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Sunday Ride HOU


Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
The Woodlands
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

Thanks Guys, hope this finds everyone got home OK. Had to peddle the RT as hard as I could to keep up. She's panting in the garage right now.
Thanks again, enjoyed it.
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

Made it home in one piece, albeit one chilly piece. :-D

I had a blast, nice meeting everyone and can't wait to do it again.

299.8 miles door to door... I was going to ride around my cudesac a few times just to hit the 300 mile mark but my fingers were starting to get cold again. :rider:
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

Made it home just before dark.

That was fun guys,lets do it again soon.

Nice to meet everyone.
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

Great ride. Nice meeting everyone. Man when the sun went down the cold really hit.
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

Excellent ride today! Still had a few spare cords left.:duck:

Thanks Steve, for spearheading the effort. Kent too, for leading a great pace!
It was a pleasure to meet some new folks and ride again with some old folks!:rider:
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

Thermalser said:
Excellent ride today! Still had a few spare cords left.:duck:

Thanks Steve, for spearheading the effort. Kent too, for leading a great pace!
It was a pleasure to meet some new folks and ride again with some old folks!:rider:

Yeah, what he said. I'm glad I was one of the new folks, sort of took me out of the "old folks" department:haha:
The ride demonstrated a contrast between riding in rural NJ, NY and PA and riding in greater Houston. We hardly ever get over 70 up there but on this ride 80 was minimum. That's kilometers per hour if there is any law enforcement reading this thread.:lol2:
Coming home on US59 with Vaughn we were keeping up in traffic and he looked like he was falling back. I guess he saw the marked HPD car coming fairly fast. I looked in the rear view and he was right on my butt and I thought here come the lights and siren but he veered right and passed me like I was standing still. We were probably at 75 indicated and I don't know the limit near the loop but it is probably 60. It would have been a for sure ticket in NJ. I love Texas!
Great ride and almost ideal weather. Steve
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

Really enjoyed the company. Great group of riders. Steve, if you are going for mileage, move to Clear Lake.:)
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

kocook said:
Really enjoyed the company. Great group of riders. Steve, if you are going for mileage, move to Clear Lake.:)

This is the first time I've been on a ride in AGES when I didn't have to ride across town at the end of the ride home. :shock: Two weeks ago I had 40 miles of commuiting (each way) to get to the meeting point, haha. I feel your pain!

PS, thanks for leading, it was a great pace.

PSS, your bike is a beauty!
Re: Anyone riding Friday or Sunday?

It was great riding with all you folks. I had a great time riding between bathroom breaks. I really need to get a larger bladdar. :) Look forward to riding with yall again. Happy hollidays to you all.

Here's a pic of what my moving average was.....I was sweeper on this ride. Zeroed all where we met up at the 242/59 intersection. I won't show the max speed screen.


Not sure how thumbnail is at the bottom....delete if you want.


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R1150R - looks like you live right around the corner from me. I'm at Falcon Wing and Wdlnds Pkwy.
Why be bashful with the max speed? :moon: :-D

BrutusTx said:
And here I heard this was the conservative group!!!!! :nono:

We are. Just have to watch out for those COG guys, they're CRAAAZEEE!:pilot:
:tab Hmm... you won't see me hitting those kinds of speeds leading a ride! :eek: I guess maybe the bungee effect might make some people get a little exuberant in trying to catch back up to the group. If you are ever riding with me on a ride I am leading, PLEASE don't do this. There is no need to "catch up" as we will be waiting at every course change and won't leave you behind... unless your username is Leeroy :lol2: Besides the potential danger of an accident, if you get busted, you can bet the LEO will be gunning for everyone else as well if they find out a group is running the area. It recently happened to us in Arkansas when some squids at the back of the pack got a little carried away... you know who you are :-P
I don't look down at the speedo much but I don't recall breaking the ton mark during yesterdays ride... even with my overzealous speedometer (it's optimistic by about 12%). :shrug:
Tourmeister said:
:tab Hmm... you won't see me hitting those kinds of speeds leading a ride! :eek: I guess maybe the bungee effect might make some people get a little exuberant in trying to catch back up to the group. If you are ever riding with me on a ride I am leading, PLEASE don't do this. There is no need to "catch up" as we will be waiting at every course change and won't leave you behind... unless your username is Leeroy :lol2: Besides the potential danger of an accident, if you get busted, you can bet the LEO will be gunning for everyone else as well if they find out a group is running the area. It recently happened to us in Arkansas when some squids at the back of the pack got a little carried away... you know who you are :-P

I spent the better part of the day either one back from the leader, or one up from the sweeper. When I was the number two bike in line yesterday my speeds rarely moved past the upper 70's on average. My speeds tended to be a few mph's higher as the number 8 bike as the bungee effect most certainly comes into play as it will with most group rides I have been involved in. It is a natural tendency of the goup to want to stay together, regardless of that fact that no one will be left behind. There is not much a ride leader can do to prevent this besides preaching to everyone not to ride above ones own abilities.

From my vantage point Sunday, everyone rode very well with no accidents, incidents or blown corners. It would be my priveledge to ride with everyone and anyone in this group of riders in the future!:thumb:
Hope I didn't give the wrong impression. I found the ride to be safe and I didn't push myself to the point of being un-safe IMO. The leader(s) would make sure all riders were present before leaving any intersections &/or stop signs. Kent on one occassion looked back and gave a thumbs up to which I replied with the same jesture and off we went. Without putting words into anyones mouth, all seemed to enjoy the ride and pace.

Texas T, we must be prettly close to one another. I live on Indigo Circle, I have to take the Falcon Wing exit to get here. We'll have to take a ride someday.....you shoulda come with us this past Sunday.
On a side note, those GPS screens are excellent! That's some very cool stuff. I'm not to up-to-date with the GPS scene... that info alone would be very cool, not counting the actual trip planning and road finding info!! :pirate:
:tab Just remember, many LEO know that a GPS shows top speed ;-) If you are being pulled over and have the presence of mind, might be a good idea to clear that. Not that they can ticket you for that speed, but it certainly doesn't make for a good impression.

:tab I was not scolding anyone about this ride. I was just pointing out that I would discourage the highspeed stuff as it has the potential to get the whole group in trouble. When the taildraggers in our group got pulled over and mentioned they were in a group, the LEO got on the radio and had another LEO up the road pull me and a few others over even though we were doing less than the posted limit. They let us go, but gave us the big lecture. On another ride, the taildraggers did some questionable passing and the cager got on their cell and called the state police. When I rolled into town he had the road blocked and pulled over the entire group. The person that made the call did not show up so there really wasn't much the LEO could do, again we were let go with a good lecturing. My point is that when you are riding in a group, you really need to be thinking about the whole group ;-)
But it does make for an interesting lecture series. ;-)
R1150R said:
Hope I didn't give the wrong impression.
Apparently I did though. :-(

Texas T, we must be prettly close to one another. I live on Indigo Circle, I have to take the Falcon Wing exit to get here. We'll have to take a ride someday.....
Sometime after the first of the year once I get the bike running again. :oops: