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October 2008: East Texas Dual Sport Ride

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
North TX
First Name
Someone has to start this off... and I'm probably the first one home.... most of the other guys are still riding.... but my wife and I put up the white flag this morning and headed home.


This weekend was a great ride with special thanks to Thumper for getting us motivated and for DixonDuke who helped with the previous ride's routing. Another thanks goes out to the Harbor Light Marina (and other guests) who were quite happy to have us and were even able to put up with our rambunkshusness and noise early this Sunday Morning

I believe a total of 35 bikes showed up at the beginning point (which I did not attend) and I got a head count of 31 at dinner last night. :clap:

I'll start off this thread with a few of my photos from Yesterday and Today.



My wife's first wreck... "dang sand!" You can see her tracks and then the puddle of gas. She was fine and was laughing! My sweet-heart. :kiss: She wasn't laughing about her next accident though (no photo). But the short story is that she went into a ditch and then couldnt get out and accidently popped a wheelie and hurt herself when she landed again in the ditch on her side.:doh:


Mr. Cagiva here.... decided he wanted to muck around in the ditch as well. Apparently he was coming around the curve at a decent clip of about 50mph and decided that he could find better traction by going airborn and on his side. I think he lost the a marble in that one because he was a little too happy a little later... Oh wait, happy it wasnt worse. :rider:


"We figgered yalls were goina be laawd, so wees' gettin yall motorcycle folks to sit in the back." Yes mam.


Don't let this underexposed photo depress you. It was a beautiful day.


Someone should tell Ian (spelling?) that smoking is bad for your health.


The Squeakster (Squeaky) ran out of gas on the other side of the parking lot. :rofl:


Sorry for all of my dust guys (and four lovely ladies).... you understand though.


My sweetie coming through the sand.


And Squeaky coming up sweep!


I'm more of a stop and go kind of person, so I putted back here for a while and finally decided to take off...... and caught back up to the lead within 6 miles (while doing 45-80mph)

"Hey! Let me ride your bike!"

Looks like a moto or two slid this corner. :rider:

Not the best picture....

But you have got to love a girl that likes getting dirty! :clap:


Our four lovely ladies posing infront of the family dollar... no sense in wastin time out in the woods to get a photo. Nope. Just when Richard's heavy right hand and thirsty XR needs a drink from the tap.


And I left. Nine Mile Road awaits.


"What are yall doin here? Where does that trail go?" Duke-"Oh it makes a loop back around to NMR. Not sure if it comes out though" Me- "Be Right back"


Didnt go much farther than this.:argh:


What is the most dissappointing thing, Richard? Please don't repeat my response.

Squeaky couldnt make it....


And neither could Willy.

A little ways down the trail a group passes us in the other direction. The bridge is out about 5 miles down.

I didnt believe them.


looks like a good time was had by all. One of these days I'm going to have a DS and participate in stuff like this

oh and more pics please!
So. I am planning to race the Sand Blast Rally over in South Carolina this comming February. So, for the last few rides I have been in "Rally-mode" where I'm practicing going faster and faster.

This is the result of pushing my limits.

This photo was taken from where I landed only seconds after I summersaulted (spelling?) over the handlebars.

My only explanation for what happened was that I was coming around the corner too hot, decided to dab my foot and give it more gas to slide the back around. Didnt work out as planned because the back caught too much traction and slingshot me into the ditch....


The immediate dammage, and an acheing wrist and my brand new pants ripped pants.

Today that part of my leg is getting progressively more purple, and my wrist needs some Tylenol.

But. My first though was, "I sure as **** hope I didnt screw up my brand new steering bearings!"

Oh and having a pressure suit on definately helped prevent bodily damage.

Someone supplied me with some pain reliever and water. Thanks.

Got back on the bike and blasted away.




I was craving Spagetti but my wife insisted I order Chicken fried steak.... regardless, I wasnt craving it when I was put infront of me.... I was then sick the rest of the night which contributed to us not riding today. :eat:


around the campfire.


Esta manana


Si, un buena dia!



That's all I've got!Have a nice day!
NICE. Sorry I missed it. I will have the WR ready for the next dualsport ride you guys throw out there.

I pulled into the house at 6:30 after dropping Ed off at his house.

We made a real fast trip back to Moscow. We ran the whole return route except for where Thumper told us a bridge was out, plus a little extra NF road riding when I blew past a turn.:eek2:

We pulled into Moscow at 1:30 with 206 miles for the return trip. We only made two quick stops on the way back.

We had a great time!!!

Photos later.
Re: East Texas DS Ride 10-11, 10-12-08

Rich and I left at 8:15 this morning and completed the whole east route by 1:30. :rider: We only stopped twice on the way back. :rider: We would not have had time to complete the whole route if we had not hurried. We even got lost once. We put in 206 miles. Not bad for two old men on loaded down KLR's. :sun: We made it to my house at 6:00. Anyone else complete the whole route today?
Re: East Texas DS Ride 10-11, 10-12-08

I strongly suggest that if you don't already know the folks you're riding with you get something down on paper or at least find out where each person keeps their info on them/their bike.

