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Ride the Wild Wind


Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Texas, of course (duh)
First Name
It's been too long, way too long since I got to ride, like..weeks, I tell you.

Job, house guests, spring chores around the home place, and other mundane chores like grocery shopping and general household type stuff has just been in the way.

But I was starting to feel a bit twitchy, so I knew it was time to put it all aside and Ride the Wild Wind. Yeah, we have a wild wind going on this week. Gusts up to 40 mph, but Scooter and I are going riding anyway.

I chose the below shot from Scoot's solo ride yesterday, because it's a good example showing the wide, rolling valleys where we live. We're talking valleys that stretch over hundreds of miles from side to side.

While we were getting ready, Scooter tried to catch a shot of me in my secret rocket scientist hat before I got it hidden under my helmet.

You can see the trees are greening up.

Sometimes, you can see evidence of homes and lives past. These lillies...so popular due to their hardiness and lovely spring blooms are just what I mean. Nearby, where cattle graze now, there's a couple peices of an old foundation showing. The lillies have outlasted the home and family that once lived here.

Signs of Spring are everywhere. New calves on the ground, sleek, muscled horses released into the patures, a few roadside wild flowers, blooming lillies and budding trees. We passed this flock of wild turkeys pecking around for their lunch.


Recent rains left this little muddy obstacle in my path.

How I love these country lanes. Beauty is everywhere and there's gravel to play in too!

It wasn't a long ride, but the wind required a constant vigilence, lest it catch you unaware with a 40 mile per hour side slam as you pass an open spot in whatever windbreak. Having Scooter out front gives me a second or two or warning, he just had to deal with the surprise. Thanks for going riding with me Scooter.