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Pie Run V: Westward Ho! to Slaton 5/30 - The Report

Arlene needs this in her sig line:

Commander in Chief, Burleson Mafia Airforce.

Nice reflection of the ground in the bottom of the wing.

I agree, coolest pie run pic yet.

Chuck, you truly have taken the Pie Run's to a new level of high class. Between the souvenir name tags and the aerial pics submitted by folks that are passionate about participating in this event, my hat's off to you.

Bravo, sir.
I see Don gravitated towards what looks like to me to be either a supah-turbo cakemixer or a drill press.
I can't tell what it is in the picture. :-P

It was an older dough mixer.

Used to run one years ago at a cafeteria........
The head baker got pretty upset because I would "shift it on the fly".
He insisted that you select the speed you needed before you started the dough hooks. It had a four speed transmission. Who could resist shifting?????
How-Doooooooooo all?? Ron (Killer-Kru) and I got home about 6 this evening. After we left Slayton, we ventured over to Buffalo Lake and had a look-see. We didnt get anywhere near the other group of riders having their what ever it was called. Most of them looked like they could kick a train car off the tracks. We rode around the upper end of the lake and came onto a scooter wreck. Some dork thought his V-twin was a nimble crotch rocket and went buzzin down the long hill just before you cross the dam. From the skid marks and where he finally ended up at, I would guess he was at 60 or better. He bounced off the guard rail and ended up as one large scab...no helment (some head injuries...border line serious), most of the hide missing on one side (no shirt, wearing shorts and thongs), and the biggie...he just got the bike Saturday morning and he doesnt have a motorcycle license. The police there told us they had him in transport to Covenington (?). I gave one of the cops there a cold bottle of water before he passed out and I think we could have done anything we wanted without a problem, but the cop was really a nice guy. Ron and I saddled up and took off for Canyon and stayed in a Best Western Motel on 4th street. It was somewhat pricey, but it was clean. We got up this morning and went to Palo Duro Canyon...wow...very nice and not too hot at 9 am. They were having some sort of a bicycle race and they were everywhere. I followed one who would not move over so that I could get by for almost a mile. I finally yelled at him that he was going to feel the pain of a 900+ pound Goldwing all over his butt if he did not move over by the time I counted to 3. He was moving at the 1-1/2 count. Mornon ticked me off. We got down to the end of the canyon road and pulled over to read a marker and all of a sudden, here comes this turkey strolling by...caring less if we were there or not. After a few minutes a bunch of bicycles came by and the turkey left. No...the moron wasnt in that group. We were out of the canyon by 11 and on the way back to Fort Worth. Ron and I were cruising at 80 and we got sucked up by a small herd of big trucks running 85 to 90. We tagged along with them for a while, but we had to make a potty and fuel stop in Vernon and they ran off and left us. My mileage total was 888.0 for the whole run.

Really enjoyed meet you West guys...try to make the Marble Falls run June 25...you will not be disappointed with The Blue Bonnet Cafe.

As Chuck was saying...my old house that I grew up in is still for sale from last year. Whoever has it now got another realator as it was ReMax before. When my parents put the house up for sale back in 1966, my dad thought it would take a while to sell. It didnt, so we rented a house for a few months so I could finish at Lubbock High. After we left the rented house, some Texas Tech college kids bought it. It was a 2 bedroom house with fairly large closets in the bedrooms a pretty good size basement. The college kids turned it into a whore house for several years and then they got caught. They made bathrooms out of the bedroom closets. I just happen to be out there when the new owner was changing the closet bathrooms back into closets and I told him that I use to live there. He gave me the "Festus eyeball look" and I said yes I really did use to live here...there is a basement with a big-ole furnace down there. He told me I guess you did or you would not know that, so he let me come in and have a look again. Man...the memories came flooding in. About 30 minutes after that, some Bozo made a right turn off of Indiana onto 34th street going West, but he forgot to stop. He and I had a few words while riding down 34th street and he then decided to make another right turn before we got down to the next light...hmmmmmmmm...imagine that?

Anyway, as I said...888.0 total miles and less than $50.00 in gas...but it was worth it and alot of fun.

Ron and I are going to try to get out of here Saturday morning and head on up to Colorado...if all the low pressure systems will stop.

Pics are of Palo Duro Canyon...


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Winner of the Best Pie Run Photo... ever!

Abso-posilutely! :clap:


Slaton Part I - the trail to Lubbock (amended)

After 'rasslin' with NEF images, I had a couple of extra comments on the ride to Lubbock:

This lawyer's "office" was just off a courthouse parking lot (Paul thought this was hilarious):


Ron in front of the office:


The prairie dog town was fun:


Here are a couple of the residents:


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Slaton Part II - Pie Day! :eat:

I had plans to visit a couple of courthouses before heading to Slaton, so I took SH114 west to Levelland.


:ponder: Hmmm, I wonder how it got its name? ;-)

I was going to swing south but made a quick calc on the time and decided it would be better to just hightail it to Slaton. So it was back east to Lubbock and then SE to Slaton. I got there about 10:35 and was greeted by Rick (busric):


It didn't take long before folks were checking out the bikes and seeing who was from where:





Our host, Mr. Wilson, came out to meet folks in the parking lot


Jeff Hansen told Don to take a picture of me taking a picture, so here it is.


Don (donroger1) talking with Mike (toolmantaylor) behind Mike's gorgeous Suzuki M109.


OK, it's a pretty scruffy group. ;-)


That's Don (donroger1), Soozy (Soozy), Steve (Beemer Steve), Douglas (Sockwell), Rick (busric), and Bob (Lano).

Moving the bikes to be in front (Amarillo bunch):


Soozy enforces the nametag requirement:


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Slaton Part III - Food!

Mr. Wilson had us in the back room. Final count was 19.






We all took home a Slaton Bakey spatula!



Slaton Part IV - Mug Shots

Trying to round up the usual suspects...

Tom (Kritter)



Forrest (flb_78)



Len (pb641)



Ron (Killer-Kru)


Mike (toolmantaylor)




Heather and Michael (9511234)



Hudd - also goes by Jarod (Hudd)



Chole (cirratx)


Brandon (Rangerscott)


Steve (Beemer Steve)


The official list:

Lubbock area
Rick busric
Bob Lano
Chole cirratx
Mike toolmantaylor
Hudd Hudd
Brandon Rangerscott
Michael 9511234

Forrest flb_78
Len pb641
Tom Kritter

Don donroger1
Soozy Soozy
Steve Beemer Steve
Douglas Sockwell
Paul $hooter
Ron Killer-Kru
Chuck Gilk51

-edit- sorry that I missed getting close-ups of everyone - I know I missed several... :oops:
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Slaton Part V - Epilog

I picked up some momentos to take home:


which included buttermilk:


and pecan:


Denton Don (donroger1) accompanied me home via 9 courthouse stops :eek2: (thanks Don :thumb: ). Most were OK, but the best one was in Albany:


This was a great trip! :zen:
Ah yes, memories of college.


It's lacking dust at 40mph though. :mrgreen:
Slaton Part IV - Mug Shots

-edit- sorry that I missed getting close-ups of everyone - I know I missed several... :oops:

I know, you missed a close up of Soozy, but I know why. She moves too fast. Mike and I passed her Saturday at 3:30 when she was on her way home. Mike said that we should turn around and catch up to her. All I could do was laugh, we would have never got her. She was doing the Burgman Soozy Haul Ash. :lol2::lol2:
Chuck, you truly have taken the Pie Run's to a new level of high class. Between the souvenir name tags and the aerial pics submitted by folks that are passionate about participating in this event, my hat's off to you.

Bravo, sir.

Well, I can't take any credit for stuff I know nothing about - like Arlene and Mikeal flying over at just the right time. Or the interest of folks to get together and see what each other looks like. It's just a great group. :sun:

See what you started, WC? :zen:
Well I found out several new things on this trip :
1. the west crew said that the only Rhds they had out there were straight and flat. and with in the first 5 mi of leaving slaton i found this

and this

they were so much fun I had to turn around and do them again .
2. I found out that a man can buy 10,000 acreas and put a fence around it and block all 4 CO.RHDS that go thru it and its ok

and then the problems started here i was lost looking for a co. rhd that had a fence around it and low and behold the strom decides to take a nap . but i was so mad i forgot to take a picture darn ,guess it didn't happen .
3. not all state parks are well maintained

this was at the matador WMA in pacudau whatever it was about 7:30 I was tired and dirty and was just ready to sleep but i said the heck with it I decided to just head home . well a got to jackboro and decided to stay at fort richardson. very nice park and the ranger were great it was about 11:00 and the park was closed but they took good care of my needs ,which was sleep.
4. And low and behold while setting up the tent the strom decides it can't wait so again it takes a nap, darn forgot the picture again but this time she has damage due to it was on the asphalt parking lot . finally i get the tent up get some sleep and awake to this

and ready to hit the rhd refreshed & ready ,all in all it was definatly an adventure and a learning experience. 814 mi, 14 hrs ride time ,3 lay downs, oh and I forgot the time a buried up to the eng. in sand ,darn forgot the picture. so theres my report to pie in slaton and didn't even get a piece of pie.
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Had good time on my first pie run. It was nice meeting ya'll. I am working on trying to get to Marble Falls later this month. If any of the west Texas riders want to organize some sort of get together and ride there let me know. Also does anyone know of a decent place to stay in Marble Falls?
I have to agree that there are some interesting roads "out west".

Took my favorite "cutoff" outside of Graham which is FM61 passing Fort Belknap.
GPS shot that I like to see!!!

However, most of the trip, the GPS looked like this:

Real photos untouched by photoshop taken at 30 to 50 mile intervals..........




Really like the scene in Slaton!!

The real problem with my "new camera" is the rechargeable battery. When it's dead, you're done..............

The only remaining photos after Slaton were the rear view of Chuck posted previously.

It really was a great day and I did enjoy the trip and meeting "the Western Guys and Gals". :thumb: