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Aug 5, 2010
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Hello there...Went to MONTEREY Solo. Left TEXAS. At 1:30pm since solo I avoided the lonely roads took
HWY127 to Hondo Tx.and then 90 to UVALDE Tx.
form there on farm road 481 to get to hwy 57 that goes to EAGLE PASSTx. Stopped at wendy's for a quick salad it was already 4:30 pm
EAGLE PASS has two bridges to cross to
PIEDRAS NEGRAS 1 & 2 if 2 is taken it connects to a loop that goes around the city.

All this region from PIEDRAS NEGRAS to MONCLOVA is what Pittsburgh PA use to be in USA in a smaller scale of course
since the late 30's when a steel mill plant was installed in MONCLOVA yes it was installed by U.S. engineers
There's coal every where we were in the open ceiling coal mining during the 80's and we were one of
the few now everybody is doing it the other day I saw they were digging in the yard of a house.You will see a lot of eighteen
wheelers as you leave PIEDRAS NEGRAS hauling coal to the thermolectric RIO ESCONDIDO
plant in NAVA


Checking that the VIN on the bike matches with the registration

I had to get a permit for the bike and that is about 50 mi into Mexico in a small townALLENDE
where the toll road starts i get the permit by now is around 6 pm and I want togettoMONCLOVA
before dusk where i'llbespending the night

there clean bathrooms once you pass the autopista booths dont recomend the piblic ones where you get the permit

took the autopista (toll road) about 7.00 bucks to SABINAS the toll road ends
in an intersection in ROSITA a town that one passes by. On the way between
ROSITA andSABINAS there is small town AGUJITA
the road goes right in to it through the middle of the town and there like 5 speed bumps pretty
bad ones specially for a HOG no signs so be aware almost jumped out of the saddle I stopped in
SABINAS to gas up


the 4 lane Road is descent and i'm doing 80mph in some parts with no problem.

I get to MONCLOVA just before dark

i leave MONCLOVA around 8am everything is green and i'm in the desert but it has rain mucho i feel pretty
good but the visor on my helement strats to flip and I stop at small rancheria about 50 km out of MONCLOVA named
STA TERESAjust before entering LA MURALLA a canon were you cross the mountains., there is
a little store I ask for duck tape the guy sales me a roll of electrical vinyl tape the ambiance is tense they dont know what I'm up to ..
An old pick up pulls over with 4 vaqueros they buy meat beef there is a lot of cattle ranches in that area we use to have one just 4 mi
from there, meat sales are supposed be regulated by the Mexico department of health and cuatreros cattle thiefs are not well seen but
I understand the situation and pretend i don't know what's going on..i put some tape on the visor and head to
LA MURALLA This guys are no thiefies I think there is a unconscious mutal agreement between the ranch owners
consent and the vaqueros in a discreet manner a calf can break a leg and has to be sacrifice there organized by groups of neighbors since
some don't have electricity or fridges they share the meat but vaqueros have to feed their family's and they always have meat.. good for them

On the way to SALTILLO where i don't have to go in since the road HWY 57 connects to Hwy 40 the new toll road
MONTERREY SALTILLO known in north central Mexico as the Mexico's autobahn​



this is looking north to MONCLOVA notice the mountain pass LA MURALLA and how you be gaining altitud

After passing LA MURRALLA the road is straight as an arrow and the pave it's good so you can mantain good pace is not what
it use to be this is relatively new and skips the mountains as you get close to SALTILLO it takes you
directly to Hwy 40 MEXICO's 100km autobahn not because the quality of the road but because nobody is going to tell you
that you going too fast
one thing i want to mention is that there is only one gas station between MONCLOVA and

Here I refuel by now is around 9:15 Am I hit a small turtle with my front tire before i got to SANTA TERSA
it was fired up in the air so still have adrenaline on my veins at this point
Have this magnet that I picked up at wallmart on my thank just to remaind me

i'm about to hit the autobahn...Actually i'm there.. now and there is no much traffic suddenly a beemer coming from
Saltillo i guess passes me hauling *** try to stay calm at 80 no rush it be 30min before i get to MONTERREY
This toll road takes you directly to SAN PEDRO GARZA GARCIA municipality known as SAN PEDRO there is where i'm going so prctically
i dont have to deal with traffic or enter MONTERREY it turns into MORONES PRIETO from where you can access
Vanconcelos one of the main avenues in SAN PEDRO it's 10:30​

Next day we go eat at EL GRANERO traditional in CALZADA DEL VALLE main avenue in
SAN PEDRO Tomorrow I'll be heading back to MONCLOVA spend the night there and then to TEXAS​


Check how steep that ramp is as i get out of the place where I stayed need to focus the ramp goes
right to the street and can't see if there is traffic coming i have to stop right on the walk-side so I pray before i go out​

Leave MONTERREY at 6:00am


approching the bridge 2 in PIEDRAS NEGRAS​
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Hello M38A1;
That sunset pic has been seating on my pc for quite a while don't recall where it came from this other one of a scout I took from a painting on the wall of the museum in Fort Clark in BRACKETTVILLE, TEXAS as I was coming back from DEl Rio Tx. always been fascinated by the 18th century cavalry if you are ever close to that area you should check it it's worth it. I relate scouts with what we do on the bikes explore

thanks for the smugtip it's cool
:clap: great report
What is going on with the pants?
regardless of the pants what I'm seeing is how fat i have gotten i think i'm depress my 22yro maid quit and be seating on the coach a lot eating pecan ice cream need to get back to the gym :lol2:
Hey; AusFletch see you were in Saltillo did they learn anthing?


You must be referring to my trip down there to work with the police? I sure hope they learned something. I know that I learned a great deal FROM them. I really hope that something we did helped keep them and their community safe a little bit safer. I will say this, though, they were some of the most attentive and eager-to-learn participants we have ever worked with. It remains one of the best experiences of my life. I look forward to returning to working with them again.

On a related note, I am at the FBI Academy right now and there are about a dozen Mexican federal law enforcement executives going to an intensive 5-week school.

Great report! -FRED

You must be referring to my trip down there to work with the police? I sure hope they learned something. I know that I learned a great deal FROM them. I really hope that something we did helped keep them and their community safe a little bit safer. I will say this, though, they were some of the most attentive and eager-to-learn participants we have ever worked with. It remains one of the best experiences of my life. I look forward to returning to working with them again.

On a related note, I am at the FBI Academy right now and there are about a dozen Mexican federal law enforcement executives going to an intensive 5-week school.

Great report! -FRED

Cool! I appreciate what you do ...
Thanks for the write-up. You definitely move in different circles that I do when in Mexico. I enjoyed the pictures and the story.
Thanks for the write-up. You definitely move in different circles that I do when in Mexico. I enjoyed the pictures and the story.

grew up down there and it was just 3 days trip want to get me a dual and go deep south with a tent
there were a lot of rock mines and it was starting to look ugly as they were biting huge chunks of the mountain I understand the government send the miners to the other side of the mountain
You sure do clean up nicely in a suit and all! :clap:


Do it for her when I take my daughter out to eat some times she invites friends so that's the less i can do i guess but i'm flexible I do eat tacos on the street as well other times ;-)

mama fixes me lunch

If we ride together, Bato, we HAVE to include a stop at your mama's for lunch. That paella looks wonderful (assuming that's what it is). My wife makes paella occasionally. I love it.
On this west-east point of Mota de San Nava - San Andres Parish ChurchAndres, this twenty-first day of the month of February in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and one, I, Lieutenant of the Royal Army Calvary,
Don Antonio Cordero y Bustamante, Military and Political Governor by S. M. (Q. D. G.)... declare out loud: This is Villa de Nava!”
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