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East-Tex Ride March 26-28 Ride Report

Great pics, Rick. LOL, I had forgotten about the cake; that was a nice move by Rick to buy us all some red-velvet cake, and support a good cause as well (relay for life). The fact that it was a cute girl hawking probably had something to do with his choice too ;-)

So, where were we... oh yeah, the repairs. Then, we were back on the road again, and enjoying the beautiful riding weather again.


Even the slab sections were nice

Then, in just a few miles, we were back on the dirt again. I love the East TX roads because of their almost perfect mix of clay and sand. It makes for great grip and fun riding. With Trailace leading the way, and the great group we had, the pace was nice and brisk.


Roads you can fly on!

We only had two dead ends on this route; one was a locked, and posted gate, and the other was a bridge that was out.



Rick is the GPS master though, and with just a few thumbstrokes, he had us back on the road again in no time.


Even some of the locals came to check out Rick's GPS mastery!

So all too soon we ended up back at our junction with Hwy. 59, and since we were headed south, and Joe and Kenny were headed north to their trucks, we parted ways. Great bunch of guys to ride with for sure.






Doctor Z

With an excellent route, perfect weather, great campsites, and very competent riders, this turned out to be a great weekend for riding and camping indeed. Many thanks to all the folks who made the ride (Ralph, Joe, John, Kenny, Joe and Rick), and a special thanks to Richard for organizing it.
Great report guys, the pace was good all 3 days.

Man, those guard turkeys really had me scared for a second...bike would not start and I just kicked and kicked. Have you ever been flogged by a turkey.

Can't wait until the next trip that I can make it on.

Rick and Rob have fun on the TAT