own picture of the sign at the divide. I tried to get out of his way more quickly but ended up dumping about $20 worth of quarters on the ground from my camera bag, and most likely showing my butt crack cleavage when I stooped down to gather them. Oh yes...I am cool.


So I put him to work taking my picture. I am on the Pacific side....


And now I am on the Atlantic side!


Lots of beautiful scenery.








Not so beautiful scenery. heheheh


I pulled off into gravel to take their picture and came as close to dropping the scooter as I ever have (except the time I fell off of it), so to act cool, I took pictures of scenery that was not so pretty.



And of course that worked and made one of them think he should flirt, but all he could think to talk about were the lodge pole pines I had just photographed to cover up my own mess-up. I learned much about the pines as I backed away slowly. It was never destined to work out, so they left while I walked my bike out to the road while gravel rolled around under my boots.

I just don't understand why I am single when I look like this in the morning.

:shock: :eek2: Yikes!!!! I have unleashed a mad motorcycle :pirate: !!!! :uhoh:
Great report Soozy! You should definitely go to Sturgis.:thumb: Just be careful which campground you go to, if you can still get in. Check the web pages for some of the campgrounds. Buffalo Chip is one to stay away from unless you want to get loose. We had some CMA friends stay at a place called Vanocker Campground right in Sturgis. They said it was really nice and not wild and crazy, but that was in 2000.
Here are a few shots of the wildest part of the river run we took a few days ago.

Soozy, Mikeal sent me your thread and I have enjoyed your pictures, and look forward to talking rafting in addition to motorcycling. Looks like you are having a truly great adventure.

These shots were taken earlier in the summer on my all girls adventure. We are on the Galatin River in Big Sky, Montana. Julia and I are in the very front of the raft on the first photo and you can only see our orrs in the second. We went up a day early so we could go rafting before the air race started. Montana had wonderful snow this year, so the river was very high. I think they said 5100cfs. Whatever it was, we had a great time.



We will have lots to talk about at our next TWTX M&G when you return.

Arlene (signed in on Mikeal's account)
What's the world coming too? Women who race airplanes and ride motorcycles on solo trips across the country (to Sturgis on a scooter, no less) and float the wild rivers?

Please share your adventures with the younger generations. Little girls so need positive and active role models.
This was/is such a great ride report, I might just have to cancel mine 'cause it will pale in comparison. :clap:
This was/is such a great ride report, I might just have to cancel mine 'cause it will pale in comparison. :clap:
Post it, please. Each journeys is, or can be an adventure. It means something to those that rode it, the places and people they met and visited, and to those of us whom they share it with through their photos and stories. No matter the distance or ground traveled.
What did you do to the Timid Soozy I used to know that was afraid to venture off by herself?:eek2:

Please send us some cool air and rain!
Soozy - you are my hero - posting a morning picture of yourself - you rock girl
Arlene, I am looking forward to seeing you.
Texason, Thank you.
Artcwolf....I am waiting to read your report!
Rich, I really never was timid, I was just learning to ride safely. Ken worked patiently all year with me and stepped up the challenge every ride. I actually enjoy being alone.
Voyager, thank you too!
cwdancer....if the picture had not looked better than the real thing I never would have posted it...hahahahah!

Sometimes you must step back from the fun and do some of the things life requires. The end of this month, Joe and Margie had to vacate the house they had been house-sitting for so many years and move into this one.



Look at this garage!


We spent the evening and next day packing and moving their belongings. I have some shots of the loads. What is nice about moving here is you do not sweat. I helped Joe shove his hot tub down a ramp off of the deck it lived on. It got stuck, so I put my back against it and pushed while Joe pulled. The thing shot down the ramp and off the end about halfway. Joe was in the space between the trailer and the bottom of the tub. He said, "Ok, thank you I think that will do." He is good with the art of understatement.





The trampoline had to be moved and of course, who wants to take THAT apart? So we put it on top of the truck and drove it to the new place.




I am following in the Shuttle Betty and snapping pictures.





I think it looked like a red neck satellite dish.

I am taking it easy today. Hannah and Jennifer, Joe's daughter are due tonight.

Hannah had Heather ride Pyro to a shop for inspection. Pyro passed without bursting into flames. He did die and not restart at an intersection, so the girls learned about the 24 hour wait for a gel cell battery. They finagled something to get Pyro somewhere safe until Hannah returns and takes the MSF. Heather rides a 650 and 750 Shadow, and her comment about Pyro was "Sure is squatty."

Hey, why did Joe let the air out of the UFO that landed on his truck?

What did you do to the Timid Soozy I used to know that was afraid to venture off by herself?:eek2:

Please send us some cool air and rain!

