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Uncle is Great, Beer is Good, Dual Sport Riders are Crazy - Around the Bend 2010

I should also tell you another guy who rode w/ me everyday was on a wr250r and his fuel mileage was alway within 2 or 3 miles of mine and he weighs 80 more lbs than me. I am running 13/48 and my buddy was is running 12/43 if that helps you any.

Hey, hey, hey, I resemble that remark! lol.

I had a great time and look forward to going back next year.

Re: The Most Difficult Road I've Ever Ridden

It was the last day of riding and we were headed back to do more exploring in The Ranch.

Today's crew consisted of Chuck, Iz, Norbert, and me.

I had a GREAT time! That was my only day to ride and you three made my whole weekend. :clap:

My bike was acting up because I didn't give it the love it deserved after the last Mexico jaunt in November. Gas was pouring out of the float overflow hose. Dirt bike Dave said "Just go down the street and flog it" Guess what Dave - IT WORKED! It still had problems but decided they were manageable enough not to be "That guy."

Had to change my riding style because if I gassed it fast, the engine would die, then hard to start.

No big deal with a Transalp and a new style KLR along. I'll just hang back and get use to my bike and new riding partners. :yawn:

BOY WAS I WRONG! Somebody shot these guys out of a cannon. :giveup:
Within a blink of an eye even the dust was gone. :rider:

A suppressed semi evil smile slowly surfaced on my face. :trust: Twisted the throttle to catch up and the engine died :doh: - be smoooth - be smoooth :zen:

After I learned to manage the new Quirks of the bike and how my new buddies rode, I decided to stay close - out of the dust. As opposed to no dust - no buddies! Hope that didn't bother any body :sun:

All skilled riders BUT I still don't know how they drink! Still owe Iz for the park entrance fee - did you make it to the bar?

Had a great time - Thanks again!!!!
Re: The Most Difficult Road I've Ever Ridden

Wow. Now that's gnarly. :rider:
I'm not sure what it is, but methinks its Chuck that always gets you to the gnarly roads.:rofl:

Just because I'm game doesn't mean they "all" were my idea, El Navigator :rofl:

You are a high ranking officer and Richard is fast becoming part of the "Cold, wet, hungry, tired , after dark club" That Thumper and a few others mistakenly think I'm the founding father of. :trust:

Richard is a diplomat about the gnarly stuff. "Well, what do you think Chuck? Do you want to do it?" He knows you can't say no, So now all of a sudden it's YOUR idea. :rofl:

Milton's frame of mind is "Show me first, I'm old and brittle". In reality he's a trials rider that just wants a good laugh. :eek2:

Either way there's never a dull moment!
Re: What We Should Have Used

Oh, By-the-way Chuck, I have your winnings from the 50/50 raffle! :sun:

THAT'S GREAT BOB!!!!! When and where can we meet up to make the cash exchange? :clap:
I along with Peter (Shadman) and Chris (Krazekris47) rode from Houston to Big Bend via San Antonio.
On the second day of the third “Around the Bend” event, I went on an adventure ride with the infamous (notorious?) Bob (Tricepilot.) Do read through this before you decide to go on a ride with Trice.
The turn out was great for this event, Richard, our fearless leader/organizer can chime in on what his expectations were and how many turned up, but I think a rough guestimate would be there were around 100 riders who took over the desert. There were also some other groups worth mentioning who made the desert their home, one lively bunch was the ladies that were hosting a bachelorette party. But, that is a story in itself for another time.
Saturday morning, as per my routine I showered and went down to Kathy’s Kosmic Kowgirl Kafe, little did I realize, the rest of the day would be anything but routine!
I ordered breakfast and worked my way to a chair by the fire pit and the conversation about previous days ride ensued. I remember riders having trouble with flats, riders having trouble with flats with slime in their tires and riders having trouble with flats with Ride On in their tires! I didn’t have any such trouble, but then Norbert had said the previous day to stay on the rocks/path and you won’t have any flat issues and he was right. Old Ore Road was no problemo.
I got to talking to Tricepilot and how he had so much trouble with flats and said he was done with riding off-road and was contemplating riding the blacktop to Santa Elaina Canyon in the park and maybe go hiking.
I was up for that, so we hashed up a plan to ride to the canyon and go hiking, piece of cake... or so I thought...
The ride to the canyon was non eventful, don’t get me wrong, it was a nice ride! Nice blacktop, sweeping twists, elevation changes, excellent ride that makes you wish you were on a sports bike (and no Chris you really shouldn’t be doing this at 152mph, think wildlife safety. :eek2:)
We park the bikes at the canyon and take the necessary stuff with us, ready for the hike. I usually carry my wallet and iphone in a plastic ziplock bag, call me over cautious, but it helps when you don’t feel like pulling over to put rain gear on. This time, we were just going to hike, so I stuck my wallet in the back pocket and the iphone in the front pocket, ok Trice I’m ready, lets go!
When you get to the parking area, you see the beauty of the place, you see the two cliff faces coming together and the sheer, steep rocky cliff surfaces. You really don’t see the river from the parking area, after all it is desert. As you walk towards the “split cliffs” you get transported to another dimension where you have a wide murky river at the base and huge rocks that are probably taller than most skyscrapers.
Tricepilot really wanted to get to the Mexico side of the river (he has a problem, as we all know and had to have his fix!) but the river was flowing strong and didn’t look any there was any way across.
Tricepilot made his way up river a little bit, I was hesitant at first but then followed after a reference to Louis and Clark by Tricepilot. We were obviously in the river delta area, the vegetation was telling us this and the soil was showing signs of being submerged and then dried out:

Trice pondered over different areas of the river, looked up at the cliff on the other side and said, it can be done.

So he roles up his pants above his riding boots (new Sidi’s) and wades through a shallow part of the river. Climbs up on the ledge and goes a little ways inland, no go! The passage is blocked nearly vertical cliff. I yell, can’t do it from here, lets go back. Little did I know how big of a problem Trice has with his addiction.
Trice goes through a deeper part of the river to attack the problem from a different side. He makes through one part to a few rocks and yells “come on in, it’s not too deep.” Now I’m all for an adventure but this was a little over the top and maybe not totally legal either. Oh well, after some prodding from Trice I push forward. I make it safely to the rocks in the river, by now Trice is almost to the other side, but the next part of the river is deeper still.
As I start to wade through the second portion, I can feel my feet kind of digging in deeper and deeper into the mud, it’s a weird feeling. It was getting harder and harder to pull my feet up. I stand for a bit to catch my breath for a second, and realize, that was a bad move! Should have kept moving, my feet are now really stuck, so I force a few more paces and with the momentum almost fell forwards as my feet got stuck again! Oh no, forgot the darn iphone and wallet in my pocket! It’s still not too bad, I quickly take out the wallet from my pocket and dig out the iphone to save them from certain destruction, while taking the iphone out I almost fell forward again, and plop! Oh no, lost the iphone to the murky water!
I quickly go after the iphone where I had dropped it in water, kind of feel around and grab it, it’s totally soaked and muddy! It takes a few tries to turn it off (touch screen doesn’t work very well when it’s covered in mud). I push forward towards the other edge and make it over the ledge to dry land.
Now that we are on the side of the river where we want to be, it is time to hike up into the interior, this is a place where humans are rare and wild creatures are abundant. First we have to climb up the rocks to get to what Trice calls the most beautiful part of the adventure.
While we are climbing up the loose rock surfaces, Trice warns me “Hey don’t make a false move here cuz if you go down you’re dead”, thanks Trice I’ll try to keep that in mind! Half way up, I find a rock ledge facing the sun and leave my wallet and iphone there to dry. No worries, there is not a soul in sight and it is quiet, actually eerily quiet, maybe the wild creatures are curious about these two two legged beings they’ve seldom seen.
As we get deeper, we can see the cliff walls towering over us almost like they are coming together at the top. Every little sound we make echoes back, Trice is digging this. He makes some noises just to test the reverbs, awesome!
So we follow the path up river and come up to a small clearing and hear some splashing of water, wait... what, oh I’ll be... a couple of kayakers coming down river!
Seem’s like Trice has conquered Big Bend, or the Rio Grande, something like that

We keep heading deeper and deeper till we can go no further and it seemed like the two cliff faces were touching, although we knew they weren’t as there’s a river flowing in between!
Trice keeps my spirits up, telling me how we’ll have a nice lunch when we get back and other stories about his high-school girlfriend who liked to...errr...that is also a story in itself.
So we head back, Trice asked me to shoot a video of him by a cave like rock formation and I do. And then the darnedest thing happened! Now, I don’t believe in unknown humonoids or aliens or anything anything like that, but little did I know that Trice did, this is what you get for believing Trice! We weren’t prepared for this, but I did manage to capture it on Bob’s camera (mine was soaked).
After rescuing Trice from the clutches of the filthy animal, we finally headed back, tired, hungary but happy! I pickup the iphone and my wallet from the rock where I had left it to dry
and get to an area where the kayaker’s were about to enjoy a freshly cooked meal, the meal was still being cooked and we couldn’t wait.

We jump back into the river, get to the other side and pour water out of our boots, remove socks and tie them to the bikes to dry and head back in search of some grub (for some reason most of my pics after the camera got soaked are missing, wonder why!)
We find the visitor center that had a store with some nick nacks and decide to return to Starlight for a Filet Mignon! After a hard days work, Trice did what any adventurer would, took care of a bottle and half of wine along with some tequila shots and partied late with the afore mentioned batchelorettes! Anthony, you got any pics from the party? ;-)

It was great riding with you all. I will have you know that La Kiva serves their Shiner Bock out of a pitcher instead of a glass, go figure.

Until we meet again!
I didn't think I rode hard in Big Bend but I guess I did, or maybe this is left over from Mextrek, the support that the tank is bolted onto has a broken weld! It's completely disconnected from one side.
I should be ready by Junction ride, new Moab shock and progressive springs on the way as well!! KLR gettin spoilt

Shadman you going to Junction ride?
Probably can't make junction, but we'll see. Mex Trek for sure.

Pequis Canyon headed down and back towards the US, on street bikes, south of Ojinaga MX, about 70 miles from Terlingua (Ride HQ). This is Kris on my bike, following me on his...my GPS showed a max of 164 somewhere out of the US.....he's crazy.

In case you missed the thread of my misadventures during Uncle's Around the Bend, and you care, the thread is located here.
Under "Story Telling and Tire Kicking".
Sure would be nice if a few of you guys updated your posts to fix the broken image links... ;-)