I personally wear an ID tag (although I can't find it right now) and am always riding with folks I know and that know me - who to call, where I keep my wallet, etc.

You never told me where you keep your wallet?
I had a great time meeting and riding with everyone. Sorry for leaving so early, but Rich and I thought if we left early, rode fast, and took a few small breaks we might be able to complete the whole route. Which we did.:rider: :sun:
Looks like you guys and GIRLS had awesome time.

I had to miss this one due to my bad ankle but decided to do a 3 day road trip

Look who I ran into yesterday searching for a bunch of dirty bikers


:giveup: Cann't a chap go for a solo ride these days ;-)
nice meeting and riding with folks




just a few cell phone photos
:ponder: Jamey October


:ponder: Squeaky January

Got to behave, just gotta, well .......


So Jamey, does Squeaker let you wear her high heels as well as her MX pants ? :rolleyes:
Looks like you all had fun, sorry I missed it. More pics.......

Hey Dude,thought you wandered off somewhere's.P/m me.

Thanks thumper for the effort,this was a kick:rider:

Had a real good time and was able to stretch the xr's legs alittle.
All the way into the knarly ditch.Low speed like a parking lot ding
but the possible out come could have hurt more than my pride.

Thanks folks for the help getting me up and going.
If there's a pict ,go ahead I can take it:giveup:
Hey Dude,thought you wandered off somewhere's.P/m me.

Thanks thumper for the effort,this was a kick:rider:

Had a real good time and was able to stretch the xr's legs alittle.
All the way into the knarly ditch.Low speed like a parking lot ding
but the possible out come could have hurt more than my pride.

Thanks folks for the help getting me up and going.
If there's a pict ,go ahead I can take it:giveup:

Did I miss something?
I had a wonderful first time out with all you folks! Sorry I couldnt have ridden more or stayed for the Saturday after ride festivities. I didnt get to meet as many of you as I would have liked either!
I have a few pics that I will share as soon as I can. I was too busy trying to keep up and wasn't taking too many pics! I think my lungs are still full of dust, however I think I'd rather deal with that than cleaning lots of mud off my bike! Which brings to mind...wonder how long it took Willy to get that mud off his TW200? :rofl: Big thanks to Squeaky for finding that mudhole and providing great entertainment, video and pics!
I think TerraX's wife deserves a medal for her riding, as it was only her second time out. She'll be blowing past us all before long! :clap:
Did I miss something?

Nobody noticed his grass stains after he rejoined the group? :lol2:

I had a blast, although I'm completely worn out and every muscle in my body is screaming at me for what I've done. The muscles hurt so bad, I hardly even notice the headache or the dusty lung chunks anymore. :shrug:

When's the next one? :rider:
Oh! where to begin.

I would like to thank everyone that put this thing together and Harbor Light for putting up with us for the weekend.

This has been one of the best rides that I have attended every. I was glad to put some faces to the names.

It was a long weekend. I didn't get to the house until 10pm last night. And I guess the pic says it all. Sorry it is blurred. Was just numb and was ready to get off the bike when I got back to Harbor Light.

Willy sure did a **** of a job riding his TW 200 all weekend, and even getting stuck in the muck with pride and giving us all a good laugh for the moment.

Can't wait to do it again.

Now it's off to the suspension web sites and start doing some upgrades to the KLR for my fat ***


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Did I miss something?

You are right. The outcome could have been worse. Glad that you are OK.

I coultn't believe what I was seeing watching you head for the ditch like that.

I appoligize if I caused you to have to do that. The GPS was saying turn right and just as I was turning I saw the 2 bikes up ahead at the stop sign and changed course and you came flying around me.

Are you guys talking about this interesection? I noticed someone went flying into the bushes.... I was thinking about it too....

I stopped so that the rest of the group would know where to turn because I was blowing all the dust.:rider:
I had a great time. This is what I bought the KTM for. Well except maybe when the front wheel got a little high on a little bump in the road the the bars came up to meet my chest. Too bad no one was videoing my stupidity. My eyes were probably bigger than my goggles.

It was great meeting everyone. Maybe next time I won't slow Squeaky down!

Here are a few pictures I took.


The obligatory self portrait with shiny new bike in the back ground.


Lunch the first day.







This was a survey mark over looking the lake about 30 feet from Squeaky's Bog.


More Bog area photos.




Photos from mile 8 on 9 Mile Road.








Scott eating the best apple of his life. Rumors have it a passing serpent gave it to him.


Here is Richard trying to do his Capt. Morgan imitation, but no one will look.


A from the balcony at the Harborlight Motel. Home of the Midget Futon.






Dinner at the Harborlight.


After dinner bonfire.




We stopped out in the middle of no where to bask in Texas' efforts for energy independence.
You can just barely see the rig in the back ground. It sounded much closer.







One last stop before heading back to Moscow. Lunch in some little town. At some little cafe.
Food was good, but the highlight was the waitress. She was fun. Even when she thought one of our party was calling her
Monkey Butt. No, I didn't take her picture. I should have.




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