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Pie Run VII: Pie-liness is next to Godleyness: Godley, 7/31


Hey, dig that bushy green wig on the left!​
Thanks for posting up pics, Chuck. I'm using the one you took of me on my facebook. Please let me know if you'd prefer I take it down.
not 100% sure, but I think it's based out of the Cold Ware Air Museum at the Lancaster airport. ....

Since I myself could be an exhibit in a cold war museum I definitely want to check that out! Thanks for telling us about it!
Since I myself could be an exhibit in a cold war museum I definitely want to check that out! Thanks for telling us about it!

The museum's definitely a work in progress.



/now back to your regularly scheduled Pie Report...
Thanks for posting up pics, Chuck. I'm using the one you took of me on my facebook. Please let me know if you'd prefer I take it down.

I would be honored if you use it. If you click on the picture, you should get a higher resolution version (16x) if you need the detail to work with.
OK, I'll start with the bunch that started in SW Arlington.

Justin (MusicMan754) and Paula (songstress)


Our link for the picture messed up. It's either that or I don't know how I changed bodies. Or bikes for that matter. :mrgreen:
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I found a spot in the street to catch folks riding in.
It is about 10:30:


I saw these 2 guys come in from the SH171 side. The side and rear parking is well hidden from that direction. They spotted an empty parking place in front, parked and took off gear, probably wondering where everyone was. Before going inside, they peeked around the corner. :eek2: Oh! There they are. Next I see them backing out and moving their bikes around to the rest. :thumb:



more from the 917 side



they sneak in from both directions


in case you didn't know...


these 2 look familiar





Italians! :eek2:

The Adventures of Floyd, Tim & Tony
or The Conroe to Godley Pie Run Ride Report

I would say we got started bright and early for our ride from Conroe to Godley for the July 31, 2010 Two Wheeled Texans monthly Pie Run, but that would be a lie, it wasn’t bright. Here we are ready to leave the Chevron Station at I-45 North and League Line Road….


Like I said, it was early but not bright out when we left Conroe. For Floyd, he had already been on the road about an hour or so to meet us in Conroe.

Jack (was unable to make the ride) had laid out a pretty good route for us to follow so we were planning to follow it to Godley, but notice the key word here… “planning.” Tim and Floyd made the first mistake of the trip, they saw the GPS on my bike and said “you lead, we follow.” To which I made the second mistake by saying “OK.” Now our adventure is ready to begin.

With the moon clearly visible, I thought it might be best if we slabbed it up to Centerville to avoid running some unfamiliar FM roads in the heavy deer populated areas between Huntsville and Marquez. The other thought was this would allow us to knock about 45 minutes off the ride which would allow us more stops and time to spend at the three courthouses we planned to stop at on the ride up.

We make it pretty much to Centerville with no problems and the GPS is showing we have actually shaved just over an hour from our ETA to Godley.

Just as we get to the Centerville exit I get a visitor inside my helmet, a dang fly has found away to get inside my visor. It must have been a fruit fly because he was acting real funny. No problem, I’m driving slow enough I can lift the visor to let him out. So visor lifted, move up to the stop sign closed the visor and make the turn and head across to Woodie’s for a quick hydration stop. The dern fly is still on the inside of the visor and appears to be hanging on for dear life. Swat the fly off and continue with the stop.

Well we are back on the road, heading west on Hwy 7 to FM 937 where we will turn north to Groesbeck for our first courthouse stop. Just as I’m pulling away from the four-way stop I have another visitor inside my helmet, a spider as big as Dallas is staring at me, eye to eye. I’m trying to pull to the side of the road and get the helmet off at the same time. Spiders as big as Dallas have this odd ability when mashed between your fingers to get real small, you would have thought he was only a tiny spider from the low amount of goo he left on my glove after I mashed him.

So back on the road we head toward Groesbeck and capture our first courthouse…


Back on the road and enjoying the ride to Mexia. Jack picked out a good route, too bad he wasn’t there to enjoy the ride and lead the way. Remember our first and second mistakes? Well this is where they come into play, somehow the GPS went stupid and told us to turn on US 84 toward Waco. I know this isn’t correct according to the route Jack had laid out in Google Map but since I had the GPS set to scooter mode I thought it was probably taking us down a better “scooter” friendly road. Well a short distance down the road it tells us to turn around and head back to Groesbeck but before I can made the change of direction it recalculates the route and points 5.3 miles further down 84 to make a turn to the north so I decided it had had a hiccup earlier and was now on track. Well we finally come to the end of the road, it teed into another FM and the GPS says turn right, back toward Mexia. The whole time I know Floyd and Tim are thinking I’m fixin’ to take them down some pig trail thru the fields. We stop and discuss the GPS directions and decide to do the opposite of what it is telling us to do, we turn left and head for Prairie Hill. That hour we saved earlier is starting to look like a real good idea.

We gas up at Prairie Hill and head west on 84 toward Waco, now the GPS says turn right again so we turn on FM 939 and ride pass Crooked Creek (not an open weekend so no off road bikes insight) and head for Hwy 31 where the GPS once again says turn right. Maybe the GPS knows what it is talking about so I follow its directions and guess where we end up? Yep, Hubbard which if we had turned right the first time was only about 5 miles from the time we decided to turn opposite of it’s directions. So we are now back on track and headed for Hillsboro and our second planned courthouse….



A run up to Cleburne and our third stop for a courthouse photo….


Leaving the Cleburne courthouse we came close to observing an Audi S5 getting tore up. :eek2: Not sure if the idiot ran the red light as we were turning to head for Godley or if he was in the far right lane and decided he wanted to make a mad turn across traffic to continue toward Godley. Some how he missed all the other cars at the intersection and us. I just glad we were on the inside of the turn and not on the outer edge. To make sure he was not beside us I moved over the first chance I had to get behind him. Just a short ways up the road he had increased the distance and we didn’t see him again but I did notice an older lady in a small import that did appear to not be watching traffic. Knowing that we would be turning left in a few blocks and she was in the left lane, I moved over behind her. At the next red light Floyd pulled up beside me and I know he was wondering why I had gotten behind this woman when there was pretty clear sailing in front of her. At about that time the traffic in the left turn lane started turning and she just took off straight down the road, never even appearing to look up. I think it was about that time Floyd decided I had made the right move. Shortly there after we arrive at Godley…

Some of my photos of the bikes at the café…

One good looking Tiger :dude:

Another good looking Tiger :rider:














Return trip to Conroe report and photos to follow...
Chuck, thanks for posting the pictures. That last batch had a shot of me in them. I was curious to see it since I saw yall snapping the pics. I think I'll make it my avatar since my current one has me on the V-Strom that I sold last year ( I miss that bike).
As I was leaving Godley I asked someone , what would be a nice ride traveling east from Godley. He pionted at a sign, 917 East. So off I went.Having a nice ride when two more experenced riders passed me doing about 80-90 mph, knees about 6 inches off the road through the corners. I did not get there names as they passed bye. About 15 minutes later I passed them, as the Highway Patrol officer was writing the tickets.

I would bet the tickets were much more than the great meal we had in Godley.

Ride Safe......
and more...


I thought it was about 10 after 11 and didn't see anyone for a bit, so I turned to go inside. Then a big bunch more arrived:


I lost my good angle & was overwhelmed! Scooters! :eek2: :giveup: ;-)










Ah, THERE is the black MP3! :thumb:

followed by sport bikes (I just THOUGHT I wanted to go eat) :lol2:












Man, they are still coming...










OK, that's it. I know I missed some folks and I just hope that is incentive to join us again! :trust:

And... thanks to all the folks that braved the heat to visit the out-of-the-way town of Godley, especially those who rode a good way. :rider:


  • d70_8489c.jpg
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I think I counted 3 Triumph Tigers in there - all different colours, too! :thumb:
I was fairly sure I saw you take a picture of the black MP3, you were probably just busy enough getting shots of the crowd coming in that it didn't register on you at the time.
I was fairly sure I saw you take a picture of the black MP3, you were probably just busy enough getting shots of the crowd coming in that it didn't register on you at the time.

Yeah, that photo is in post #67. I was mainly interested in aiming and shooting, I had to go back to look at the pictures myself to see what I saw! :doh:
You got two pictures of it, the closeup and three above one of it coming in off the road. :clap: