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December Pie Run for 2005

Dec 10, 2003
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Re: OFFICIAL: The December Pie Run (New Year's) Celebration!

chris you guys did a great job!!!! Rita and I had a great time and enjoyed meeting some new folks. The ride up and back was pretty good. We are so lucky to have the weather we do.
Happy New Year to all.
Steve N Rita
Re: OFFICIAL: The December Pie Run (New Year's) Celebration!

A big thanks to several people!

Chris for putting this together and getting the great food!

Tim for the great sound/video setup! Was great for watching the movies!

Johann - The DVD was great!! We were all blown away by it! Now how to do we go about getting copies?

Rebecca for her powerpoint presentation with all the great photos!

I wish more of you could have made it, but given the timing, it is understandable that other commitments would take priority. The company was excellent and it was nice to be able to spend more time visiting with everyone.

Perhaps we need to do another meet similar to this but not on a special holiday? The ability to just spend the evening hanging out visiting, watching movies and then crashing up at the hotel room was great.
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Re: OFFICIAL: The December Pie Run (New Year's) Celebration!

Sorry I couldn't stick around much longer. I was done for :sleep: after spending 15 hours on the road. It was great to put more names and faces together. Thanks to all involved in making this happen! :clap:
Re: OFFICIAL: The December Pie Run (New Year's) Celebration!

Ditto on Johann's DVD - that was great. If it can be zipped, I can upload it to a server and hosted...

Only bad part of riding to/from was the wind. It treated me brutally. Had a couple of real pucker moments on curves. It didn't let up at all - all the way back to DFW. I did find some shelter in the hills and trees on FM182 - thanks Chris (WC), for the suggestion.

503 miles - 2-day total - not much for some others but it sure tuckered out this old geezer with that wind...

route home from Temple (have no idea how we got from CS to Temple - just followed the Z-family): :rider:
SH53 west
FM36 to Gatesville
FM182 to FM219
got gas in Cranfills Gap (Shell was open!)
FM219 to Fairy
FM1602 to Hico
FM6 to SH220
SH220 to FM2481
FM2481 to US67 where I finally gave up and went slab
lunch at BK in Glen Rose
US67 to FM2280 to FM917 to FM157

good time with all the TWT folk in CS - Tim did a great job with the electronics. His two kiddos, along with the Zim's 2 girls (all 6 and under) were a lot of fun, too.

So, what are the plans for January, 2006? :trust:
Re: OFFICIAL: The December Pie Run (New Year's) Celebration!

Yes...inquiring pie starved minds want to know :mrgreen:

:tab With the day free and the weather awesome, I decide to do a DS ride between here and College Station, ending at the hotel for the end of the year Pie Run. A last minute posts garners the eager Squeaky to join me for the ride. Saturday morning arrives followed by an on time Squeaky ;-) We head out about 10:30am and start working our way Westward towards Bedias, a happening small Texas town.

:tab The skies are clear and a good breeze is blowing. Given how dry it has been this month, I am a little concerned about the sand conditions on some of the roads we'll be hitting. Squeaky has no experience in sand and she's only been DS riding once before on her Vstrom 1000 :-| We head out of town on Hwy 30 a few miles before turning North to run the dirt roads that run East/West between FM 1669 and Hwy 30. Surprisingly, the dust is not too bad :scratch: Maybe there is none left to blow away...

:tab The nice thing about the roads we're running right now is that they are mostly straight. This lets Squeaky just get used to the feeling of the bke in the loose gravel and dirt. Some of the corners are first gear sharp 90's so she also gets to work on slowing the bike from speed on the dirt. The roads are fairly heavily travelled by the locals and thus they are well maintained by the county. This means no major potholes, ruts, or other nastiness. Squeaky hangs back but never drops back to far. She seems comfy running about 40mph or so. In less than an hour we are sitting at the little gas station in "downtown" Bedias waiting to see if Cagiva549 and HardyBaker are going to hook up with us for some riding.

:tab After about fifteen minutes of waiting, we decide they're not coming and get back on the bikes. We head West out of Bedias a short distance and then get back onto the dirt. We're crusing along at a nice 35-40mph when a Turkey Vulture leaps up out of the brush by the side of the road... right smack dab in front of me!! The road is so narrow there really isn't anywhere to go to try to dodge it. I am hard on the brakes but my mind is making the calculation that unless something major happens in the next split second, we're gonna get real intimate :uhoh:

:tab Those moments between the seconds are interesting. I'm always surprised by the things that pop in my head at times like these. This time I am flashing back to a similar encounter of the foul feathered kind when I was driving a Four Runner. The image of a bucket load of refined road kill gushing towards me from the air leaps to the forefront of my conciousness... This is gonna stink! We're about to meet with him right at the level of my headlights, a nice big FLAT surface for him to impact! At the end of the split second, the vulture manages one more mighty flap of his massive wings. Then we hit.

:tab It's funny how the entire universe just slips away in the moment. The entire focus of my reality is confined to a very small point in time and space, my windscreen. The beautiful day... gone. The nice scenery... gone. The image of my windscreen bending over backwards towards me looms large. The wings fold on impact as the body slides up the windscreen and glances off the top of my ducked down helmet. What is that smell... :wary:

:tab I stop and start looking myself over to make sure I am not covered in Vulture Poo... I'm clean... whew! I guess the smell is leftover from whatever it was chowing on when I surprised it. Squeaky pulls up wondering why we've stopped. Apparently she did not see a thing because she was so focused on the road! I backtrack to see if I can find the critter but it is gone. It looks like that extra flap did us both a world of good! Relieved at my good fortune, we get underway again.

:tab Soon we are approaching the Navasota River. The last time I came through here, the road was deep loose sand for about a mile and a half on either side of the river. Getting the GS through was work. As I come rolling down the hill to the low area around the river, I am quite relieved to find the road clear of the loose stuff and hard packed! When we reach the river we stop for a break at the Channey Crossing on Long Trussel Rd. Alas, all there is now is a boring concrete bridge :-|

Squeaky and the Strom

The obligatory GS shot ;-)

There is some steel in this bridge, it acts as the form for the concrete. Many of the newer bridges are nothing but concrete (and rebar no doubt).

:tab You can see the remains of the older bridge poking up out of the water below.

:tab It always depresses me to see the amount of garbage both in the water and on the shores around these kinds of crossings. They are apparently popular spots for dumping and hanging out while drinking beer. It would seem the locals around here have a thing for Keystone Light :puke: In the few minutes that we hang out, no less than six or seven cages come blasting through...

:tab After shedding some layers to keep from overheating, we get back underway. Eventually, this route would take us into the East side of College Station, instead we head North skirting along the edge of town until we find a nice little road to cut back to the East over the river again. After a few miles of pavement, we once again slip back into the woods and start kicking up some dust. Soon we arrive at Democrat Crossing. Don't ask, I have no idea why it is called that :shrug: Anyway, there is a cool bridge ;-)

Democrat Crossing where Sandy Creek meets the Navasota River.


Just beyond the crossing...

Squeaky coming across

:tab Once again, there are the remains of an older bridge underneath this one. This one is just like the construction of the one at Channey Crossing. I would venture a guess that both were built relatively close in time to each other. The half mile or so right after the crossing has four or five smaller crossings over creeks. These are the little bridges you see that are slightly higher that the road surface and have planks running their length. some are good for getting a little air time... :twisted:

:tab Eventually the dirt road gives way to pavement and becomes FM 1372 and we run it North to North Zulch. Most of this town is hidden behind the trees and sits off the main road. It is like the main road was just done as a bypass to the whole town. There is not much here. In the blink of an eye we pass through town and head West on another dirt road. I'm not sure this road will go through. One GPS map indicates that we should find Bundy Crossing and another shows two roads ending on opposite sides of the river...

:tab After a few miles, the road starts to narrow and the trees close in from the sides. It is looking like this part of the road sees VERY little traffic, seldom a good sign when hoping the road goes through :-| Sure enough, the narrow section of road winds back into the woods a short way before we find this...

It would seem the river got the best of the road... :brainsnap

:tab Believe it or not... I actually ponder getting the GS through for a few moments and then my sanity comes back to me. I know Squeaky has to be looking at this with a bit of trepidation... "Is he really going to try to get me to do that!!??" Instead, we park the bikes and walk around to get a look at things. The single track left of the "road" is just wide enough to walk on. There is a barbed wire fence on the left. Right at the narrowest point, there is a tree and some short scrub brush sticking out into the path. The roots of the tree protrude out from the side of the bank and dangle over the steep and long drop off. If one of use were to fall here, the risk of serious injury would be pretty high and the chances of recovering the bike exceptionally remote... So we walk.

Looking back...

Just around the bend, we see where the road used to cross the river

:tab Looks like we're backtracking!

:tab It is interesting to note that the poles sticking up out of the water are all broken off at about the same height. Recall the poles sticking up under the new bridges at the Channey and Democrat Crossings? These look just like them so I am wondering if perhaps this bridge was removed and there was no money left in the budget for its' replacement :shrug: It is a shame because a crossing here would make for a nice section of a route. As it is, the area around here would be a nice spot to camp and it looks like other people have had the same thought.

:tab I spend a few minutes checking the GPS for an alternate route and then we take off again. We cut back to the North and pick up FM 1452 and head West. This is a nice road with fast sweepers and pretty scenery. I spot another little road on the GPS that looks like it might be interested and cut over to where we want to be. It's another dead end, hehe. So we get back on the FM and then drop out onto OSR, the Old San Antone Rd.. and turn back to the Southwest. Just beyond FM 1940, we stop at a small gas station for "lunch" and a break. :eat2:

:tab After a nice break, we keep heading Southwest a short bit and then pick up another dirt road that comes out in Wheelock, another tiny little town clinging to existence. We blip through town and hop on FM 391 and run West to Black Jack. Well, that is what the maps says. In reality, there is nothing more than an intersection here. So we head North on FM 2549 so we can skirt around Hearne. FM's 391 and 2549 are nice roads. They both have some good elevation changes and great curves. We cross US 79 and run some more little backroads up to Calvert. As we are passing through town I spot several nice examples of early 1900's housing architecture. It is one of the things I like about seeing the old towns.

:tab We cross Hwy 6 and head West on FM 979. Now we are in open flat farm country. The curves are barely discernable. After crossing the Brazos river on a bridge unworthy of a picture, we turn South on another dirt county road that roughly parallels the river. It is flat and straight so we stretch our legs a wee bit ;-) We come out on FM 485 at Branchville and cut West a short hop to yet another dirt road and continue South. Once again, the road is wide and smooth with nothing but bare farmland on each side, perfect visibility... :rider:

:tab In the distance I see smoke rising up from the trees in some hills. The road inexorably makes it way towards that smoke... When we arrive at the Little River, there is a fire on the far bank. A few guys with shovels are down there working on containing it. While we are there, several more trucks arrive with lights and sirens blazing. Two of them are pumper trucks and everyone gets busy! There is a cool bridge here and we decide to head over to check it out. It is closed and next to it stands a bright clean new concrete bridge that still smells like wet concrete :shock:

This is a pretty good span!

The new bridge as seen from the old bridge

Looking North across the old bridge

:tab The sandy soil in the area makes for some serious errosion along the banks of the river. The old bridge does not look like it was in danger of having its' ends erode away. The new bridge has a LOT of large rocks dumped on the banks under and around it. I wonder if erosion will be the limiting factor of the new bridge's serviceable lifespan? As we get ready to leave, it seems the firemen have things under control. We drive by Sugarloaf Mountain, a big hill with rocks on top, and there are numerous vultures perched on the rock outcroppings. No doubt they are sniffing the passing breeze for a hint of dinner...

:tab The road heading South away from the bridge is fun, but of the roads we have been on today, it has the worst sand. It is not bad, but there are patches where it is deep and loose that could catch an unwary rider in a moment of lapsed concentration. We hit FM 2095 and turn South to Gause on US 190. We cross the highway and keep heading South on more dirt roads. The sun is starting to get low on the horizon and the shadows are stretching across the roads. I love the soft glow that everything takes on in the early evening sun. Although, with a visor caked in dust, it makes seeing where I am going a bit challenging at times! We cross numerous creeks and finally come out on the edges of Caldwell. We skirt around town and head South to FM 166.

