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Labor day get away ride to Arkansas - lots of Pics.

Nov 16, 2004
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Bella Vista Arkansas
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Labor day get away ride to Arkansas - Pics.

Wow!! another great weekend in Arkansas. We got in 1200+ miles of riding, it was fantastic! I got home this afternoon around 3PM. I will download the pictures, and start the ride report tomorrow. Thanks to Rob, Jackie, Herman, Larry and his wonderful wife Lynda for making the weekend a good one.


Day 1
N. Texas to Eureka Springs (414M)

I woke up before the alarm and ready to hit the road. I have been unemployed for a couple of weeks and the weight of the world has been on my shoulders. I really needed a break and this is what the doctor ordered. We had decided to meet at the Starbucks on Bethany and 75. We would have kick stands up at 7AM. We wanted to get out of the metro-plex as fast as possible.
When I arrived around 6:30, Rob was already there drinking a cup of coffee and ready to start the day. Herman showed up a few minutes later. There was that excitement in the air. The start of any road trip always makes me feel great! By the way I love that feeling. I know it may seem corny, but these types of rides are the reason I love motorcycling. Jackie was going to be joining us in Paris Texas as it was closer and easier to get to from his side of town.


Herman was all smiles, Rob looked scared for some reason. hehehe

We loaded up and hit the road right on time. Another Arkansas trip was underway. We were meeting Jackie at Nancy’s café in Paris. No one in the group had eaten there in the past so we did not know what to expect. Jackie was already in the parking lot when we arrived. We got to the café around 8:30AM. The food was very good and very cheap. I ate 2 eggs, sausage, has browns and biscuits for under $4.00! Not a bad deal at all.


Not a fancy place, but the food was good and the service even better!


The boys loading up.

We always take pretty much the same route to get out of North Dallas. We run down 75 to 121 then head over to 82. We leave Paris and jump on FM 195 to 37 thru Idabel and then jump on 259 heading into Oklahoma. We usually head over the Talimena Scenic drive, but the weather was looking very dark up that way. We have done more rides than I can remember in the rain up there so we decided to go on 8 across the valley into Mena. We got some rain showers but it was not bad. The ridge was getting pounded. The scary part was the lightning. For a few miles it seemed like it was all around. We stopped in Mena and fueled up and had a drink at the local Sonic.

The rain was nice as it really cooled things off some. Herman did have to cover his radio and Radar detector, so we stopped on the side of the road and let him do it. (more on this later) The ride was nice and the weather cleared up right after we left Mena. I tried to take some pictures, but I was very bad at it. I am used to Jamie sitting on the back and documenting the journey. Well she could not come with us, so I tried taking pictures while riding. I put my camera on a lanyard and had it around my neck. When I thought it was safe, I would turn it on (hard to do in gloved hands) and try and snap a few. The results were mixed.


Just me going down the road


You can see the guys up ahead if you really try.


Riding with one hand over 70 is not my idea of fun, actually it is pretty stupid.


Getting really dark out


Getting a drink and drying out some.

We actually made pretty good time. We would ride 65-80 miles take a short break and forge ahead. We could see we were riding out of the weather front. The skies cleared and the temps climbed. I think it went from 70 – 90 in 5 minutes. It was a tad muggy as well. I have been told that I don’t write more and include more information on the roads that we take, so this time I am really trying. We headed out of Mena on 59 to 270 into Y city, then 71 up thru Waldron. Speaking of this little slice of heaven, Waldron is a little town nothing special just a speed bump on the way to better riding. Remember when I said that Herman had to cover his radar detector?

Well at that time Rob took off his detector and put it in the top case to make sure it was safe and sound. Now both of these guys have these space age, big time radar machines, that they call valentine. Well I have to tell you something.. they work like crap when not used or used correctly. Herman had flipped a wrong switch and Rob had put his away. We were cruising along and passed a slow car, We are going at a good pace when I look to the left and see a nice state trooper flashing a blue light at the boys ahead, I look down to realize that I was exceeding the speed limit, well he did not blue light me, I got to see all of the pretty little colors. He swung a U and was on me in a hurry, I pulled over and watched as all of the BMW’s kept going.

Trooper Darwin, was a very nice guy, he informed me that he hated to pull me over ( he likes bikers), but I could not do 84 in a 55 on his watch. I was flabbergasted as I thought the speed limit was 65. (like that really made a difference) He calmed me down as he said that he knew what had happened as he saw us pass the car and then watched as I was in the back trying to catch up. He said he flashed the boys ahead as they were going 71 in a 55, he laughed as he said not one of them slowed down. I would find out later that the guys thought the limit was 65, so they thought he was just being a jerk. He also said he knew the pact of not all of the bikes stopping, so he knew I was on my own. He asked for my license and walked back to the car. All I could think about was how many dollars this ticket would cost me. Let’s see 29 over, **** I might be going to the local jail, if this well spoken, great big trooper decides that I am a menace to society. I was standing next to the bike when he walked back up. He said he was going to chew my butt for a few more minutes, but he would only write me for 67 in a 55 and pro-rate the appearance date to Oct 15 to allow for some time to get some cash together to pay the ticket. He was a nice guy and I knew I was in the wrong. I have never been stopped on a motorcycle trip and the bad part was, we were on the straightest, most boring part of road on the entire trip. I could see getting nailed in the fun stuff, but in Waldron? I was bummed but also know it could have been a lot worse.


Trooper looking up my info, he was a nice guy, it could have gone a lot worse than it was.

The guys were stopped a few miles down the road. They did not know I was getting a ticket. They were bummed as both radar detectors were out of use. It could have saved me a few bucks. Ultimately I am the one that is held accountable and I should have known better.
We went up 71 to 28 and the jumped on 23. We rode the pigs trail up to the springs without incident. 23 north of Ozark all the way to Eureka springs is a lot of fun. You can see a video done by a rider on the pig trail here. It is not me but you will get the right idea of how much fun the road is. We got to the Edelweiss Inn around 4:30PM. It was a great day of riding.


Heading up to the pig trail


Bikes in front of the Inn.


Had to finish the day off with some cobbler.


The Trophy all cleaned up and ready to hit the road.


Day 2
Eureka Springs – Bull Shoals and Missouri roads. (233M)

Last night my phone rang as I was just about to turn in. It was Larry. I have never met him, but I posted on the Two Wheeled Only board that we would be in Eureka Springs and if anyone else was up there and wanted to join us or stop by and have a beer, they were welcome. Larry e-mailed me earlier in the week and said they would be staying at our hotel and that he and his wife Lynda would like to join us. Larry rides a BMW 1200LT so he would fit right in with the rest of the beemers in our group. He was calling to say that he would be in later that evening, as they had been caught in the rain.

I woke up Saturday morning ready to go explore some of the Northern Arkansas and Missouri roads. I noticed that Larry’s BMW was in the parking lot, so they must have made it in late last night. I gave them a call and told them we were headed over to Pancakes for breakfast. It is a nice small place right across the street from the INN. The B-fast buffet is good and the coffee is great so it works out well. We walked over and were joined later by Linda & Larry. We introduced ourselves and it all seemed right. Larry and his wife were going to fit in nicely.


The bikes all ready for a great Saturday

The route took us thru the Northern Arkansas landscape, over to Bull Shoals where we would wait and take a ferry ride into Missouri. I had planned this ferry crossing a number of times I the past, but for many reasons had never pulled it off. Today we were going to do it and I was excited. If anyone wants to routes that we took, I will attach them to this ride report. We had a very nice ride in the morning. The Arkansas country side is beautiful and the temperature was very pleasant. It was made for riding. I am always amazed at how good the pavement is in Arkansas. The roads are like racetracks. It is very nice. We jump onto a couple of country roads, which were very narrow but beautiful. It is so cool riding out in the middle of nowhere. The rest of the world seems miles away. We reached the ferry and had to wait about 25 minutes for it to come and get us. I have to say it was very cool. Yes I know I am easily amused. Hehehe.


I was pretty excited about the Ferry Crossing


The gang all lined up waiting for the ferry


Jackie looks excited as well.


