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Flats, a chain, and a broken subframe - My MexTrek Adventure

Thanks ta. I was beginning to wonder if anybody was actually reading this thing. Thought maybe I was wasting my time.


Well, we do have a problem with the way you write. You see your story it to interesting and has some great pics and you WAIT toooo long between you posts:clap: For me that is not a problem during the week cause I am at work but now it is the weekend and I have stuff to take care of.:lol2:

Keep it coming:rider: :rider::popcorn: :popcorn:
Re: Day 7, Friday, 10/24/08 - Continued

I'm not exactly sure what they were trying to do.
I found the pics when they returned my camera the next morning at breakfast.

It was all Anja's idea..... really ;-)

Luckily for me I was able to delete the picts of me before giving your camera back........ So as they, it never really happened right? he he :trust:
Re: Day 7, Friday, 10/24/08 - Continued

It was all Anja's idea..... really ;-)

Luckily for me I was able to delete the picts of me before giving your camera back........ So as they, it never really happened right? he he :trust:

I knew you had to be in on that. Just couldn't figure why nobody got any pics of you.:lol2:

Well, we do have a problem with the way you write. You see your story it to interesting and has some great pics and you WAIT toooo long between you posts:clap: For me that is not a problem during the week cause I am at work but now it is the weekend and I have stuff to take care of.:lol2:

Keep it coming:rider: :rider::popcorn: :popcorn:

Well, it's been a little hectic around here the last few days so I am just trying to squeeze in a little when I can.

Thanks for reading.

Day 8, Saturday, 10/25/08

The majority of folks were leaving the next morning. I got up and milled around the square and said my goodbyes while everyone was packing up.
Big A locked & loaded.

Rick M was ready to roll.

Richard punched "USA" into his GPS and they were off.

I spent the next hour or so stripping down the KLR to get the subframe ready to be welded. Now I gots me a KLR bobber.

Here's the piece that broke off.

You know, when I was bolting that Pelican case to the bike, I saw the warning label on it about a weight limit or something. I thought to myself, "yeah right, XX pounds, it'll take more than that". Well with the weight of the case, the mounting plate, and all the crap I had loaded in it, including my backpack w/ 3L camelbak full of water, in combination with the "Road Of Stones" something had to give. I am sure I had at least double the recommended weight, maybe triple.

I didn't want to do too much and one time and hurt myself, so after I got it ready, I decided to wander around town for a little bit. I found an internet cafe and checked my email and stuck my head in the door at ADVrider to see what was going on.

A few pics from my walk.


I saw a couple of places cooking up and selling carnitas in these big pots. It was only about 10am so I told myself I would come back in a couple of hours and get myself some. When lunch time rolled around, they were nowhere to be found. What's that they say about striking while the iron is hot or some such stuff?

Tool rental shop.

7th Day Adventist Church.

I think these guys were waiting for church to start. Did you ever see so many cowboy hats in one place?


Back at the square, I met up with Mark. He had decided to stay another night in Galeana before heading on further south into Mexico. His plan was to ride around for another 6 weeks or so. Lucky Bastidge!

We walked around for a while and then stopped in a little place for lunch. The lady was pretty much closed for the afternoon but she took us back into the kitchen to show us what she had. I didn't get any pics but it was very good. I had a Pablano pepper stuffed with meat, potatoes, onions and other stuff, and deep fried.

more later.....

Re: Day 7, Friday, 10/24/08 - Continued

I found the pics when they returned my camera the next morning at breakfast.

HOW EMBARRASSING IS THAT???? :eek2: :zen: Thought that segment was deleted - Scott fed us full of liquor and took black mail photos. :rofl:
Hiya Kenny

Great report! I especially enjoyed the "blackmail" photos. :lol2:
Lets do it again next year...
Thanks ta. I was beginning to wonder if anybody was actually reading this thing. Thought maybe I was wasting my time.

NO WAY! I'm hanging on every word and picture. It's great! Thanks for sharing.
Definately not wasting your time! I hate doing ride reports and only getting like 2 responses.

My next ride report should get some views.....
Just saw this. Good stuff - too interesting. Tends to make a historically street only rider really want a dual-sport bike.

Day 8, Saturday, 10/25/08 - Continued

Mark also needed some welding done. He had broken a bag mount on his 12GS so after lunch we rode up the hill behind the hotel to find Victor. Victor's shop.


I explained to Victor what I needed done and he headed back into his shop to find some steel. I pulled the battery and disconnected the Reg/Rec just in case.

Victor scrounged around in his shop until he came up with some steel that would work.

He cut a couple pieces to length...

And bent them to fit the curve of the subframe...

I think that will work just fine....

While Victor was cutting and bending the steel, I had a look around at the shop and equipment. The welders cables were quite frayed and worn and had been spliced in several places.

When he got ready to weld the piece, he took the bare ground wire and looped it around the frame and twisted it together. :eek2:

He used the lense from a welding hood and got to work. He tacked it on both sides...

And then finished it up.

He ran a bead all around the break and then burned thru on each end of the inserted steel rod and filled the cavity with weld. It looks a little rough right now but would clean up nicely a little later.

He also weld Marks bag bracket.

Victor probably spent close to an hour and a half working on our stuff and the bill came to 70 pesos . That's less than 6 bucks. You gotta love Mexico! We left him a good tip, put our bikes back together, thanked him, and took off.

Back at the zocolo, I decided to pick up some paint and hit the parts so I wouldn't have to disassemble the bike when I got home to do it. I found a wire brush and some silver paint at an auto parts store on the square. The wire brush cleaned it up quite nicely.

And the paint made it look almost new.

Welding $6
Wire brush $2
Paint $3

Total less than $12 and I was back on the road better than new. I can carry a cow on that rack now. I do love Mexico

I got the bike put back together, had few cervezas and another good meal at La Casona, and turned in fairly early. Tomorrow Scott, Jarrett, and I would head for the border.


Re: Day 8, Saturday, 10/25/08 - Continued

I do love Mexico

I got the bike put back together, had few cervezas and another good meal...


(1) I got the bike put back together :rider:

(2) Had few cervezas :chug: :party:

(3) And another good meal :eat: :eat3:

Nothing to fear in Mexico that welding, duct tape and zip ties can't fix :trust:

Bob :sun:
You haven't forgotten about finishing this up did you Kenny? Lets hear the rest of it........
Thanks for the plug Kenny, and great report. Hopefully I'll soon have my son up to speed so I can go on some of the upcoming rides. Since you were here I've moved, still a little shop, but growing quickly.


Day 3, Monday, 10/20/08
After a great breakfast the next morning…

…Dale took me to a little local bike shop in McAllen If you are ever passing thru McAllen and need a tire, tube, chain, sprockets or anything else give Robert a call at RGV Cycle Stuff. His handle on Advrider is GT-STMC. Check out his site at WWW.RGVCycleStuff.com. He stocks a lot of tires and if you know what you will need ahead of time, he can get it if he doesn’t have it in stock.

Robert is the man.

Robert got on the phone and had my parts shipped overnight to his shop in McAllen. Great price too I might add but as could be expected, the shipping was almost as much as the parts.

:rider: Just an update RGV Cycle stuff has now moved to 10th street in McAllen. They tell me it has now had the cheapest prices in the Rio Grande Valley for the last five years. I checked they do!:lol2: Dual sport tires in stock, a local shop owned and operated. Bob will treat you right.
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