Soozy is not really a timid person. I think you'll enjoy the refurbished Soozy even more than the fake one. Ask her to demonstrate hanging spoons.
Soozy, your Colorado report and pics of riding, rafting, camping and moving furniture is being enjoyed. I certainly have to admit there's lots of envy in me since the heat advisory afternoons here in Texas are not condusive for some nice riding. You missed a good pie run in Celina but cwdancer from Lindale braved the heat and we represented for the big scooter Burgman riders.
OK, keep up the fun there in the beautiful Rocky Mountain places, where there's good riding to do with wonderful sights to enjoy and it's not 100+degrees. Oh geesh, I'm tempted to pack up and head for cooler weather. Neal
Thanks Neal!

Shortly before I started this ride a dear friend I had lost contact with for about 20 years found me. Marianne and I were in the screen printing business together for a time. She and I have been catching up on our lives through email and now through this ride report. When she saw the post about earplugs, she sent out a set of Audio-Technica QuietPoint ATH-ANC3 noise canceling earbuds. I have been wearing them for 2 days and I find them comfortable and I can hear my music at 70mph. Right now I am wearing the medium size, but I want to try the large tomorrow to see if it cancels even more noise.

How cool is this?!


I asked Marianne if I could pay for them, and she said probably not as they market for $170,:eek2: but she is a rep for the company and gets some for free.:clap:

Marianne, you rock!!
She really does rock by the way. She is a member of the band The Bats. Their music is just a lot of fun!

Here is a cool link

and the official website

Hannah and Jennifer made it in safely last night and any minute they will be here to pick me up for breakfast!

Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into today.
"trouble we can get into" = "fun we can have"

You go!
I am waiting at the house to get gas.....

hooked up so there will be hot water. I told a shower story to Hannah and Jennifer last night at dinner. She made me promise to share it with you all. Sigh...here goes.

I have been using pay showers most of the time since I arrived here. There is one nifty place that has pay showers, internet Wifi, and washers. What more does one need? So I am there to use all three and I have plenty of quarters. Start the laundry...$2.50...box of detergent....$.75. Wait and wait on the shower to empty. A line builds up for the shower and now it is me and an older couple waiting. I promise them I will be fast. A couple FINALLY leave the shower. I jet in and shed the clothes that were so dirty, they had almost developed personalities of their own. I start dropping quarters in the slots. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.....oh no! I need one more quarter!!!! Now I either have to dress and go out for change or maybe...maybe no one will notice if I wear a towel? So I dash out in a towel with 2 dimes and a nickel and ask the nice old couple if they have a quarter...nope. I grab the only bill I have, a ten, and run to the change machine. Forty quarters tumble out and NOW I need 2 hands for quarters and one hand for towel. And of course I have every person's attention in the place. I felt like I had stepped into a Lucy episode. I made a mad dash back to the shower losing quarters but saving the towel.

Sorry it didn't end the way some might hope. hahahah!
Chuck pulled up behind me to make his own picture of the sign at the divide. I tried to get out of his way more quickly but ended up dumping about $20 worth of quarters on the ground from my camera bag, and most likely showing my butt crack cleavage when I stooped down to gather them. Oh yes...I am cool.

So I put him to work taking my picture. I am on the Pacific side....

So now we know why you were carring $20 worth of quarters in your camera bag. So when others at the shower ran out of quarters in the shower you could loan them the quarter from the camera bag and get a quick shot of them with the camera as they ran back to the shower in their towel. :rofl:
7 or 9 spoons?

better stick with 7. This is supposed to be a family-safe site.

I am waiting at the house to get gas.....

Why, is it full of Mexican food, pickled eggs, and beer?

I have been using pay showers most of the time since I arrived here. There is one nifty place that has pay showers, internet Wifi, and washers. What more does one need? So I am there to use all three and I have plenty of quarters. Start the laundry...$2.50...box of detergent....$.75. Wait and wait on the shower to empty. A line builds up for the shower and now it is me and an older couple waiting. I promise them I will be fast. A couple FINALLY leave the shower. I jet in and shed the clothes that were so dirty, they had almost developed personalities of their own. I start dropping quarters in the slots. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.....oh no! I need one more quarter!!!! Now I either have to dress and go out for change or maybe...maybe no one will notice if I wear a towel? So I dash out in a towel with 2 dimes and a nickel and ask the nice old couple if they have a quarter...nope. I grab the only bill I have, a ten, and run to the change machine. Forty quarters tumble out and NOW I need 2 hands for quarters and one hand for towel. And of course I have every person's attention in the place. I felt like I had stepped into a Lucy episode. I made a mad dash back to the shower losing quarters but saving the towel.

Sorry it didn't end the way some might hope. hahahah!

:rofl: Why am I not surprised?

So now we know why you were carring $20 worth of quarters in your camera bag. So when others at the shower ran out of quarters in the shower you could loan them the quarter from the camera bag and get a quick shot of them with the camera as they ran back to the shower in their towel. :rofl:

She ran out of quarters in the shower, then had $20 worth in her camera bag. I'm thinking she did the shower towel boogie more than once. No, considering the dropped quarters and the one used for the shower, each event would yield less than $10 in quarters. That adds up to at least three towel boogie events. I think something underhanded is going on here.
The girls relaxed on their first day here.




Salida has a little bit of night life. The girls wanted to try to catch the new Batman movie. We stopped at a Mexican Restaurant where all the owners and workers are fond of my brother. They treated us to a fabulous meal followed with dessert. We never made it to the movie because we were entering food comas after this.



This is still a motor cycle report so here...


What a fabulous Saturday this was! Two boat loads of us went down the river today. It was sunny and unusually warm and just made for one of those aahhhhhhhhhhh days. Here is one boat of first time river trippers getting their safety talk.


And then the girls...


I am a girl, too!


What can I say....a boat load of men...must flirt...


River shots. This was such a happy group.






Goofing off on the railroad tracks.






Ted messing around.


Watch out for the camera!!


Some folks know how to relax.


More fun.





Our fabulous river feet tans.


We somehow turned the 3 hour trip into about 7 hours. We stopped many times to goof around. As we went through Zoom Flume, Joe broke one oar putting us at the mercy of the rapids. The photographer was hollering at us to point it out. I will have pictures of this on Monday.

We stopped across from jump rock and had a long debate about swimming across the river and jumping then swimming back. We watched these folks jumping while we debated.









Then we did it too. But no one took pictures of us! It is amazing how much the river takes out of you when you are in it. We had a little time to warm up before going on.

I have been down this river many times now, but today it targeted me in the rapid known as Raft Ripper. I was washed out of the back of the boat. I managed to grab a rope as I went out and just held on to it as I spun around a bit, then popped up. Little bitty Margie grabbed my PDF by the shoulders and as I was saying she would not be able to pull me in, she yanked me up and in.

I lost my fabulous hat because the river wanted it more than I did.

We are in the middle of a cookout right now....gotta go!
So this day of my report will be action packed. Remember all that follows was ONE day.

More motorcycles. The blue bike belongs to a lady rider. Her husband told me I was giving her a fat head by taking pictures of her bike.



Is that an '08 KLR? It says KLR, but has fancy lights.


We went to a beautiful mountain lake in the Cottonwood pass and fished the shore as well as trolling around on the lake in the raft.





This fellow had a little problem going the wrong way.



Joe had the right wrench for whatever needed fixing.




Lake shots.





Look at all the lures in the trees.



We left there and went to another semi secret place that Joe called teepee town. It was such a wonderful community of folks from all over the world who gather every summer to exist together in this place. We were given a grand tour through this wonderland and invited back for the "Dress-up" party tonight. Here is the tour.

They are into balanced rocks. These were everywhere.




Procrastination Station








Modern conveniences! A wood fired hot tub shared by all.


And a propane fired shower for all.









A central area with kitchen.







I am making Jambalaya!





More goods in the refrigerator.



Even the feel and sound of the cushy forest floor under our feet was a treat.






As we parted we remembered we were responsible for bringing dessert to a rib barbeque being given in our honor by Joe's lovely employee Deb and her husband Larry.

Pulling into the store we parked by this Isettia. He had just driven it over 500 miles to a micro car show and was now on his way back home. It can do up to 50mph if aimed a little down hill. Most of the time he does 40-45. I remember a family dropping their child off at school in one of these. Mom, Dad, and kid wedged in the middle.






On to Deb's party! Beef ribs...yum. I don't think I have ever had them before. It was great food and we had a great time playing card games like Spoons and BS.

From there we went to the Little Cambodia campfire and visited with the raft guides. I usually chat with Rebecca, who lives most of the year in Terlingua with Jeff. They guide the river here in the summer and guide the Rio Grande in the season in Terlingua, and other rivers all over the world as they choose. Rebecca was kind enough to pat the fire out on the back of my sweater when one of the guides threw a lighter into the fire. We both left when another guide showed up with a half gallon of gasoline siphoned from Joe's bug.

I have become thrilled to snuggle into my tent at the end of these busy days.

Your pictures are wonderful - the balancing rocks and the tepee - is not something everyone will experience. Beautiful :clap:
Hi Soozy,
I like your pics and stories looks like you have had full days since you have been there. The pic of the fishing lures reminds me of Marty's fishing. There doesnt even have to be a tree around and he will find one. When we fished it's just like now 2 of everything. Enjoy the rest of your trip will see ya when you return. (IF you decide to return home lol).