Larry and his big LT waiting to load up


Unloading the ferry on our side as we wait to load


The gang all loaded up


Lynda enjoying the trip, I got the best side of Larry as well.


Trophy Art ?


Jackie taking my picture as I take his.


The group on the other side waiting for us to unload.

After the ferry ride, we rode a little and decided that we needed to get some fuel and eat. It seems like on these trips, all we do is ride, eat, sleep and repeat! Not a bad gig if I do say so myself. We headed into Kirbyville and ate at a little place called Danna’s. The food was good the service great and it was a very nice place to stop. We were about 10 miles outside of Branson and that was as close as we wanted to get. The traffic around the area was really light and very nice.


Danna’s BBQ.


BBQ Diva, the staff was so friendly


Rob enjoying his lunch


Rob praying to the BBQ God! Jackie and Herman look happy.


Rob did not get enough of the leaning while riding so he is practicing.

We rode some wonderful roads after lunch, nice and twisty and a few had some nice elevation changes. I really missed having Jamie around on the ride. I miss the fun we have and the way that she gets some great pictures. It is hard to snap away when you are riding hard and having some fun. We stopped at some lake, I don’t remember the name. We took it easy heading back to the Springs. Just made a few stops and was back in the room around 4PM.


Rob’s GT looking good getting some shade at the lake


The group getting some rest by the lake


The Trophy hanging out and enjoying the day

We got back and took it easy, trying to cool off. We showered and headed over to the local Pizza Hut. I wanted to get back to the INN to catch the UNM Lobo football game later that evening. We enjoyed our dinner, had some more cobbler and headed back to the room. We chatted bikes and watched the game, well I watched as it was not very pretty. However the day was good and the riding was excellent and I also got to do the ferry crossing so life was good.


We stopped at the Dam outside the springs, they banished the Trophy as not to ruin the BMW area of the picture.


Nerd patrol and their fancy GPS thingies


Not a good night for the good guys!


Love the classic look of the Trophy's instrument panel! Looking forward to the rest of the story.
Neat pics. Will be in the region soon, is the ferry crossing off 125, or which route?:rider: :eat:
What blue lights? I didn't see any blue lights :ponder:
Day 3
Eureka Springs – Push Mountain, AR16, AR 123 to Clarksville (258M)

We woke up On Sunday to another beautiful day. The morning was cool and the sky was clear. We were watching all of the reports concerning the hurricane Gustov and we were hoping it would stay away long enough for us to get home. We packed up our bikes as this was our last night in the springs. Tonight we would meet up with my brother in Clarksville. We wanted to get closer to home after a hard day of riding very demanding roads.

We went to breakfast at Pancakes and then headed down 62 towards Mountain home then down Push Mountain over to 27, 16 and 123. It is hard to miss a good road in this part of the country. I have to say it again; most of the roads are beautiful, the asphalt perfect and the riding does not get any better than this anywhere. There is little traffic it is pretty close to motorcycle mecca. The pace was pretty brisk as all of us were working pretty hard. There is nothing like blazing thru nice roads, curve after curve, bike after bike. It is a ballet and a wonderful one at that.


Breakfast at Pancakes almost a tradition.


all smiles as Push mountain road was coming up


This was just the beginning


Beautiful roads


The bike was leaned over some as I took this picture, again hard to do with one hand.

After push mountain we headed for lunch stop in Marshall AR. We stopped and ate at the Daisy Queen. The burgers are good and the place is always busy. We had a nice lunch and then headed back out for some spirited riding. 16 and 123 are awesome roads. The minute you hit Push Mountain the curves do not end until you are almost in Clarksville. We would kill for these roads in Texas. I hear people talk about the Texas Hill Country and riding the three sisters. Trust me, these roads blow those away. It is not even a fair comparison. We have done the hill country a few times, and to be honest if I have a choice it is Arkansas HERE WE COME everytime!

We took a break at Sand Gap. There is a nice country store there and since it is a crossroads for 16, 123 and 7 there are always a bunch of bikes just hanging out. It is pretty cool.


Vette enjoying the nice roads as well.


