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Riding with the Dane

Jan 1, 2005
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Buda, TX
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10 of us got together today for a dual sport ride in the hill country. Here's my pics.

Anja (the Dane)

Milton Otto

Don doing a little work on the bike

Milton checking out the work being done

Anthony and Mark at Sandy Creek






What an awesome route and ride Richard, Thanks a bunch for a great day, Good to see Claire and all the new faces, Good folks, Pleasure to meet everyone and best wishes to Anja on the rest of her journey. SZ.:rider:
Yet another great ride led by Richard is in the books! Nice to see Anja, Milton, Eric, Mark, Don, Rusty, and Anthony, and smokin' Ed! What a great time, I'm sore and exhausted and will be in bed by 9. :yawn:

Can't wait to see more pics from everyone!
Indeed, thanks for showing us all a great time. Enjoyed catching up and meeting some new faces. Anja lets try and do this again next time you visit.
thanks for the new avatar too, great pics.
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You're riding that strom for real. Good job. Now where in the heck is water that deep? I know it rained a couple of days ago....but still!!
Ride With the Dane
meet at Jim's Restaurant at the "Y" in Oak Hill, 10am


The Alamo movie set, near Hamilton Pool

Round Mountain

Richard, fearless leader



Sandy Creek crossing, near Click
Now, Richard. I must say my pics of Sandy Creek pale against yours.
(Mine are dull & boring)
Nervertheless, here they are.





:eek2: a TransAlp


And then there was lunch
Cooper's BarBQue in Llano



My first time here, this place was awesome



Next stop, Enchanted Rock


The obligatory Harry's On the Loop


This is Texas
excuse me for not apologizing




Great ride, Richard. :thumb:
I haven't pulled my picture off my camera yet. I'm too depressed. After CR315 I noticed that the TA didn't shift into 5th. After lunch it was fine for a while as I road home on highway 29. In Burnet it didn't want to go into third until I shifted down and back up. I got lucky and didn't have to go down too many times before I got to my parents house where I made a brief stop. On the way home from there (5 miles) I couldn't get it into 3rd.

Looks like a problem with the shift forks and that means splitting the case. Now I need to try and get it done in time for the TAR ride. Hopefully they are all parts I can still get.

Enough with that. I'll get pictures up later.
OH NO! Are you completely convinced that this is the shifter forks? Did you go to a different oil, clutch, cable, clutch wear?

I've got my fingers crossed that it is something easy to fix.
When I first got it, I switched to a semi-synthetic oil. It didn't like it and shifting wasn't good. Went back to dino oil and it got happy again. Currently oil is at the right level. That was my first thought that it was low. Clutch cable is fine and adjusted. I physically can't move the lever up when the bike is running. In the garage I can rock it back and forth with the engine off and it shifts, but the shift into third is "different".

I'll ask experts on the TA forums next.
Man, Rusty, sorry to hear about that with the TA. fingers crossed for ya. Looks like a good ride. Sure would have been better than remodeling the bathroom like I was doing. Nice photos everyone.
Well, I'm trying to decide how to handle this. I'm an Admin and could do some revisionist history or...

in my best Emily Litella voice say: "Never mind"

I don't know if I solved it or not. I went out and fixed a problem on the truck and with a success under my belt decided to look at the bike again. I had said more than once the clutch cable was fine, but I hadn't actually checked it. So in true debugging fashion, I started at the beginning again and stepped through things. First thing was that the clutch adjuster was wound all the way out to the point of being unthreaded. The clutch lever still had plenty of play, so I thought. So I threaded it back in, fired up the bike and adjusted is so that it at a stop, I could have a gloved finger between the lever and bars and still be in gear. That's where I normally have it. It was about a full finger further out to were it starts to catch.

Having done that I took it around the block and no problems, so I kept going. 45 minutes later and back at the house and no missed shifts. I think I need to get out for a longer ride, but I'm suspecting I lost a lot of sleep last night for no reason.

Enought thread jacking. Now back to the ride report.
Great ride, I showed up 13 minutes late and the herd had left, so I caught you at Coopers. Great to meet everyone..

I got back to Blue Bell icecream town at 8 pm so it was a 12 hour ride for me..........
I concur with everyone that Richard pulled off another well planned and well timed route. We managed to avoid the freezing tempuratures of the morning hours, and still get back to Austin before dark.
I haven't been on Click road in quite a while and had forgotten how nice it is. CR315 did not disappoint either. Still plenty of water in a couple of places despite the ongoing drought. It was nice of Richard to test the waters, by crossing first, so the rest of could see just how deep the water was in places. It was impressive to see the large V-strom and BMW riders ride over the submerged baby-head rocks... well done.
SZ Rider, Bat Country and I separated from the group at Althaus Rd. Making quick work of Althaus, we passed through Horshoe Bay enroute to Marble Falls, then patiently followed a bunch of cars down 1431 to Lago Vista and beyond. I suppose we should be grateful for the traffic to run blocker for deer on 1431, especially since it was getting close to sundown by then, just when the deer become active.
None of the pictures I'd taken are much different from the fine photographs already posted by Milton, so no point to posting mine as well.
I enjoyed meeting, and riding with, so many fine friendly Dual Sport riders, and conversing with Anja. It is alway interesting to speak with someone from another country.

Lets ride together again some time...

PS - Glad to hear that the TransAlp is OK WoodButcher. By the way, I thought it was Rosanna Anna Danna that said "never mind!".
Wow! Looks like ya'll had a great time! I didn't realize Anja was in Texas. I thought the Dane was off on her next great adventure to worlds unknown. I guess it is Texas! I sure had fun meeting her in Mexico! It was nice having another lady in the group. I am looking forward to having more women sign up for the MexTrex this year!!
Great ride folks, props to Richard for putting it together. Thanks for the pics
of my GS getting dirty

benediction aka riders meeting


Looking out toward enchanted rock


The wonder of finding a low water xing still equipped with water


the latest alamo was every bit as much a flop as john wayne's, but at least we don't have to drive as far to see the set.


bobcat models the latest in atgatt fashion


only bikes at harry's


Where they still practice the dying craft of cat herding

You're riding that strom for real. Good job. Now where in the heck is water that deep? I know it rained a couple of days ago....but still!!
-i was suprised to see that much water also, but i think that in general the Stroms tend to cannon ball into the water than the other bikes. Richard had his strom out and made it look easy so that really helped Bobcat and the rest of us get through these.
-Rusty glad to hear that the here that this hijacking might have a happy ending!
Okay, here are some of my pictures. I headed home after lunch so I only have morning and lunch pictures.

The gathering

Anja and the DRZ

Some other bikes near ours at lunch. Nice and shiny ones.

The banquet table.

As far as the TA shifting problem. Rode it again today and it was fine, but only a short trip. I'm not convinced it is fixed though. I physically couldn't upshift, using clutch or not, before. If it was just the cable I should have still been able to shift without using the clutch. Oh well, it will either get worse or it is fixed.
My new lunch buddy. he didn't seem to mind that i was eating his cousin.

After lunch...looks like we scared all the chrome away.