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Conroe Pie Run - The Sky's The Limit - 2009

Great event...wonderful folks...many interesting bikes...great weather...and PIE!?!? Life is GOOD!!!

Those of us who hung around for awhile were treated to what was probably a first for a TWTEX Pie Run...a marriage proposal and acceptance. I'll let others closer to the happening than me fill you in on the details.
My first - although I caged it. It was great getting to put faces to so many of the people on here. Chuck, Thank you for all your organization and hard work!
Man... What a day... Started out great and ended kind of crazy... :eek2:

The guy we stopped to help is fine except for a wee bit of rash. His bike is not. Raul is fine, his bike is not. The lady that lowsided slid into Raul is mostly fine, her bike is not. Her hubby is fine, his bike is only slightly damaged... I'm fine and so is the bike :mrgreen:

Pics forthcoming...

Had a great time. It was a beautiful day. Thanks to all that made it out!
First riding pie run in quite a while.
It didn't kill me.............. :mrgreen:

Left early this morning and slabbed to Huntsville for gas and then left the freeway to loop west through SHNF to arrive at 10:15

Warming up the steed....

Spotted these on the way out of town.........


Spotted in the parking lot:

Paper GPS

A beautiful "Standard" Harley........

Road King Classic

Oldest Harley in attendance...

Great fun in the parking lot....... JustJ and StarSapphire

She said "Yes"

I nearly went blind following this herd home............


Kinda looks like Tortuga was on the binders..........
How fast will an MP3 go anyway????

Soozy never met a town she didn't like..........

Chuck found a straight road too............

Final tally.............
Those of us who hung around for awhile were treated to what was probably a first for a TWTEX Pie Run...a marriage proposal and acceptance. I'll let others closer to the happening than me fill you in on the details.

Yup, it's true. I proposed to Lilia (StarSapphire) there at the pie run. She said yes right away, though she said it so quietly that I was the only one that heard it. :kiss: I think that she was a little surprised. :) It was a good ride home. :flip:

Since we are a TWT/motorcycling family, I thought that it was fitting to do it on the Pie Run. I think that it also made that much more unexpected.

Thanks to Squeaky and Tourmeister (who were in on it) for helping getting it arranged and making sure all was good. And thanks to everyone who was there to share the moment.

LOTS of pictures were taken (everyone around had the cameras on us) and I can't wait to see them. Squeaky took some pix with our camera also. I'll post them tomorrow after some sleep.
Who needs a GPS when you have google maps the night before, a pen, a peice of paper, and a half-baked artistic talent?


You should see my old fashioned GPS device at work on londer rides :lol2:
I showed 488.8 miles covered to make this Pie Run. It was GREAT fun!

Chuck and Susan shared a room in Huntsville with me so we could drive down Friday evening. We were going to ride down together, but my bike was not ready with fluid changes and new tires. I managed to get on the road about 2 hours late, but still made the little Pre-Pie Run dinner in Huntsville at the:


Since I have your attention now, look at my grand daughter, Rylee. heheheh


Here is the Strom with it's scooter harem.


Our shower had a speedometer that went up to 130


Definition of a Pie Run: A function where men have to wait in longer lines for the restroom than women do.

Our hosts worked very hard today.



LOOK at all these bikes. I counted 102 but more came in later





Inside was packed





Some philosophy to live by


Bikes I liked




We may have to caption this shot


Say g'night Rylee

The Austin group of 9 pulled out of Manor on 290 at 7:18 with temps in the low 30's. Some had been on the road since a little past 6 am. We hit a chilly spot just before Lexington of 28°. A few miles later we stopped to stomp some feeling back into out feet and get some gas.

Around 9am it started to warm a bit and the ride become more comfortable. We pulled into

around 10:30am with plenty of time to "tire kick" and visit.






Chuck doing what Chuck does best. Thanks Chuck, kicked the year off with a great turn-out.