Pretty colors at Daisy Queen


Rob ordering lunch


Bikes at Sands Gap. Pretty cool little general store


all types of bikes and riders were out enjoying the roads


Busa was with large group from the Houston area


16 is awesome, but so is 123, and 7 and so many more roads in that area.


Trophy enjoying the shade.

While at lunch, I got a text from my brother. He said he had some kind of bug and would not be joining us in Clarksville. That was a bummer, but I understand. It is hard riding a bike, when you can’t leave the bathroom.
By the time we got into Clarksville it was a tad warm. The humidity was off the charts and the sun was hot. We all jumped in the shower and then headed down the road a ¼ of a mile or so to get dinner. It was a nice little home style place and the food was good. It was so hot and we all had cleaned up so we did the squid thing to the restaurant. It feels so strange riding in shorts, tennis shoes and a t-shirt. I could not do it for any amount of time. We got back to the hotel and watched the end of the 250 and GP race so it was a fitting end to the day. When we all pulled into Clarksville after the hard riding we were all amazed that our tires were balling up on the outside due to all of the heat. Not too bad for a bunch of old guys. What a great day!


No gear feels strange


Rob knows where he is headed after dinner


Day 4
Clarksville to Queen Wilimena Lodge, Talihena Scenic Drive, then gets lost and rides home by myself. (352M)

We woke up to some humid weather. We knew we were not in the cool air of the springs any longer. The hotel was full, since there were a bunch of people from LA trying to escape the hurricane in their home state. This was really sad as we spoke with some people who were going thru this for the 3rd time in as many years. Not fun.

We decided to head out at 7AM and ride over to the Queen Wilimena Lodge for B-fast. It was 80-90 miles down the road but we would be closer to home after we finished eating our meal. The ride over there was pretty uneventful after the past couple of days of great rising. It was fun, just not really fun. Hehehe. We got up to the lodge and the weather was awesome. It was clear and beautiful.
I took off a few minutes before the gang as I wanted to get some action shots of the guys on the parkway. The pictures did not come out great, but I tried. I love that road up there. You can go fast and the elevation changes are awesome. The vistas are beautiful.


Bikes all lined up at rest area


another view


beautiful road


clear blue sky


Jackie zooming by


Rob and the guys


Blurry Jackie

We took turns taking pictures of each other all the way down the mountain. Now I have done this route a number of times. I know that I have to get on 259 but somehow I missed the turn and next thing I know I am in Talihena. I called the guys, and they all watch me as I missed the turn, but they thought I would figure it out. Well I didn’t..doh. So I just went down 271 and the hit 69 to 75 and slabbed home. I actually made it home by 3PM. The guys came back thru Paris and got home around 4PM. It was a great trip. I logged in 1260+ miles. It was awesome. I can’t wait to do it again.


This guy was filling up with me at Atoka. Nice scrambler


Jackie took this of me on the parkway


Zoomed in on me..

Great friends, Great Roads! I am ready to do it all over again.
Great riding up there. My mom lives in Bella Vista. I'll be heading that way as part of a ride later this month. Can't wait. Thanks for sharing your ride.
Sorry I missed it, but then again... Not... I'm usually the guy in the back... Looks like another great trip. Aint it funny how the BMW's just disappear:moon:
Looks like a fun trip!

Was the Hankins General Store at Sand Gap actually open?? I've been by there dozens of times and have yet to see it open for business.
We probably crossed paths at some point! We had a small group staying at the Hot Springs KOA from 8-29 'till yesterday...rode up 7s to 16, 123, 74 etc..

Two of the guys with us had never actually ridden 123 from Lurton up to Mt. Judea. I think I can still hear them giggling like schoolgirls!:rider: There's not a boring road to speak of.

Awesome pics and a great report. It's truly a different world on 2 wheels up there!
Jerry your ride reports are always so great! Glad you guys had fun, and the pictures are awesome!
Great report and pics, thanks for posting. :thumb:

We're just about set to wander around Arkansas and Missouri starting 9/8. This reports just got me more psyched! :drool:
Thanks, enjoyed the Talimina and Arkansas report and pics. Seems like long ago riding the Ozarks and makes me wanna do it again. Good grief.....haven't been there since 2nd week of August...that's too much time passed by! Neal