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Central Texas Scooter, 15 Oct 05


Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
Arlington, Texas
First Name
Charles ("Chuck")
Last Name
Central Texas Scooter Ride, 15 Oct 05

Central Texas Scooter Ride
(or Scooter People are Cool, Too)

reference thread: upcoming events

This was an idea that Fred (Red Brown) had after attending Scootercade in August. He posted about a scooter ride here and Susan (tortuga) and I thought it might be fun & try it. Besides, we had never been to Fredericksburg...

We let Fred know we were coming & I quietly admitted to not having a scooter - that was OK since Fred also rode a DL650! I had just added side bags, so between those and Susan's scooter trunk & top bag, we had plenty of room to make an overnight trip.

We got everything packed and left Arlington about 7:30 Friday night and headed for Mansfield (Susan was not keen on the I35/I20 super-high interchange going south) and took FM917 westward. Almost lost Susan there on a monster chug hole that bounced her out of her seat and hit her helmet on the windscreen. She recovered and we took 917 to I35W and blasted down the freeway.

It was cool and sometimes chilly - a really welcome change. We stopped in Hillsboro to get gas and eat and Susan decided that a long sleeved T-shirt was also needed. Walmart was right there, so we bought one, and blasted down the interstate again. Spent the night at a La Quinta Inn just off I35.

Ready to leave the motel on Saturday morning

Turned out the the meeting spot was just off I35 and Williams Drive, just maybe a 1/4 mile from where we stayed. The Starbucks was across the street from the McDonalds, we went right instead of left and ended up in a bank parking lot adjacent to Mickey D's. That worked for a quick breakfast. On returning with our food, we noticed a trailer in the bank lot with a blue Bergman scooter on it. Turns out it was Michael from Waco, he had come down for the ride. We talked with him for a while and then rode around to the Starbucks.

There we met several others:
Fred (ride organizer) from Georgetown, black Suzuki Burgman 650
Ben, also from Georgetown, also a black Burgman 650
Roger from Belton, red Honda Reflex (250cc)

Including us from the bank side:
Michael from Waco, blue Burgman 400
Susan from Arlington, red Aprilia Atlantic 500
Chuck (me) from Arlington, non-scooter

Michael, Fred, Ben, Roger, Susan

4 scoots

We talked about scooters for awhile and Susan even showed off her air horn for them. Around 8:45 we left and headed toward a meet with more riders in Northwest Austin. We started south on I35 for about a half mile and then went off into who knows where - Susan and I were at the complete mercy of those folks we were following.


One thing I have to say about the area around Austin to the north - the traffic on a Saturday morning was amazing. Not for the faint of heart.

We met up with a couple that had matching Silverwings at the appointed Starbucks in NW Austin - Nathan and Tamara. Tamara had customized hers by adding some graphics.

Tamara was also the artist and had hand painted this eagle on her riding jacket:

Fred distributed maps and general directions. The eight of us then took off to the southwest (I think) to pick up US290 for the trip west to Fredericksburg. Susan, Ben, and myself made up the tail end and we got separated at a stop light after we got on 290. All of a sudden, I was in the lead, having no real idea where we were going except for knowing the next turn-off was supposed to be CR-185. :shock:

There was also a wye but no 185, so we continued on 290, the blind leading the blind. I felt a little better when I could spot what looked like a group of riders going up a hill in the distance, but we never caught up. Fred had said something about a gas station stop but it was somewhat hidden from the road. Ben thought he saw our group but only saw one bike that he thought was a motorcycle and not a scooter. We found out later that Fred gave chase but gave up when it looked like it would be hard to catch us because of intervening traffic.

The three of us regrouped around Dripping Springs, consulted the map, and determined that we missed the turnoff. The route showed the two routes converging again in Johnson City, so we took off for there with a backup plan for just finding them in Fredericksburg. We also found out later that the other group would head for Fred's Burg and look for us. Both Susan and I enjoyed the scenery - very refreshing from the almost flat area of DFW.

After waiting for a while in Johnson City, the three of us went on to Fredericksburg, following the route and then cruising down Main Street. Fred had indicated "Birdhaus" on the map in downtown Fredericksburg, so we went looking for it. Went to the end and asked at the Visitor Center, who had never heard of a RESTAURANT named that, so we went back and Susan spotted it. After parking, we determine that it is a shop instead. We wander down Main Street, watching for a line of five scooters. Fred said later that he got the information from his GPS, guess the GPS folks don't know where to eat...

We finally decide to go ahead and get something to eat and opt for the Deli since Ben, who had eaten in a couple of places, had never tried it. We sit down and watch for scooters. Finally, we see some and I run out the door, only to see them disappear to the east. :-| Same thing again but they are heading west, so I decide to go intercept them at the Birdhaus (I think the gal at the front door of the deli thought I was crazy). Finally did meet up with them coming down the sidewalk - four of them, Roger had decided to head back since it was getting late. We all lamented the fact theat we had not swapped cell phone numbers.

The four decide to eat at The Brewery and meet us afterwards. We finish first and do a little shopping (window and for real). The town is full of activity and we see lots of Beemers - seems there was a rally or something nearby.


The Pacific War Museum is just off Main Street. Susan and I decide that a weekend trip back to Fredericksburg is in order.

We finally link up again, get all the bikes together, get some gas at a small, crowded Exxon station, and get back into the traffic flow.

Once off the main drag, it is much more comfortable and we can enjoy the ride. Main route is FM2721. We end up stopping at a station near Round Mountain. Ben and Michael spin off there and head up US281 to go back to Georgetown. Some final pics:



Ben talking with Michael


The remaining 5 take off down FM962 and later FM 3238. This route is really interesting with a ford/spillway area (dry) and several hairpin turns - worth another trip sometime.

We end up stopping at the gas station we missed on 290 and gab for a bit while Susan and I decide which way to go back. We really don't want to fight through Austin and then I35 and were thinking about taking 71 up to 281 and then up. Fred talks us into following him to 183 and using that to get to Lampasas - he said the deer are plentiful south of Lampasas on 281 (that gets Susan's attention).

We all head east on 290 - Nathan and Tamara peel off at one point and Fred guides us on Loop 1 and then Capital of Texas Highway (360). He exits and points us on straight. We liked the rolling hills and scenery along this road, but eventually have to go NW on 183. We make it to Lampasas just as we were losing the last daylight. We stop for gas, and decide how best to do the almost 200 miles left to Arlington. Checking the map (I confess, I had to BUY one, my Roads of Texas had the important pages missing 'cause I took them out for the Marble Falls pie run :oops: ) Susan takes advantage of this to take off her sunglasses and add some clothing.

We decide slabbing is the better part of valor and our tired old bodies, so we backtrack a mile or so and take US190 over through Killeen to Belton where we pick up (gag) I35. Not much fun after that, except we did stop in Waco at the Texas Roadhouse to eat - it was just after the Baylor game. :suicide:

We made it home about 12:30 Sunday morning and have spent most of today recovering. It was hard on us old folks. Regardless, we had a great time and enjoyed meeting some new people and seeing interesting new places.

Never did see the Blue Hippo, though... :-(

Click on the pics above to get a larger image...
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Never did see the Blue Hippo, though...

You were about two miles away. Sounds like a blast! I sure wish the Concours' buyer had been able to wait a couple of hours. He was in a major rush to get down here and back by noon. I offered to take him to Starbucks on the test ride, but he didn't want to leave his son that long. :-P
Chuck, great story telling and good photos. I've been on those roads and they are indeed a blast. If I can talk Scott into another Austin trip, we'll have to plan something.

Lesson learned: exchange cell phone #'s. I hate leading when I don't know where I'm going.

We ate at this German restaurant off the square when we went and it was pretty good. You'll are brave, riding back home after riding all day. I think I would have got a room (with a hot tub) Sat night. That is a lot of riding.
Careful of riding those FM rioads at sundown. The deer like to come and take a up close and personal look at your bike!

See ya Tues for BBQ