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Arkansas Git-R-Done Ride 2010

Here's the complete Garmin file with our tracks and waypoints. My GPS shut off about 3/4 of the way through our 2nd day on the K-Trail, not sure why...

If somebody would like GPX format let me know.


Day 3 - WPG and More Exploring...

Day 3... wow that seems like such a long time ago. My brain has already turned into mush after this weekend. First, we spent almost $9k on a new HVAC system on Friday. Then, it didn't work for crap for two days and I was NOT happy. Tonight I did my due diligence and stuck my head into the attic before firing off a (polite) nasty gram to the installers. Low and behold, our attic was cool.... when it would normally be about 140 deg F? :eek2: Yes, one of the main ducts had blown apart or was never re-attached. Whoa...

Anyway. Day 3 was more Wolf Pen Gap and additional exploring beyond the WPG area. On Day 2 we had split into two groups, both of which had a ball on their chosen trails. This time we split and took the alternate trails followed by a run to the Tall Peak Fire Tower, Shady Lake Rec. Area, Langley Store (yumm... good BLT), and Blue Hole for Andrew. After that, Ken and I blazed our own way home on Trail #5 and Trail #3 of WPG... sweeeet off-road goodness. ;-)

But I'm getting ahead of myself. The day dawned really early again. I'm not very good at sleeping in sleeping bags on sleeping pads so by now I was feeling the sleep deficit. :yawn: Gary's snoring didn't help, but fortunately I had ear plugs. So, I'm not sure if I have my fly down here or what, by the looks on their faces, but Kyle was feeling the KTMButt-deficit as well. After being off of dirt bikes for many years he was pooped out and eager to get home to his family and little two year old kid. Can't say as I blame him. :clap: It was fun Kyle, looking forward to riding with you again sometime! Hopefully you don't almost go up in flames like you did this time. :shock:

By now (most) of us were in the groove. Loads were paired down to the minimum. In Gary's case that meant only one 6-pack of Silver Bullets per pannier.

Ride Leader Pecos was ready to roll with his pieced together footpeg, recently welded back brake pedal bracket, duct-taped 10-year old Arai helmet, and sweet BMW. :rider:

We started at the West Wolf Pen Trail Head again and this time my group went on Trail #6 to the south of Trail #8. Ken and Stephen (and one other) took their first pass at the more difficult #8. If you ever get a chance to do Trail #8, try to imagine doing it on a KLR with like 43% of it's bolts missing. Now you are Stephen. :lol2:

If you look all dashing and ride a high dollar dirt bike with all the best kit while secretly wishing you were racing a Hodaka, you must be Gary.

Trail #6 was a ball, especially West to East. More perfectly formed jumps prior to each mud puddle with some good ups and downs and quick turns. About half way through, South of the Hawk Overlook I believe, there's a trail that will link #6 with #8. Pretty funny. There are quite a few spots where I was glad I was on two wheels instead of four...

Here's Jeff negotiating a rutted, slippery snot section. I was to swap ends and swan dive over the bars in a similar spot later that day...

Speaking of Jeff, if that guy ever throws down for suspension on his Dizzer he'll be fast. Heck he is already fast, and I could see that thing bottoming out and bouncing like a saddle bronc every time he launched it. That guy is a master of the save after riding that thing. Can't wait to see some of your helmet cam videos dude... get those suckers up :)

We met again at the East WPG trail head and decided to take Gary and Andrew down the "Water Trail" before dropping south. They hadn't done it before since Gary was on a beer run and Andrew was rally ridin' all over the country looking for us. It was fun but I only have video... and I tell ya, it was DEEPER the first time!! :lol2: Of course they'll never believe us, but this time the water only came 3/4 of the way up the wheels. Even so, it was enough to make Stephen squeeze out his socks (again). Gore Tex guys.. . Gore Tex.

Ken's 2nd Helping of the Deep Crossing

Pecos and Jeff Hit the Water at Speed

The Beer Bike with it's Anti-KTM Butt Walmart Pad on the Water Trail.

Jeff took a lot of foliage samples... hmmm...

We stopped again at the Sugar Creek Vista for the other guys and discussed plans for the rest of the day. Nobody wanted to man-up with a route for fear of it being a flop and nobody knew the area, so we were in a bit of a conundrum. But what the heck... I still had a few stolen GPS waypoints to check out so off I went and darned if they didn't follow me :nana:

On the way south from Sugar Creek Vista I had probably my closest call of the weekend (at least I think it was this section). I was in my usual Tail End Charlie position, cruising at a good clip on a gravel road when I realized I was on the first descending, decreasing radius, off-camber gravel corner I'd seen. I was a few MPH over safe speed for this particular corner... well into "rally ridin'" territory, and the "oh crap I screwed this up" pucker was immediate. I couldn't get on the brakes because I'd lowside into the trees. I couldn't straighten it out because of the trees and I'd already passed the "oh crap" skidmarks of the guys in front of me. So I did what I'd been practicing and what Neduro taught me on Disc #1. I got my weight massively on that outside peg, leaned the bike massively into the turn, and blasted through that nasty decreasing radius off camber gravel turn without even losing my line. :suicide: :dude:

Rally Ridin. :trust:

(Of course the other guys, even Stephen on his bald-tired 400 lb KLR, had no problem with it... :doh:)

Whew... thankfully, after a really nice hill climb (stay in your lane... because the green Forest Service trucks don't) the Tall Peak fire tower turned out to be a pretty cool place as well. Lewis and Clark deliver again :miffed: :mrgreen:

Arriving at Tall Peak

More Riders Show...

The Non-Beer Hauler KTM 690 Option at the Tall Peak tower...

Rally Machine, slowly stripping out peg bolts not optional. Have you seen what MetalJockey on ADV has done to his for Africa riding? Crazy.

The View from Tall Peak

After checking out the scenery and the creative tagging...

Little did we know that Stephen was planning his escape. See, he was supposed to be in Houston that day with his woman, looking at houses. I don't know what story he concocted or how many more weeks he has doing dishes and mopping floors, but he got one more day out of her. :deal: Then he started feeling guilty. So at this point we'd ridden most of a strenuous day after days of hard riding. And this guy decides to cut out back to the cabin, change out his countershaft sprocket AGAIN (he could do it in his sleep with his gloves on), and ride the 500 miles back to Austin. :brainsnap The crazy bugger made it at like 1:00 AM or something... :hail:

After Tall Peak we took a not-entirely-planned cruise by the Shady Lake area and then on to Langley for tasty food and banter with the mother-daughter team holding down the fort. Word to the wise... don't try to tip them. It may be an Asian thing or an Arkansas thing, but it did generate quite a bit of discussion :-P And until the restroom is repaired, use the tree out back (her words). Interestingly enough we passed the only other DS bike I saw the entire time while on CR 82 (great road) headed for Albert Pike and Langley... a guy on a KTM 640 ADV. I was making the "slow down" sign hoping he'd recognize the fact that there were a bunch of riders on one of the switchbacks behind me, but he tried to slap high fives or something instead. At a closing speed of probably 90 mph... no thanks :lol2: Anybody know who that was? I almost turned around to say hi.

Once we'd fueled ourselves and the KTMs at Langley, it was off to the Blue Hole so Andrew could see it. Apparently he wasn't impressed. The Blue Hole was already passe :lol2:

The group continued to splinter after the BH when the Beer Run/Rally Ridin' guys decided they wanted another pass at the Water Trail. Not wanting to risk my water crossing success again I opted to bail to the north for some new roads above the BH and in the northern portion of Wolf Pen. Ken decided to provide backup (his swimming prowess was already confirmed). He may have regretted his decision because the first cool looking road I wanted to try...

kept getting smaller...

... and petered out into this. This is Ken's "Nice job, Lewis" look. (Clark, (Stephen), had already headed home.)

Some of you locals need to get out there and put that road back through, heck all the signs are still there. Polk Creek to Highway 8 before you get to Mt. Gilead.

Thankfully Ken stuck with me long enough to get back to Wolf Pen where we caught a sneaky little portion of Trail #8 that winds along the road to the north of the East Trail Head. Very sneaky, very fun, and at times pretty darned technical. I was 100 yards from the end when my bike decided to buck me off in some greasy, rutted, steep quad tracks. Fatigue was setting in. No harm done other than (what I thought were) pretty badly bent bars. From there we connected through to the #5 trails as they head back west towards the West Trail Head. Very fun trails that start like this...

... but feature a continually lowering canopy until you are hiding behind the bars and still getting smacked with trees and poison ivy.

At this point I'm totally knackered, my bars are bent, and I can't keep up with the darned fast KTM rider with his oh-so-sweet KTM suspension. So what does he do? He trades me his $10k KTM for my $3k bent-handlebarred Suzuki. :clap::rider::chug:

He's darned lucky I didn't just take my GPS with me and ride off and leave him ;-) What a sweet bike, I was immediately comfortable on it. It seems to do everything right. Did I mention that we just spent $9k on a new HVAC system? :huh2::headbang:

After the #5 trail the day was getting long and we were both pooped. But look... to the north... another trail we may not get to ride... the #3 trail! At this point I'm just hanging on, trying not to really wad it up with my bent bars (yes, I gave back the KTM), and trying to make it home for dinner and beer. #3 was good stuff, tighter than the rest with more abrupt elevation changes, lots of fun. After talking with a giant extended family on quads (little kids to grandparents to 2nd cousins) about how the heck do we get out of here, we promptly missed the exit and ended up riding with them (they missed it too) up to the "High Point" of #3 Trail. The climb up was very newly cut and very rough, at least to my zonked state at the time. I got one crappy shot at the top...

And then thank goodness that Ken had seen a promising side trail on the way up, because it led to the parking lot and salvation. :)

Yeah when we got back there was a lot of this...

And a lot of this...

Another day in the bag and it was GREAT. Tomorrow we try round #2 on the K Trail (and therefore successfully avoid having to embarrass ourselves and possibly break something or someone on the CNT).

Oh and my bars? Old Man G took one look at them, chuckled his "aren't you youngsters cute" chuckle, and torqued them back into shape. They'd just been twisted around the vibration mounts. :oops:
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Ain't that the truth. Have you tasted the forbidden Orange fruit yet?
Nope, not yet but I am thinking about a 2nd bike that is smaller and lighter. Maybe something that is pure off road that is between a 250 and a 450 and keep the XRL for longer trips. It's nice to be able to do 75 on the highway and not feel like I'm pushing the bike that hard.
Climb out of Clayton

Trying my hand at posting a video from Vimeo.... I'll get 'em caught up with the RR and then include the ones on the last day's report.

Stephen and Gary climbing the first good hill out of Clayton on the K-Trail.

Wow... looks like it's going to play. Here's a link in case it doesn't work for you.
Climb out of Clayton
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Day 1 K-Trail & Talimena Skyway

K-Trail, Pre-Debacle :)
And no, that's not how you say it...

K-Trail, Bolt Losses and Pinch Flats

Talimena Skyway
(yes, I screwed up the name again... but it goes between Talihina and Mena, so you can see why I was confused :) )
Shallow Crossing of the Pecos

er... by the Pecos? By Pecos? Followed by the Jeff.

Day 2 - Wolf Pen Gap Trail #8

Well, he was certainly stomping around and muttering like he'd been there before :lol2:

Wolf Pen Gap Trail #8
Hawk Overlook I believe...

To heck with converting them to WMV files first... the quality really takes a digger.

Trail #8 Steeps
Looking down the Hawk Overlook... nice rubble field followed by switchbacks :trust:
More Day 2 Fun

Lewis and Clark on the Little Missiouri
(Uninspiring video of a trail Stephen and I found in the Little Missouri Area...)

Lewis and Clark are Denied
Disregard the attempt at filming video in "portrait" mode please :)

Ahhh snap.... I hit the max number of vids I can upload on the free version of Vimeo for one day :thpt:
More Fun on Day 2

Turned around...

Jeff's Long Crossing
Well if Jeff won't post his helmet cam video of this crossing, I will :trust:
I promise I will contribute this weekend... I have been super busy.

Great job so far Justin.
Final Day 2 Vids...

Ken and Stephen go swimming...
But I mess it up and don't catch either of them actually floundering :)

Hydrogen Powered KLR?
Emits only water vapor ya know...

Day 2 Beer Run
Do what you gotta do when riding in dry counties...
Did Ken get another pinch flat? He was trying to relive Big Bend. :lol2:

Yep, three pinch flats in two trips. On this trip, my first pinch flat came on the K-trail when I was running about 18-19 pounds of pressure. My second pinch came at Blue Hole with 25 pounds of pressure. I pushed it up to 30 pounds since I was out of front tubes and avoided flats the rest of the way. I need to work on my riding skills to avoid all those nasty rocks...
Yep, three pinch flats in two trips. On this trip, my first pinch flat came on the K-trail when I was running about 18-19 pounds of pressure. My second pinch came at Blue Hole with 25 pounds of pressure. I pushed it up to 30 pounds since I was out of front tubes and avoided flats the rest of the way. I need to work on my riding skills to avoid all those nasty rocks...

I've been reading KTM 690 reviews (go figure) and most of those guys are running 20 lbs or less. Must not be riding the rocks.

Hey DFWRIDER, have you thought about Terraflex tires? I have raced with several riders in the enduro series, when we go out west they run them for their hard sideways. They swear by them. I have not had a pinch flat problem so I have never tried them. They may not be DOT or if they make one thats DOT it may feel like ice on road, I don't know. Or maybe the moose bibbs, flats just waste minutes of a great day of riding. On the other hand, I would have rather been with ya'll changing flats than whatever I was doing that day. I know I was not having that much fun!
Finally... Day 4 and the end !

Ok, the wife is on her night out and the kid is in bed. The darned "Swagger Wagon" song is still stuck in my head and my computer won't run Battlefield 2 any more. So what to do?? :ponder: Make a margarita and finish thing thing off I think...

I topped off my weekly Vimeo budget just getting to Day 3, so this post won't have videos until at least this weekend.

Day 4 was for taking care of unfinished bizness. :-)

No, not the dreaded/anticipated CNT Trail. Thankfully my riding partners were finally getting tired of lugging their 650s around and we calculated that having fun and surviving so that we could haul our sorry butts back to Texas the next day was more important than busting ourselves up on the CNT. Personally, that was a relief because I would've been hurtin' out there :lol2:. Instead of the CNT we made a run back to Talihina, OK and jumped back on the K-Trail.

But first, the KTMs needed gas (as they always do)...

And I needed java.

Uninspiring pics to say the least, but this being our last day in the area I was getting all verklempt. (And FYI, you might try the coffee shop down the street by the old train station before you try this one... it wasn't bad, but I expected more for my $4 coffee flavored beverage. ;-))

Fuel and trailmix stowed away we headed out of town, dodging turtles in the early morning sun. Pecos took us on the scenic route back to the Talimena Skyway... we finally hit it about halfway through the ride :rofl: No bears this time though, just miles of nice, twisty slab. At the intersection of the Indian Highway and the K-Trail we tightened straps, got RID of some coffee, and headed out. (Note there are two guys missing. This was a carefully cropped shot.)

Want your own piece of wooded, tick and 4-wheeler infested paradise? It would actually make a pretty nice "retreat", in survival-speak. :trust:

This was going to be quite a day, as we soon found out. My track is to your right and there was essentially no bottom. DR was a little surprised. She doesn't get to play in the mud very often.

It was still early, probably 10:30 AM, and we had a long day of dirt ahead of us. Jeff decided he wanted all that dirt right now and in liquid form. So, he bathed in some. Ker, SPLAT.

Jeff in the Muck

It was nasty.

And it smelled bad.

Did I mention that it was brown and nasty?

You'll like the helmet cam video of Jeff's mud bath. Yep, the little camera on the left, right above the greenery.

But there was still trail to be ridden, mud to be sprayed (Ken got most of that, stuck behind Pecos in a mud pit), and Silver Bullets to be consumed :lol2:

Lots and lots of mud. A word from our sponsors...

I hope I'm remembering this right, but the initial part of the K-Trail from the Indian Highway on consisted of lots rocky trail interspersed with mud pits. You'd think they'd have a bottom, given the rocky surroundings, but at first they didn't. Us being thoroughly scared by Jeff's get off and not wanting to smell like him made for some careful mudding and long detour attempts. At one point we followed a rutted old road downhill to the south hoping to go around a particularly big hole, but it just kept dropping off the ridgeline. Ken decided to blaze a trail straight up through the trees back to the main drag and I, like an idiot, decided to follow him. :loco: I hit a big buried rock while fighting my way uphill through dense trees and brush and about 6 inches of pine needles that dumped me abruptly into the brambles. By the time I found the road everyone else had wisely gone back, and, with no other option, rode through the puddle. It was shallow. And had a hard bottom. :doh::lol2:

Thankfully we found a spot to rest at the Kiamichi Fire Tower. We were tired, muddy, and thirsty.


It was hot out, but the Bullets were ice cold. I love riding with Gary. (And no, we didn't leave them laying around like everyone else apparently does.)

It was an impressive place, so what better way to show it than take a portrait of yourself? :mrgreen:

Views From the Top

Quite a few structures around there...

Root cellar? Generator room?

Hitchhikers too. This guy was relatively friendly, but the ticks I found didn't get the same gentle treatment.

We mounted up and rode 100 yards and found a bunch more structures but unfortunately I didn't have time to poke around in them. This one had an old foot powered grinding wheel by the front door.

A house and outbuildings?

Enough screwing around, it was time to get going... if only to stay in front of Jeff :)

After the fire tower things got a lot rockier and most mud puddles had hard bottoms. I enjoyed the K-Trail even though I had to take it pretty easy to avoid rim bites. My practice as a hardtail and rigid mountainbike rider paid off, in that it has taught me to always look for lines and not just blast through the middle of everything. I got a lot of practice with steering with my feet to avoid rocks and ruts, often hidden by grass. This is great stuff for city kids on DR650s :thumb:.

Random K-Trail Hill

The day started getting long and Gary was down to his last few beers.

Time to powwow and reflect on our good fortune to be out riding in the boonies with friends...

... to have good machines to do it on...


... and to have avoided face planting in the second big mud hole of the day. :clap:

We made it back to Mena tired and satiated relatively early in the afternoon. Any thoughts of hitting trails in WPG for one last time were quickly extinguished and we headed for the nearest car wash. :giveup:

The X-Challenge and the KTMs wasted no time getting beautiful again. No comment on their riders :)


But by far the best part about this exercise was hosing Jeff off with the pressure washer. Unfortunately I have no pictures, as I was using Jeff's camera to videotape the event :lol2: Get that sucker posted when you come up for air Jeff. Don't have too much fun rescuing drunken ROT riders this weekend :eek2:

And that basically completes the Git R Done Ride for 2010. :zen: I took a quick run into town after some recovery time to poke around but the streets were pretty much rolled up. I did grab food and flea and tick medicine for the long suffering momma dog and her puppies though :-D Yeah, I'm a sucker. I also checked out Janssen Park in Mena and had a nice conversation with the local town codger. He was telling me about tornados they've had since the 1940s, how three people were killed in the most recent one in 1999. (He was ten years off, the killer tornado was actually last year :eek2: and it sounded like a bad one.) He was an interesting guy. At one point he looked up at my DR parked in the parking lot and said "Is that your bike?" I said "Yep." He responded "It looks all stood up like a mad spider." :)

The trip back to McKinney the next day was uneventful. I'd fed the momma dog and the other two dogs (not counting puppies) that had adopted us until they couldn't eat any more, then hit 'em with flea and tick medicine. The next morning they weren't happy and didn't even get out of the way for us. I think that stuff makes 'em pretty sick for a day or two. Those hounds will be snowing dead fleas and ticks for awhile if that Wally World medicine is any good.

Here's Gary topping off the tires for the long trip home. He's got more crap on that thing...

We dodged turtles and the most road kill I've ever seen for a few hours and successfully made it into McKinney. Jeff yanked the wheel off of his newly welded trailer and we beelined to NTB for some negotiating. :deal: I'll let him tell that story.

My bike only tried to depart the trailer once and was then content to loll around, LOOKING like it was trying to depart the trailer for the rest of the way home.

I had the most fun I've had on a motorbike since I was a kid (I don't get out much) and met some good new riding buddies. Thanks a bunch dudes!
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Wow talk about panic. We lost internet connectivity just as I was sending the thing :eek2::giveup: Fortunately got it back to life and TWT was able to re-establish connection. Jeeze... I guess that'll teach me to run out of margaritas half way through a post.
Now don't laugh too much. This is the helmet cam view of me taking a little dip in the mud. First just a quick little analysis of what happened... Front tire started washing out so I went to plant my right foot, much to my surprise the hole on my right was about 2 feet deep so I had nothing when I reached for some stabilization. Next, when I'm fiddling about trying to get my bike up I kept slipping around on the slimy bottom of the hole. Justin's photo shows how deep that stinky mud hole was.