Nice, very nice


And a link to a panoramic picture.

Thanks to Wayne for leading the group without a single wrong turn. And a special thanks to Rexter for the directions on a wonderful ride back thru the woods on 149. Us Austin folks don't get to see that many trees :clap:

Round trip for the Austin team was 353.3 miles.
Awesome turnout in Conroe. I caged it with Erik. Great to see old friends and met new ones.



Yummi desserts



Rainmaker & I


Squeaky & Jar675


T-shirts, get your TWT t-shirts


Kevin Graulty & Cheryl -- always a crowd pleaser




Myself, Squeaky & Blesk


Who’s the Old Fart?

I had to call TM & get the scoop about the accidents. Raul, so glad that your knee wasn't injured again but sorry about the damage to the bike.

Lilia & J, congrats to you. Erik was asking if you to were & I said yes, having no idea what was going on in the parking lot. Best wishes to you both.
Yup, it's true. I proposed to Lilia (StarSapphire) there at the pie run. She said yes right away, though she said it so quietly that I was the only one that heard it. :kiss: I think that she was a little surprised. :) It was a good ride home. :flip:

Since we are a TWT/motorcycling family, I thought that it was fitting to do it on the Pie Run. I think that it also made that much more unexpected.

Thanks to Squeaky and Tourmeister (who were in on it) for helping getting it arranged and making sure all was good. And thanks to everyone who was there to share the moment.

LOTS of pictures were taken (everyone around had the cameras on us) and I can't wait to see them. Squeaky took some pix with our camera also. I'll post them tomorrow after some sleep.

WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Congrats to you both. And may I say: WELL DONE J!:clap:
Man... What a day... Started out great and ended kind of crazy... :eek2:

The guy we stopped to help is fine except for a wee bit of rash. His bike is not. Raul is fine, his bike is not. The lady that lowsided slid into Raul is mostly fine, her bike is not. Her hubby is fine, his bike is only slightly damaged... I'm fine and so is the bike :mrgreen:

Pics forthcoming...

Had a great time. It was a beautiful day. Thanks to all that made it out!

I am a chick magnet

Thank you Scott for waiting until we finished the report with the State Trooper.
After going slow until Montgomery, checking for any wrogdoing from the bike, I parted with Marcus (The guy that crashed) and his girfriend that were following me just in case. I think I will need a new set of front plastics, new clutch lever, front fender, and the engine side cases. The forks seem straight, not sure if the seal need replacement.
Tomorrow I'll asses the damages if I have time. With a KBB trade in value of $2200, I am afraid they will want to total it, but I do not want to.

As far as the rest of the Pie run, I had a great time, the weather was great and the company was even better.
Had a great time! First Pie run I've been to in over a year, and the first one I actually rode my bike to! I have pics but they are taking a while to upload - stupid Windstream - :argh: I'll post them up tomorrow.
I had to call TM & get the scoop about the accidents. Raul, so glad that your knee wasn't injured again but sorry about the damage to the bike.

I still can not see how my feet wasn't trapped when her bike sleed towards me.

I'll leave to Scott explain the accident. He will do a better job than me once he upload the pictures.
Okay... Let's see....

Here is Kenny "10-95", his wife, and a mess of people who were really nice but whose names I totally forgot...except "Lucky"... ;-) Standing in back are Rick "prhaussies" (left), David "Cagiva 549" (center) and "Soozy". No clue who she's talking too :shrug:

Beth "Blue Bomber" and Daniel "DualSport"

:tab I moved outside to sell T-shirts and stickers out of the back of the minivan. The parking lot was FULL as was the inside. As was mentioned, we kind of overwhelmed their serving system with our numbers and there were some folks that waited pretty long to get their food. However, for the most part they did a real good job and the food/deserts are really good. I spoke with the owner and she was very thankful for the business. After eating and visiting, I grabbed the camera and headed for the parking lot.

Got out just in time to see this guy roll in. I did not get to meet him though so I am not sure if he is a TWT member or not. Cool bike though :thumb:

James Cain, Jon, David again, and Steve "Desmo"

Daryl "Chirpy", Don Davis, and Tony "Hemibee"

Kevin Graulty giving rides in his immaculately restored 1966 BMW R stroke slash 60 something BMW

In case you wanted a close up of Chirpy and Hemibee :eek2:

Susan "Tortuga" and Chuck "Gilk51" getting ready to head back up North...

Daniel is not too sure about this side car thing and refused a ride, but agreed to sit in it

He was less enthusiastic about sharing with little sister, five month old Rachel.

He came around though ;-)

The it was time for the BIG SURPRISE!! :clap:

:tab JustJ had PM'd me with some confuzzing message about popping the big question and making sure things were setup :ponder: Once I understood that he planned to ask her in front of everyone to marry him, I of course had to ask, "Are you sure she will say yes...??" That could be a tad embarrassing you know... :lol2: He assured me he had a pretty good idea how she'd respond and that it was Squeaky's job to remember to bring tissues... (she forgot :-P).

And so here it goes... She was still a bit confused at this part...

She started catching on here... :lol2:

*sniffle sniffle* What a sweet moment... :tears: :zen:

I never heard it, but I would speculate this means, "YES!!"

The happy couple

The happy couple and "Harley" (her son I think...?)

:tab Okay, enough of the mushy stuff and back to the boring pictures...

Greg "Diderich" and Jenna(?) - Yes, I know... her eyes are closed. I'd say it was my radiant presence but she said something about the sun :shrug: :scratch:

Kevin and Cheryl heading out in the hacker

Here is Brian "SparkyPhotog," Molly "BMW Babe," and the kiddos about to pull out

:tab A few moments later as Brian and Molly are pulling away, I am not looking their direction but I hear tires squealing and look to see Brian doing a panic stop and Molly doing the same behind him so she does not hit him. At first I can't figure out what is going on, then I spot Daniel running between two cars on the other side of the parking lot... :doh: He was behind me and shot out from behind my bike right in front of them :eek2: Thank goodness they were paying attention and neither of them dropped their bikes. That could have been ugly. Daniel had been doing really good all afternoon... but all it takes is that ONE time :doh:

As folks started clearing out, I ran back inside to thank the people for hosting us. Here is the owner... no clue what her name is :roll: :doh:

And her busy assistant

:tab After saying goodbye to everyone, Raul "houstonredrider" and I decide to run up FM 149 through the forest to have a coke at Drifters, a bar outside of Richards. I have been cutting WAYYY back on my coke intake and was jonesing in a really bad way :twitch: I dragged him down a few bumpy little backroads to get over to Montgomery and then we started up 149. Not too far up the road we happen upon an accident. Had there not been a car in front of me on the brakes more than normal, I would have clipped through here pretty good without any idea what was around the corner. Fortunately, most everyone was over far enough that it would not have been a problem, but as we passed, I thought this might not be the case for other folks coming around the corner.

:tab I pulled over and turned back, Raul followed. I pulled over onto the left shoulder to tell the people that they needed to get someone up around the corner to flag traffic to slow down... The last word was still hanging in the air as I heard that dreaded sound of metal on pavement... :wary: I glanced back to the right just in time to see a bike slide past me and into Raul, who was parked behind me :eek2: Fearing their might be more coming, I hauled down through the ditch around people to get over to the corner where people could see me and know to slow down. Another guy came over to where I parked and offered to wave down traffic while I ran back to check on folks.

:tab Raul was up and did not appear to be injured. A lady and her husband were coming around the corner while I had been talking. He slowed, I think to actually stop, and she was not paying attention. When she realized he was slowing, she locked up the rear in the corner and low sided. Her right front fork dug into the back of his right exhaust can and shoved him forward. The rear of her bike came around and slammed into Raul's bike. Amazingly, his foot/leg escaped without injury. The bike was not so lucky :-| She was up and seemed okay but for some small scrapes on her hands. Her husband was fine as well. Both were a bit agitated with each other, but after a few smokes they settled down, hehe. Once we realized everyone was okay, then we had to see about figuring out how everyone was going to get them and their bikes home.

Her bike, it is worse than it looks in the pic.


:tab The tank is heavily dented on the left side. All the left side controls were trashed. Some kind of cover on the left side came off. Various bits and pieces were still scattered about on the road. It left some pretty good scrap marks, but amazingly I never saw a skid mark. It must have really gone down fast after the lock up :shrug: Although, I don't think she was really going very fast as the corner is posted at 30-35mph. What really miffed her is that she had just gotten the bike out of the shop as the result of a previous accident! How do you console a rider over something like that!? :doh: At least she was okay though.

Raul's bike, doesn't look to bad right...?

Look closer ;-)

:tab Raul managed to kind of lay the bike down on the left side as he was jumping clear. So there is a good bit of damage to the other side as well. Even the plastic up around the dash area is cracked and broken. ALL of the front and side plastic is ruined. Notice the fork seal pieces sticking up out of the right fork...? The good thing is that the fork did not appear to be bent and the front wheel was still aligned with the handlebars.

:tab Meanwhile, Marcus, the original rider that had gone down was pretty well off. He had a bit of rash on his left forearm. I think he had on a leather jacket, but I did not get a look at it. His Kevlar jeans seemed to have done their job. His helmet certainly did its job! The bike... well... It was pretty sad looking! His girl friend was on her way with his truck. We weren't real sure how we'd get it in the truck though because it was jacked up kind of high...

Not a site you like to see...


Imagine if that had been his skull getting ground up like that... :-|


:tab Marcus lost the front end and went down almost instantly according to what he told me. There has been some recent cable laying right in that area so the ground had been recently graded and a big sand berm sits right at the edge of the woods. The bike must have tumbled because both ends took a beating before it hit the berm. Fortunately, Marcus did not hit a tree!! There were plenty to hit too... The entire gauge cluster, headlights, mirrors, and upper fairing were ripped off the bike. The two side fairings were laying open like a peeled banana, looking like wings when viewed head on. The subframe has to be tweaked because the under seat exhausts were sitting at very unnatural angles... However, the bike started and could be moved under power. So we decided to get all the bikes out of the blind part of the corner.

This is actually back up in the corner from the accident looking in the direction from which we had just come - a blind corner after you come through these esses.

Looking back towards where Marcus went off and where Raul was hit. The couple moved their bikes around the corner on that little side road.

Someone else must have called in the accident, none of us did.


:tab We were standing around when I heard sirens coming... I thought, "Oh great, someone else must have had a 'bad' accident!" Then an ambulance and the sheriff's deputy pull up to us... :doh: The ambulance people check everyone over and then have them sign something saying the people refused transport. The deputy set to getting everyone's story. Shortly after they arrived, a DPS trooper showed up and repeated the process, only taking a LOT longer. He actually got each person, one at a time, to sit in his cruiser and give detailed statements. That took close to an hour!

:tab Meanwhile, the wrecker guy had hung around and offered to help us get Marcus' bike in the back of the truck. He was a nice guy, very much into bikes. He told us that yesterday he got a call from some LEO way up North in Wisconsin or somewhere informing him that they had found his stolen 1969 Triumph Bonneville... that was reported stolen in 1979!!! :lol2: They said it still ran and wanted to know if he planned to come claim it.

He had some straps and we used this boom to lift the bike so that Marcus' girlfriend could back the truck under it. Man that saved a LOT of back ache!!

Once the bike was in the bed of the truck, we set to getting it tied down... "Everything look okay back there??" :doh: :lol2:

"No really, we're just tying down the bike!" Marcus upper left, Raul in foreground


:tab I think it was pushing 5:00pm by the time it looked like we were about ready to wrap up things. The couple with the Harleys decided the bikes could be ridden. The husband had ridden both bikes up and down the road to test them out. All damage appeared to be cosmetic. The wife was originally wanting to push her bike back into the woods and leave it over night and ride home two up with him. We talked her out of that. I was prepared to ride it down to Montgomery so we could find a safe place to leave it and then come back for my bike. However, after so much time had passed, her nerves had settled and she was good to go. Raul had done a little duct tape repair work and was thinking he could limp the bike home. Marcus and his girlfriend waited quite a while after they were told they could leave so that they could follow Raul and make sure he was able to get home okay. :clap: Right before we were about to leave, Matt "STrider" pulls up and stops. He had come by earlier right after Marcus had gone down and made sure he was okay and help was coming. He actually made it to Drifters and had a coke with Vaughn "Bagwell"... Man I NEEDED a coke... :giveup:

:tab There were a LOT of bikes that passed by the scene over the course of the two hours we were there. Quite a few of them nearly wrecked because they were rubbernecking so bad! :doh: One even ran right to the edge of the pavement and was fighting to keep the bike from going down into the ditch before he finally saved it and got it back up on the pavement :roll: I saw quite a few TWT folks that had been at the Pie Run and even some that had not (like Matt :-P). It was starting to get cold as the sun dropped down behind the trees. I had to get the liners back out and even then, it was pretty chilly heading home. I got back home around 5:45pm.

:tab Crazy day... Raul has PM'd me and he made it home okay. I've not heard from Marcus yet, but he said he'd sign up here. His girlfriend rides as well and used to race CMRA and TMGP. I think her name is Aaron? Maybe Erin? Not real sure. She dropped everything to haul up from down by the Galleria in West Houston to come get Marcus :clap: She was remarkably calm. Most wives/girlfriends are usually a little more "excited" when something like this happens.

:tab I finally got that coke... a diet coke... yeah... I was THAT desperate!! :lol2:
CONGRATS J and Star!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I could have been there
you guys are AWESOME!
Congrats J and now fiance.

That sucks everyone! Hope everyone heals up fast!
As folks started clearing out, I ran back inside to thank the people for hosting us. Here is the owner... no clue what her name is :roll: :doh:

Marlene Stubler. If anyone wants to write and thank them for hosting us (a crowd this size all at once is difficult for any small restaurant) you can drop her a line at Events@consolidated.net
Looks like a great time was had, sorry I missed out.
A big thumbs up to all who organized this gathering.
Who had the WLA?

That was Scott. He's the brother of a good friend of mine. His grandfather rode a WLA in the war, so one day on a whim he found one on the internet and decided to restore it.

His dad was on the 100th anniversary yellow harley, that's in some of the other pictures.

I told them I was meeting a "couple" of people at Pie in the Sky on the motorbike and they should come up and see me. :rider:

I'm surprised he rode it there, its only half ready for houston traffic. It has the ammo box, but not the rifle sling yet. :mrgreen:
I am pretty sure that our group of 4 passed that same accident as we went up 149 just a few minutes ahead of Scott and Raul. I saw two bikes stopped and they were talking to someone which I thought might have been a bicyclist (there were a bunch of those in the morning). I saw the bike on its side just out of the corner of my eye. It was hard to get the full picture due to that corner - as Scott has already mentioned. I opted not to turn around since there looked like some help on the scene already.

Glad it was not worse. Raul, I hope you come out OK on the settlement. Now, if you had been riding the 'Strom... ;-)
It was a lot of fun yesterday, although we got there a little late because I lost the directions then got lost in NW Houston. I opened the fairig compartment on the wing while on the move and the directions flew out. Its hard to dress for days like yesterday, it was in the 30s when we left San Antonio and 70 by the time we got to Conroe. Sorry to hear about the misfortune with the bikes.