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The Ride Home...


Oct 7, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Johns, FL (Woden, TX)
First Name
Well it has been a long time coming, but I finally had the opportunity where my work schedule permitted me to bring my GS home after a trial separation.

As many know, I was on vacation last September and was returning from Canada when in Colorado I had to make a decision about riding home during hurricane Ike.


I made the choice to ride to my Bakersfield office and ended up leaving my bike with my close friend, who lives in Visalia, CA. My intent was to return to California in a few weeks or even a month and collect the bike and ride it home, but life and work got in the way until last weekend, when I was finally able to break away.

I flew out of Houston Friday afternoon to Fresno, CA where I was picked up by my friends wife (Sheran) and we drove home. Saturday morning I was all prepared to leave and head back to The Woodlands, but the bike was a little reluctant to leave...


As fate would have it, my battery was dead and we had to put it on a charger for a little while.

I do get on the road and leave after a little bit, and as I am making my way to Bakersfield,


I see some of the coolest classic/antique big rigs (18 Wheeler Tractors) riding in convoy to somewhere...





I made a quick fuel stop in Bakersfield and then turned left on HWY 58 towards Tehachapi saw a lot of this....




Not too much exciting or noteworthy stuff, but it was good to get back on the road with the GS. I sure did miss her.


I would love to be able to be here for a couple of days just to watch what takes off and lands from its airfields.


Saw a lot of this on my way to Barstow...


After I turned off of I-40 onto HWY 247 just east of Barstow I came across a new friend that was trying to cross the road and was lucky to not be smashed by the traffic before I got to it...


I stopped and hopped of the bike and carried it to the side of the road it was heading towards, that should count towards my "daily good deed". With that done, I got back on the bike and kept heading southeast.



The butterflies were in full force as well were many other LARGE insects...


I eventually pull up to my next turn (I won't make many this trip) onto HWY 62 and make my way towards Yucca Valley...




I pick up I-10 just west of Palm Springs, CA and make my last turn for over 1400 miles to come.


I make my next fuel stop Chiriaco Summit, and give the windscreen a bath...


I then get back on the interstate and reach cross into Arizona


The scenery doesn't change much...


I ride on through Phoenix and stop for fuel where I-8 meets up with I-10, and then through Tuscon. I make it as far as Benson, AZ when I see a McDonalds and remember that I haven't eaten yet today, and realize that I am hungry. Well while I am eating my burger I spy a Holiday Inn Express and decided to call it a night.

So day one is in the history book...


I didn't make it as far as I had hoped, but it was still a good day. The bike ran fine, and without issue, and even though I am still on my stock seat, I was comfortable.

I get up Sunday morning with just about 1050 miles left to go, and make the decision that I will ride until I get tired, but not push to make it home.

The rock formations on the side of the road got a little more interesting on the way towards New Mexico, but otherwise no real scenic changes...




I eventually make it to New Mexico...


And the scenery gets decidedly less interesting...


I stop in Deming, NM to top off the tank, and the scenery is just like above until just outside of Las Cruses, NM...


Not too long after Las Cruses, NM I come to a welcomed site...


However after that landmark siting, I roll into El Paso... This was my first time to ever ride in El Paso, and I mean no disrespect, but I will not do it again. I have never had so many close calls in traffic as I had on this 40 mile stretch of interstate... It took all my energy not to get run over and run down...

Anyway, not too long after El Paso I see one of the neatest signs I ever have seen...


And even though the speed limit is what it is, I was still passed by several vehicles all day long... And there were MANY, MANY, of these boys out working the road...


The rest of my trip was uneventful and after I topped of my tank in Sonora, TX I said that I could make it to San Antonio before stopping for the night. Well, after I made it to San Antonio, I realized that I still felt good and I was only a few hours left from home, and decided to push on. I stopped for fuel one last time at the Buccee's and I-10 and 183 intersection and made it home just before 1 am Sunday night/Monday morning.

Tale of the tape...

1822 miles

Departed Ivanhoe, CA 10:15 am CST Saturday Morning
Arrived Home 00:45 am Monday Morning

Fuel Stops:
Bakersfield, CA
Chiriaco Summit, CA
Casa Grande, AZ
Deming, NM
Van Horn, TX
Sonora, TX
Luling(ish), TX

Longest Stretch: Benson, AZ to The Woodlands, TX 1048 Miles in 14:30 Hours.



When all is said and done, I still love this bike and even though we have had a rough relationship over the years, It is still the most fun to ride bike I have ever owned.

Thanks for looking.
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:tab I've done that stretch of I-10 numerous times. While I love the desert, it stinks seeing it from I-10 :-P Although, Texas Canyon (the big rocks in Az) is kind of cool. But that is like a giant pile of rocks in the middle of the desert and lasts about a minute or two. I am surprised you did not get any pics of the "THE THING!!" signs :lol2:

:tab I'm glad you have the bike back. I know that after 6 months off the KLR because of that little ATV incident, I was really glad when I finally got it back together and could ride it again.
Hurray! The Duke has returned!

Good trip (except for El Paso) :thumb:
Thanks for sharing the ride. I gotta agree with Scott. I 10 across southern NM and west of Phoenix is not my idea of fun riding. Those long straight stretches with nothing but flat on either side. :rolleyes: Just a way to get were you're going.
I have to say that has to be the worst way to see AZ/NM/El Paso on a motorcycle. You need to come back and see some of the amazing roads in NM. Next time you pass through let one of us give you a tour. Nice ride report and I'm glad your reunited with your girl.

Yes!!!! Man, if there's one thing I ALWAYS stop for, whether on 2 wheels or 4 it's turtles. I don't know why, but I just feel like those poor guys have drawn the short straw and can use any help they can get. Last time I did it was in AR and he was out in the yellow eating a dead snake. I moved him and his meal to a safe location.



Glad you made it home Duke and have the GS back finally. :clap::clap::clap:
I have to say that has to be the worst way to see AZ/NM/El Paso on a motorcycle. You need to come back and see some of the amazing roads in NM. Next time you pass through let one of us give you a tour. Nice ride report and I'm glad your reunited with your girl.

You can not be more right. I love riding the better parts of Arizona & New Mexico. But I really needed to make time and get home as quick as possible, and that means the super slab.

But I want to get out to White Sands one of these days, and will shoot you a heads up when that happens and would love for you so show me around some.

Thanks for the comments everyone... it is good to have the bike back home.:rider: