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2nd Annual Beyond EPIC Adventure Ride

By my count 42 riders total attended the 2nd Annual Beyond EPIC Labor Day Weekend Extravaganza. Quite an increase from last year's 12 total attendees. Thanks to all the riders who came out for this year's event. I enjoy organizing these things almost as much as I like riding. A special thanks to all those who helped out as ride leaders, water crossers, and pull starters. And, finally, thanks to those who provided the cold beer on Saturday night.

I took 120 pics this weekend. I'm not going to post all of them here, so if you want to see the other ones, click here

While the name of this event is meant to be humorous, in the spirit of the name I decided to make this year's event more EPIC than normal. I planned a route that included crossing the James River, south of Mason. There is a low water crossing on the James that is wide and very treacherous due to being unbelievably slick with algae and silt. Many a rider have been tested and bested by this crossing, including me. I've crossed the river twice before, once successfully. As my buddy Anthony said while we were discussing it early in the day, "there's gonna be carnage everywhere." Ominous.

So, how did it go? Read on.

You ought not tackle something so ominous without a good breakfast. Our day started at Jim's Restaurant at the world famous "Y" in Oak Hill. About 20 riders or so showed up early for a hearty breakfast and some tire kicking prior to the official start.



Once the riders meeting was done, we broke into 5 groups and headed west on pavement in search of the days first dirt. I'm happy to report that CR 310 & CR 315 (Click Road) are still dirt roads. Good dirt roads.

Let's check and see if the riding was any good. "Hey brother, how's the riding?"

"Rich, don't think I ain't watching you." - Tricepilot

The KLRs were out in abundance this year. The KLR is quite a bike, IMHO.

Every break included plenty of bike admiration.

Rumor has it that Honda used to make an Adventure bike. I've heard it called the "Translap", but, really, it's a Transalp. You don't see too many around. There were 2 on this trip, including this hot red number. Think Honda will ever get back on the adventure bandwagon?

Libertarians are welcome on any of my riders.

There's some fun dirt riding out in the hill country.

In all the years I've been doing this, I've never seen this accessory on a bike. When asked about it, the owner replied, "You never know when you might need a machete." I have to admit, he's got a point.

Four hours of riding completed and time for lunch at Cooper's BBQ in Mason. Definitely not the large, well-oiled operation of the Cooper's in Llano, 36 riders all arriving within a 30 minute window slightly overwhelmed this Cooper's.

Though smaller than it's cousin restaurant to the east, the format here is much the same. Start by picking your meat from the pit.

No plate necessary. Some butcher paper keeps things together.

Lunch completed, it was time to tackle the James River.

more to follow...
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Re: 2nd Annual Beyond EPIC Labor Day Weekend Extravaganza

This poor old gentleman from Round Rock (Via Australia) with the weestrom in the photo was in my group on the way to Junction, and as soon as we got there he got a text from his wife saying she was in a car accident, and was in the Round Rock hospital.He gave me his Shiner, gave Rusty his room and left for the Hospital! All I can say is I pray that everything is OK, and let us know hoe she is doing!

Tweaked your post to say I got the room. Also I got an email from Jason that his wife was fine and was back at the house by the time he got home. So a little worry, but all are fine except the car.

Had a great time, but didn't take too many pictures and most are duplicated here. The only useful one is to show that Jack and I aren't really related. So here we are hanging at his place.


My gps tracklog shows 227 miles for the first day and 333 for the second. We did some wandering after Leakey and hit the Texas Stonehenge on our way towards Fredericksburg. We split at Johnson City so a couple of riders could head to the south side of town and the three of us that needed to head to Round Rock could loop around town. In Marble Falls we decided that we really didn't want to hit 1431 with the cars and cruisers. The choice was the long, but higher speed, run up to Burnet and over on 29. Or some backroads I knew that would give us one last chance to dodge the wildlife. Since this was an Epic weekend the choice was easy, backroads it was. Tom, did you memorize all those turns and road numbers? :lol2: If not I can send them to you.

Had a great time and hope all of you got home safely.

Oh yeah, Leslie lost her wolfman front fender bag somewhere out there on day one. I Think it has some tools and a tube in it. If you found it, I'm sure she'd love to have it back.
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The James River Crossing encapsulated in a single picture.

Okay, not really. That pic tells a pretty good story, but there's more to it that that.

When we arrived at the crossing, I pulled to a stop so we could have a look. Most of the riders had not crossed here before so we spent a short period of time eyeballing the situation and talking about a successful strategy for crossing.

Then Stephen, the youngest rider, on a XR650L, plunged in first, riding with youthful enthusiasm and vigor (and a bit of speed). About a 1/3 of the way across the silt got the better of him and he layed her down in the deep water.

Try as he might, the mighty XR wouldn't restart. After a while, he got some assistance and pushed the bike the rest of the way across.

Tricepilot and I followed shortly. Creeping along with out outriggers (feet) out, we slowly made our way across. The Wee nearly got away from me a few times, but I made it across without dropping her in the water. So did Tricepilot.

I parked the bike, emptied the water out of my boots, grabbed my camera and headed into the river to get photos of the coming carnage. By this time, a few other folks had made it across, some were picking up their bikes, and others were just getting started on the crossing.








If you want to see all the carnage, click here.

After it was all said and done, some crossed successfully and some needed a bit of assistance. Eventually, though, we all ended up on the other side of the river with our bikes. It was Beyond EPIC.

The new James Gang.
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The water crossing was behind us now but there was still good dirt in front of us. We spent the next few hours riding west towards Junction, zigzagging across the Blue Mountains, enjoying the riding.


What do you do with the heads of the catfish you catch? Hang them from the fencepost.

We could see rain off in the distance. It was raining over in Junction and a few drops hit us as we rode, but we missed most of the storm. Once in Junction it was time to for a little beer drinking and story telling.

Rusty heading out to on a beer run on the Transalp

Waiting for Rusty to get back

Bob and I enjoyed dinner and a cold beer at Isaack's Restaurant

We weren't the only riders enjoying a cold drink at Isaack's

Later, we assembled at the grassy knoll for some serious war stories, beer drinking, and cigar smoking.

Things are just getting started.

Jammin' Jerry enjoying a fine cigar

That light post is 8 foot tall. Now you know why we call him Big A.

Young guns

Stuntman Jeff

Nothing like a good cigar after a long day on the bike.

About 10 p.m. I was done. I wandered off to my room in need of sleep but looking forward to tomorrow.
Sunday morning was glorious. The sky was clear and the air was crisp. The weatherman said we might have some afternoon rain, but the morning sure looked good.

Starting the day with a cup of joe

The riders meeting was scheduled to start at 8 a.m. Yesterday most riders were early. Today most didn't show up. I'm sure the previous evening's libations may have had an influence...

Today's route included Old Junction Road, White Mountain Road, and Cedar Creek Road - three of the finest dual sport roads in the hill country. Of the three, Cedar Creek has an abundance of water crossings, which are always a good photo opportunity.



Zip ties - one of the 2 essential things to carry in your tool kit (the other is duct tape). Zip ties held this crash damaged KLR piece together for the rest of the ride.

During a short break at a convenience store in Rocksprings, I spotted this contraption. A camping trailer towed behind a trike.

The trailer explains it's lot in life

After four hours of riding we reached Camp Wood and lunch. BJ's Cafe and Sweet Shop looked to be the hot ticket as most of the ride groups ended up here.


I'm just not sure about this. It looks like a trailer and a shack mated and this was the off-spring. At least it has an air conditioner.

And an extra pallet.

"Hmmm, where should I ride next?"

"Would you get that **** adventure bike out of the way, our scooters need gas."

Lunch signaled the end of the dirt riding for this trip. It was 2:30 p.m. and 3 1/2 hours back to Austin. And the rain was upon us. We donned our rain suits and headed east. An hour of fantastic riding on the the superb twisty roads 337 and 16 delivered us to Kerrville. From there is was a straight shot home. We dodged rain most of the way.

And, as they say, that was that. Once again it had been Beyond EPIC. I had a great time and am ready for MexTrek next month.
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This photo is just begging for a caption, don't you think?


Let's see... how about "Charles Atlas' Dynamic Tension has done wonders for my dual sport riding. See?"

Who am I kidding. I'm just jealous. I use to have a six pack like that. Now I have a snack pack.
Re: 2nd Annual Beyond EPIC Labor Day Weekend Extravaganza

Had a great time, but didn't take too many pictures and most are duplicated here. The only useful one is to show that Jack and I aren't really related. So here we are hanging at his place.


hate to break it to ya Rusty, but there is a definate resemblance...:rofl:
Thanks Richard. Great Job!

2003 green KLR
Junction TX 2009

Miles of fun - lots of beer - had fun my first year for this ride. It lived up to the hype truly beyond epic. The food was terrific and the beer was cold. Richard's stories were hiliarious. Here are a few pictures...have lots more. I may load them on Shutterfly...if I can figure it out.

Special thanks to Andy for hanging with me on our blazing ride back to Austin. He even had time to pick up his wife at the airport by 6 pm and cook dinner.

See ya'll soon,


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As Richard mentioned, I somewhat questioned Richards sanity, planning to take such a large diverse group of riders and bikes across the James River.
I've made this trip before with Richard, and I knew that even the best rider on the most ideally suited motorcycle can find him (or Her) self flat on their back in a foot of water before they even know what happened.
I feared that there would be carnage as there has been in the past... Pulled ham strings, sprained/broken ankles, hands, wrists, hips, shoulders, and motorcycle engines full of water.
I am so glad that everyone got across, one way or another, without any injuries that I am aware of. Only two bikes had water-logging issues, but both sprang to life after a little coaxing. What a great group of riders :clap:
This event provided an opportunity ride conditions that ranged from pavement, wet and dry, to smooth graded gravel, to course golf-ball sized gravel (and larger), to mud, rivers and creeks, and dust, dust, and more dust.
And just to keep things interesting there was a little wildlife thrown in for good measure. I heard of close calls with deer, goats, sheep, and I personally saw a huge bull that must have weighed a ton leap the entire width of a road in front of me (at a safe distance). Granted this bull was probably over 8 feet long, and the road just 16 feet wide, but seeing something that big move that fast, and leap so far was impressive.
I hope everyone made it home safely so we can do it again some time.
Hey Guys , I had a great time! I did not take any pictures but had a blast.
The group that I rode with were a blast. Thanks Nadime, Jose, Kevin , and John. You guys are a hoot.:rofl: Sorry I don't know how to spell Nadime.

Thanks Richard for putting this together and also thanks for not taking out the James River part.:eek2::eek2::eek2: I busted my butt but it would not have been the same trip without it. Beyond Epic !!!!

Next year?
It was a pleasure riding with you guys, the name is Nadeem but Nadime is close enough. Glad you guys made it back safe, Richard did a great job putting everything together.
Hey Guys , I had a great time! I did not take any pictures but had a blast.
The group that I rode with were a blast. Thanks Nadime, Jose, Kevin , and John. You guys are a hoot.:rofl: Sorry I don't know how to spell Nadime.

Thanks Richard for putting this together and also thanks for not taking out the James River part.:eek2::eek2::eek2: I busted my butt but it would not have been the same trip without it. Beyond Epic !!!!

Next year?
Hey Guys , I had a great time! I did not take any pictures but had a blast.
The group that I rode with were a blast. Thanks Nadime, Jose, Kevin , and John. You guys are a hoot.:rofl: Sorry I don't know how to spell Nadime.

Thanks Richard for putting this together and also thanks for not taking out the James River part.:eek2::eek2::eek2: I busted my butt but it would not have been the same trip without it. Beyond Epic !!!!

Next year?

here is some pictures we took in are group and again, thanks to Richard for all his work to put this ride together and to everyone else for being good sports, we really had a blast in our group so I'll let the pics do the talking.




here is some pictures we took in are group and again, thanks to richard for all his work to put this ride together and to everyone else for being good sports, we really had a blast in our group so i'll let the pics do the talking.





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here is some pictures we took in are group and again, thanks to richard for all his work to put this ride together and to everyone else for being good sports, we really had a blast in our group so i'll let the pics do the talking.





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Nice pics Eagle! By the way, I forgot to give your tool back to you. Oops!
Nice pics Eagle! By the way, I forgot to give your tool back to you. Oops!

I have many more pics and will exchange some with Kevin and Nadeem when I get a chance but may find a different way to post them.
no problem about the tool, maybe next time we ride.
Mike? Bob, Justin... Rusty putting it all back together

I think it might be time to get some more dirt oriented tires. When I first started riding on dirt, I had more street oriented tires and the front end always felt like it was going to wash out on me. After I put on a full knobbie and tried it out, I swore I'd never go back. :thumb:
He's got a supermoto set up on that bike. 17" rims so there isn't much choice on front tires.
He's got a supermoto set up on that bike. 17" rims so there isn't much choice on front tires.
I need to find out where I can get those flashing brake lights he had on top of his turn signals. They were really bright and easy to see. I'd like those for my bike on my daily commutes.
I need to find out where I can get those flashing brake lights he had on top of his turn signals. They were really bright and easy to see. I'd like those for my bike on my daily commutes.

The front is actually a 19"... I'm eyeing some TKC80's :rider:

I bought the LED's here... kinda pricey for a simple device, but I feel a little safer on the road http://www.hyperlites.com/

Check out http://www.p3lights.com/ too... guys on advrider seem to think they're superior