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EasTex 450: 2 Months of no rain = lots of sand

Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
Longview, TX
First Name
The sand claimed a few victims, but otherwise we had a great turnout and a spectacular ride.

A big thanks to Moto Adventure Gear and all the helpers who made this event a success.

The weather was great. Lots of sun.


Beautiful scenery with the leaves changing in NE, Texas.


There was some sand in some boots and some boots ended up in the sand.


Here are a few bikes at the Stump at lunch on Friday. :rider:

a few BRP shots:




thanks to Richard (Pigtrail) and folks for putting this together
A Big Thanks to Richard , his wife and mother in law for all there hard work . We had a blast and enjoyed the get together each evening for awards . My group was great and I Loved the Sand,,,NNNNOOOOTTTTTT but I was better at it by the end of the weekend ...

Rick M
thanks Big A ,Clark , Mudclod ,Stingray,Motorod and Sprocket for putting up with my demanding schedule of KICK STANDS UP AT ??? Sprocket you can sleep late Monday morning ok :lol2::rofl:
Thanks Pigtrail, Wife and mama outlaw for the topnotch support!:sun:
Thanks to Texas DR and everyone else for putting up with this newbie.
Sure enjoyed the weekend, gentlemen.......
Richard, Heather, and her Mom went above and beyond to make this an enjoyable event. The "Eastex 450" stickers really look great. Of course I've had to cover up the trailing zero as I only made about 45 of those miles.

It seems a fully packed 1200GS, 66 year old rider and deep sand are not a good combination. As I told BeemerBob, learning one's limitations is as valuable as new experiences.

Still, I'll be back for the next event. Again, thanks to Richard et al.

Fun ride and great company! A rare inside look at beautiful East Texas. We couldn't have custom ordered better weather for this event. :sun: Excellent camping and campfire times.

Much thanks to the organizers and our fellow (and fella) riders. :clap:

We saw a number of spots along the sand trails where folks did a little drawing in the dirt with their handlebars. :flip: Mostly bikes just either got stuck or stalled out and fell over. Nothing hurt but a little pride, maybe. Serious coating of East Texas red dust in places where dust shouldn't go. 450 miles of mostly good dirt? OH YEA! :pray:

...surely someone will post up the picture of submarine bike??? :eek2:

Ahhh...here tis..classic and memorable moments riding motorcycles (lifted these from vtwin's site)



Hey, as one of our group says: If you can walk away from it then it was fun. If you can use the bike again then it was downright awesome! :pirate:

some TW photos:


Woodsguy had his family there and three TWs, he had to carry the luggage




How many miles of deep sand was there?? On previous ride reports it only looked there was one short section.
Leaning Post in Rusk


    52.4 KB · Views: 246
How many miles of deep sand was there??

Probably 8-10 miles of intermittant hard patches with lots of deep sand right off the start. Day 2 saw 2 long sections of a mile or more. Day 3 had a fair bit near the end. :giveup:
Ouch. That sounds tough.

I may have to wait till I put the wider tire up front on my KLR before I ride that one. On KLR650.net is seems to be getting popular to lace up a rear 18 inch rim on the front wheel hub. Then use a rear (wider) tire on front.
Great Job pigtrail with the event, your attention to details was obvious, and with your dedicated helpers seemed to proceed smoothly with many smiles from the participants.

I had the pleasure of riding with the Medicare Angels lead by Paul Carr at a leasurely pace which helped me survive the sandy sections (barely).:trust:

Glad I made this event and looking forward to upcoming ones you setup. Thanks for all your efforts.:clap:
Looks like great fun!!

I like the sand. I learned sand riding on an R1150GS, so doing it on the KLR is a real treat. On the big GS's, having TKC-80's mounted makes a BIG difference!! Also, you just have to get comfy with standing and not using the brakes much at all. Use engine braking instead and shift your weight back when slowing to help reduce the tendency of the front end to plow into the sand. Gotta be loose on the handle bar too, using your weight and throttle to steer, letting the front wander and wiggle but keeping it pointed in the general direction of where you want to go. You have to keep the speed up as well. I usually run in 2nd gear as a minimum. Sometimes it is even easier to get started from a standstill if you are in 2nd gear.

As for mud... I got nothing helpful to say... :doh:
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Richard, thank you and your family for a wonderful weekend of riding and motorcycle tall tales:trust::rofl: can't wait to do it again. Oh!!! and I really liked all the sand!!! Was a Blast!!:clap::clap::clap:
EasTex 450

Kudos to Richard for organizing this event and to Heather and her mom for all that they did, to Moto Adventure Gear & Dual Sport Events for being sponsors & for the trailer for our gear. To the Bean's for their hospitality and to the Rusk KOA owners.
And thanks to the various guys that befriended and assisted me when my big orange mistress developed an attitude and would go no further. They put her in her place and got her going again. I would still be out in the wilds of E Texas without them!:clap:
And thanks to the group that let me hang out and ride with them at one time or the other, namely:
Andy, Don, Jack, Blake, Joe, Jay, Wesley, Mark, Philip, Warren, Ken and Mr. "**** near correct" a/k/a "that *&#% truck wuz makin too much dust" Calvin.
(If I've forgotten anybody, I'm sorry.)
Nice meeting all of y'all. I had a great time('cept for that rude, inconsiderate non-riding camper family at Rusk but I won't talk about them! and for my bent front rim)
Sand? What sand?
See ya on the trail!
Great event, Thanks Richard and his many helpers! Met many new friends. Hope to see all soon. Lots of video to look through.
That was a good report Bob even though you didnt make all the ride. Hope you wre doing better and up to speed soon.
BeemerBob, sorry about your get off and getting trapped under the hard bag....ouch! Glad it was not worse, heal up good, and keep the bike out of sight till Halloween, hope to see you at Roll The Bones!
PS - I am heading out to Angelina Nat Forest this weekend with my twin brother KosmicKLR, my wife, and kiddo...
So, was the route followed to a "T"? For the most part? Or was it totally disregarded? Were there any hangups to speak of?

I wanted to attend this ride so bad but, sometimes life gets in the way of living.:ponder:
So, was the route followed to a "T"? For the most part? Or was it totally disregarded? Were there any hangups to speak of?

I wanted to attend this ride so bad but, sometimes life gets in the way of living.:ponder:

Let's see, besides me messing up on Saturday. I noticed (I think) 2 places on Sunday, although it was not hard to figure out where to go. I would have to look at the route to point it out.
Other than that it was great.

Did anyone else have this problem? Or was it just me and that is highly possible.