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Ruins of Rattlesnake Bomber Base (Pics & Report)


Feb 19, 2007
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Ruins of Rattlesnake Bomber Base (Pics & Report)

Britt and I had been talking all week about making a ride to a spot in the heart of the West Texas badlands where neither of us had been in years, the ruins of the WWII-era Pyote Army Airfield, otherwise know as Rattlesnake Bomber Base. Today, the weather cooperated, and despite the facts that it was a little cool and we were a bit tired from performing all weekend, we -- along with our friend 'Busa Dave Hardy -- decided to make the ride.

I was excited about seeing the old base again, mainly because exploring ruins of any kind is something I absolutely love to do. But more so with this particular location because of the significance of its history. Just a few examples aside from its importance during the war: Rattlesnake Bomber Base was the place where Enola Gay was mothballed before being sent to the National Air & Space Museum for preservation. Also, it was the filming location of the character Truman's skydiving school in the 1985 cult-classic movie Fandango, which is one of my all-time favorite flicks. Our plan was simply to wander around and take pictures, so imagine our disappointment when we discovered that the gate was welded shut and displayed this sign:


Pissed off like you can't imagine (I mean seriously, think about me and my politics, then just picture how I reacted at the sight of that sign), we decided we would go ahead and trespass anyway, but only if we could find a back way in, where the bikes wouldn't be sitting on the roadside giving us away. Unfortunately, we rode around a few times, and apparently all the entrances have been either closed off or are secured. The "West Texas State School" (fancy wording for "Youth Prison") borders the eastern edge of the property, and is crawling with guards. So we decided to ride along the prison's outer perimeter road and look for a photo op. This was the best I could do, because I didn't have nearly enough lense:


A bit dejected, but still having fun because we were riding motorcycles, we decided to cross over to the north side of the Interstate and check out the original entrance to the base. Much like everything else in Ward County, the location is in total ruin. Still, I always try to find the beauty in these kinds of relics, and I think there was definitely some there:






It's a far cry from what the entrance looked like in the 1940s. By the way, that lamp post is still there:


We had arrived into Pyote from the north, having traveled from Midland through Odessa, Kermit, and Wink. On the way back, Britt suggested that we go through Wickett and Monahans because he wanted to show us something. Naturally, we were game, so Britt led us to a lonely spot just northeast of Pyote, still in Ward County, that came as a total surprise to me. It was an old, decrepit cemetary where many of his relatives are buried:


Britt's family ties in West Texas go back to just after the Civil War. This is the grave of his grandfather, who was the Sheriff of Ward County. He died long before Britt was even born:


Every other grave in this cemetery belongs to one of Britt's relatives or ancestors:


Some of the graves are almost a century old, and their gothic fencing and plots are in advanced decay:


Believe it or not, this is someone's grave marker:


The cemetery's supply building is likewise in a state of ruin. We had a look around, but there was nothing but trash inside:



Again, I always try to find the unlikely beauty of these kinds of places, and as I walked out the door, I saw this:


Later, I saw this:


And this:


By that time, the temperature was starting to fall pretty rapidly, and we decided to head back to Midland-Odessa. We made haste, with only a short re-feuling stop in Monahans:


Obligatory shot of my Rex:


I was back home around sunset, having put a little over 200 miles on the clock. Aside from not being able to get onto the base, it was still an excellent day. I wish I could figure out a way to make a good living by just riding around and looking at stuff on my motorcycle. Man, that'd be sweet.
Long time ago when I was young kid my Grandpappy took me out there to go look at the old base or what was left of it. I don't remember much about that day other than it was hot and my Nana telling to watch out for snakes. My Grandpappy was in the civil service as a fireman back when the base was open and my mom was born in Pyote.

Great photos! Next time I am down there I need to go check out that cemetery. Thanks for the report.
That's cool. How do you get to the front gate when the historical marker is located?
Thanks Tim for the great report! West Texas is a area I have not spent a lot of time. Mostly just passing through, but I can see I have missed a lot. Too bad about the bomber base, I would have like to seen the pics. I can see we are going to have to spend more time in west Texas.
Again Thanks!
Google Earth these coordinates. lat 31.519681 lon -103.136872. Nice resolution on Goggle showing the storage bay structure in the 2nd picture. Looks like the ramp is still in good enough condition for pilots desperate for a place to put down. I guess this sort of takes the mystery away but I bet you could still smell a hint of avgas and an occasional echo of the engines in the wind..... sorry, got a little carried away there. :patriot:
I looked up Pyote on Google maps and found a triangular layout. Not sure if that's the same place, but if you look closely at the eastern runway you can see where someone had laid out a road course at some point in time.

It would be nice to be able to go to a deserted place like that and take some high speed runs down the runway without having to go through the bureaucracy of liability releases, tech inspections, and fees.

Thanks for the compliments, everyone. Part of the fun I get out of these kinds of rides is knowing I get to share them with you all via TWT.

Most of Fandango was filmed between Kermit and Big Bend. There are a bunch of fan sites and there's a group of die-hards who go on their own Fandangos to retrace the steps of the movie locations.

This guy edited together pics of his Fandango tour with clips and stills from the movie:

By the way, Fandango is a must-see movie for anyone who hasn't watched it. I'll leave it at that, but suffice it to say that it's pure genius.
I looked up Pyote on Google maps and found a triangular layout. Not sure if that's the same place, but if you look closely at the eastern runway you can see where someone had laid out a road course at some point in time.

That's actually a driving course that gets used several times a year by DPS and other area law enforcement agencies, primarily for recruit qualification.
I looked up Pyote on Google maps and found a triangular layout. Not sure if that's the same place but if you look closely at the eastern runway you can see where someone had laid out a road course at some point in time.

It would be nice to be able to go to a deserted place like that and take some high speed runs down the runway without having to go through the bureaucracy of liability releases, tech inspections, and fees.


A local sports car club had permission to use the base around 2000 or 2001 for closed course events, but due to ownership change, they lost their lease. Pyote was also used as a drag strip in the mid 60's...before Penwell dragstrip was built...
How do you get to the front gate when the historical marker is located?

Well, it's kinda weird. That particular entrance was separated from the rest of the base by the construction of I-20 and sits alone with its historical marker. The entrance actually goes nowhere now, and is fenced off to the south. But you can draw a straight line from the center of the old entrance, directly across the Interstate to where the welded gate is positioned.
Google Earth these coordinates. lat 31.519681 lon -103.136872.

Apparently the exact spot of the remaining main hangar structure:


The main hangar and its siblings back in the day:

Years ago maybe the early 80's we went out there and the ahnger was still somewhat intact. There was a set of stairs that led down under the hanger but we didn't venture any farther than a few feet in the dark. We went back in the early 90's with 2 way radios and flashlights rope prepared to explore what ever lay beneath:eek2:
Unfortuantely at some point over the years there had been a Mobile home put next to the Hanger and believe it or not they ran the sewer line from the trailer down into the area below the hanger and just built a cinderblock wall:giveup: . Party over.
Quite possibly the worlds only bombproof septic tank:rofl:
That sucks! I always wondered what we would have found had we gone back sooner. I have often speculated over the years that there is probably more to see if one just knew where to look. Kind of like the hidden catacombs + RattleSnakes.
I never even knew about the Orient one! I've been trying to get marie some access to the one near Coyanosa Texas but so far no help in locating contact info.
You guys are going to have to get some dual/ sport bikes and get off the beaten path,Then you could visit Crane lake, Mccamy salt flats, and some of the ghost towns down south, The dam of McCoy, The turquoise mine outside of Odessa,
Good report, Tim, keep riding, oh nice looking ZRX
Have you done a roll on with Rodger yet with his Bandit???
orient, tx ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Its not on my State map anywhere, let me pull out the Roads Of Texas.....
I ran across that base on a site called Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields. One of the hangars was destroyed for the movie Hangar 18.

Yep. I remember when they filmed that one. They did a lot of shooting in downtown Midland, at the old base in Big Spring, in Pyote, and various other locations across West Texas. Unfortunately, Hangar 18 was a stinker of a movie:

Lots of movies were filmed out here during the early '80s. Just off the top of my head there was Waltz Across Texas, Hangar 18, Blood Simple, Fandango, Hard Country, and several others.
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Have you done a roll on with Rodger yet with his Bandit???

Yes, it's pretty much dead-even, but he sometimes pulls me slightly on the big end. His engine is tuned a bit higher than mine.

Mine starts reliably in the cold, though. :trust:
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