:tab FM 166 is one of the roads that all the Bryan/Colege Station riders come out to ride. It has some really nice curves and for the most part, the pavement is still in pretty good shape. Just outside Tunis we get stuck behind a car. It has several young guys in it. All I can see is their heads barely sticking up over the seats as they seem to prefer the lowrider style of seating... As I follow them into town, they seem to be slightly weaving. In town, there is a sharp 20 mph corner. This guy totally blows it, nearly runs off the road, over corrects and then nearly runs off the other side of the road. Thankfully, no one was coming the other way!! Then he proceeds to just drive away like nothing happened. A minute later when I got the chance, I got around him and got away from him. Squeaky had a bit more of a challenge getting around him as his swerving is so bad she's afraid he might hit her as she tries to pass. She eventually finds a good spot and get's around them.

:tab We are on the far West side of College Station at Hwy 50 and 60. We stop for gas at the Exxon there at the intersection. There are several nice Harleys parked out front with their owners. I wave and they refuse to even acknowledge me despite direct and obvious eye contact :roll: I just don't get it :shrug: When they leave, the racket is deafening. I can hear them for several minutes as they rap out there engines between shifts. Yeah... they're cool :suicide: With full tanks, we roll on into town and find the hotel where the Pie Run is being held.

:tab We arrive to find most of the people already here. Tim "HiSPL" is busy setting up the video/sound equipment and WCzimmerman and Blazin Momma are setting up everything else. After quick hellos, I head up to my room to clean up. Beth and I come down and find most everyone has arrived. The food shows up right on time and we get busy eating! The food is great! The caterers are well worth their money. Brisket, Sausage, Twice Baked Potatos, Potato Salad, Green Beans, Sauce and DESSERTS!!

:tab While eating, we played the DVD put together by AustinTrophy. It was fantastic!! He really did a top notch job and everyone loved it. It had a great soundtrack, tons of good pics from all the Pie Runs and extra pics and video lifted out of posts on the TWT site. I will be pestering him for copies ;-) The kids watched their shows and played with LEGO's. I have to say, all the kids were exceptionally well behaved all evening. Beth's parents called Thursday wanting to come up and babysit Saturday so we left Sarah at home with them. After the food, we settled in to watch Dust to Glory. I just never get tired of seeing this movie, hehe. Then Squeaky player her powerpoint presentatino with tons of photos taken from various threads on the TWT site. It was great.

:tab We spent a great evening visiting with everyone. After midnight, we popped in Faster. Most of the local folks had gone home by then. About half of the rest went upstairs and straight to bed, hehe. I'm amazed they made it to midnight :-P Here are the people pics.

Scott "bluedogok" and his wife Naomi

Ron "vfer" & Melissa Owens

Jenn "Blazin Mama" and Cassie?

Blazin Mama's other kiddo, Savannah

Steve "RockmanTx" and his wife (sorry can't recall her name :oops: )

Will "birdwh"

Miss Vicki and Stephen "Yehaa! Stephen"

Steve "CruzinTexas" & Rita "Hurricane Rita"

Tim "HiSPL" and his wife Daniela - Joseph and Grace not shown :oops:

:tab Don't know how I managed to do it, but I did not get pics of Snoopster, Rainmaker, Skid, Squeaky, Wczimmerman and Gilk51 :ponder: Pratt and ZZR-Chuck also showed up for a while before leaving to make other commitments.

:tab The ride home Sunday was nice. I came back solo on some of the same roads we did heading out, just the ones directly between College Station and home. I had not seen Sarah since Friday evening and I missed her, so I wanted to take a fairly direct route home :mrgreen: She was suitably excited to see me as well when I pulled into the driveway :kiss:

I've attached the GPS file for anyone wanting to see the tracks. Requires MapSource to view.


Thank for the great ride report, you know if Vaugh had been on that ride, he wouldn't have hesitated to go around that washout and we would have had mpg's of him trying to get the WR out of the River!

Sorry we had to miss the New Year's get together, even though I have a hard time staying up past 10pm anymore, it would have been fun to be able to go.

As it was Mark and Alex had a run with the dirtbikes up to the National Forest yesterday and left while I was trying to rewire my landscape lights (got four out of 7 that light now). After coming out of my shower, the phone is ringing...Alex forgot to pack his helmet. Jump in the car (too tired to take the DRZ, but sorry I didn't) and head up to the trailhead. It was such a nice day I hung around til they were done. When they got back from their last ride, Alex had the racoon face of someone whose been following too close behind in the dust. (I'll add a pic later) The drive back home was beautiful as always and makes me appreciate the fine roads we have here in Texas. If I didn't have to work, I would live in one of the counties North of Harris. But for now will have to appreciate the fact that they are still accessible within a reasonable drive time. Happy New Year - G
Mainly Zimmermananan family photos:

Getting ready to leave the motel on Sunday:

Arriving home, in front of their garage:

In front of their cool, 80 year old house (built in 1926):

One final close-up on their front porch:

These are good folks!
Thanks for leading this old geezer to College Station!
Re: OFFICIAL: The December Pie Run (New Year's) Celebration!

Tourmeister said:
Johann - The DVD was great!! We were all blown away by it! Now how to do we go about getting copies?
Sounds like it was a fun time! Libby and I are bummed that we missed it, but plan to attend the next one. As for the DVD, I'm glad y'all enjoyed it! It was a fun project and made me feel like I was there in spirit :rider:

I have a couple thoughts on how we could do copies:

1) If you think it would be appropriate, it could be used as a fundraiser for the board. Copies of the DVD could be "purchased" by making a donation to the board. Scott, you could determine the donation amount required to receive the video.

2) I can post the ISO file (2.4 GB) someplace and people can burn their own DVDs.

3) I can convert it into DIVX, MP4 or some other compressed or streaming video format that people could watch on their computers and again post it someplace.

Let me know your thoughts!
Glad everyone had a good time in College Station....Sometimes I miss the students/city. It helped when I ran into a few riders New Year's Eve who are ex-Aggies.
Re: OFFICIAL: The December Pie Run (New Year's) Celebration!

AustinTrophy said:
I have a couple thoughts on how we could do copies:

1) If you think it would be appropriate, it could be used as a fundraiser for the board. Copies of the DVD could be "purchased" by making a donation to the board. Scott, you could determine the donation amount required to receive the video.

I like this idea best. It's a great way to raise some funds for this awesome non-profit site, and I'd be willing to help out by adding my slideshow(s) if you want, as well as helping design/print/affix labels and CD covers to make them more "official". I already have the software and supplies (I just need to find them).

I'll try to get a full ride report going, but here are a few highlights:

-Great route out the CS with Scott. The roads were great for a DS newbie like myself, and I only blew one corner (but of all the corners we went through, it was the best one for it to happen in and I saved it)

-Great seeing everyone! New faces, old faces, near faces, far faces, childrens faces (aren't they just the best!)

-The location chosen was awesome. College Station was quiet, the hotel easily found (even though Scott didn't program that tidbit of info into the all-knowing GPS), and the hotel's accomodations were great for the price.

-The food was great! Man, that pie was just what I needed! Or was it cake? Someone will have to explain to me why Boston Creme Pie is not considered cake...

-The ride home was nice, and we took our time getting back on the road. Hit a few geocaches before leaving town, and then some curvy stuff as the sun was setting.

...Can't wait to do it again next year! (or sooner)
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After reading all of the above.......I have to ask......:scratch:

When and where is the Jan. pie run????? I's hungry.:eat3:
This should be the east Texas turn for the Pie Run.The Shed in Edom usually.
Ok, a few pictures...

Me & Cassie having a grand 'ole time playing cards

Folks watching the slideshow

More folks hanging out

Me & Beth

Geocaching in College Station Sunday before heading home

Checkin' out the loot


College Station's Central Park


Totem Pole? (Deb was trying to get a good vantage point for a picture)

The A-Maze-Ing St. Francis

Texas A&M College Cemetary



WC and I had a great time. The ride there and back was a little stressful since I had my 4yr old(Savannah) on the bike with me. Cassie(6yrs old) rode with Chris. The did a great job. This was the farthest that they had gone (75 miles one way)The weather was beautiful and temperature was perfect, but the wind was strong. I am hurting today. It was nice to finally meet some folks, even though I didn't get around to everyone. Cassie had a great time with Squeaky while being taught how to gamble. Squeaky says she was helping her count, but I think it was more like counting cards. Savannah complained of her stomach hurting all night so i spent alot of time with her. Finally at 11:30 I had to take her upstairs and we watched the New Year's come in. Oh, but our party was not over yet. From 12:30a-2:30a:scott: Chris got up several times with her until she vomited :puke:at 2:30, telling us her tummy felt better. She finally fell asleep at 3:30 and slept until 7:30 at which time I got up and took the girls to breakfast to let Chris sleep. We saw Steve and Rita heading out early to get home. I know I was a zombie pretty much most of the morning, and when we arrived home we all took naps.

All in all we did have a great time even with the sleepless night. Chris said we had all the makings of a good party, (staying up late, drinking, vomiting) even though it was the minors doing this. NOTE: and by drinking I mean caffeine which they are not given often for obvious reasons. We plan to do this again on a regular weekend (no holidays).
Well, I finally have a chance to post my report: :uhoh:

Let me begin by saying thanks to the folks that helped tremendously to make this happen!

HiSPL (good to know what that means now)-you truly made the magic happen with the A/V setup!
Tourmeister-Thanks for working with the money and for running this site!
Glik51-Thanks for entertaining our girls at the party! They have a new friend now. Also, thanks for setting up your laptop as a victim to the kids for their viewing pleasure while we were setting up!
vfer-Thanks for all the decorations!
bluedogok-Thanks for meeting up with AustinTrophy to get the DVD!
AustinTrophy-WOW! Great job on the video!
Squeaky-Thanks for the slide show and Guess the Avatar game!

Thanks to everyone that showed up and made this end of year Pie Run a reality!

Jen and I enjoyed setting all this up and we have made many new friends over the course of the year. Jen was behind the scenes on a lot of the planning prodding me along :hack:

The ride down to CS was uneventful even despite the fact that Savannah (the 4 year old) did not end up getting a nap beforehand because she was too excited about going. Gilk51 arrived just before 14:00 and we all rode together. Once we arrived in CS, there were already several folks there mingling and shortly after Tim (HiSPL) came in with the first of several loads of hi tech gadgetry for the A/V. Right about the time everyone was starting to eat the walls, the caterer showed up and unloaded the first items from his van: the PIES! :eat3:

Of course, there was this BBQ, too:

EVERYTHING was fabulous. Buppy's Catering is highly recommended! :bigokay:

While we were eating, we enjoyed the DVD from AustinTrophy. Let me say the Star Wars intro was too funny. Afterwards, we watched Dust to Glory (first time for the Zimmermans) while Tim and I worked to get Gilk51's laptop to work with Squeaky's Powerpoint presentations. Those guys that race the Baja 1000 are NUTS!

HiSPL's kids and ours quickly started playing together and having a good time while the "adults" partied:

In case you're wondering, that is a Cabbage Patch diaper on Savannah's head. Yeah...honestly...she didn't have anything to drink! :ponder:

Here's Savannah at about 22:00 after her stomach started to act up:

Obviously, Cassie had no trouble staying up:

Jen pretty well covered the middle of the night adventures with Savannah. Gotta love this conversation:

Dad: "Do you feel like you need to throw up?"
Savannah: " No, my tummy just hurts..."
2 seconds later.................
:puke: while running with the child to the bathroom. There's something about that that makes you sit upright in the bed the remainder of the night at any sound that is even remotely similar...

Here we are heading out the next morning. The sunglasses really hide the HUGE bags under my eyes well:

Once home, the girls said good bye to a really great guy:

OK, now to the question/answer and comment section of the post:

When and where is the Jan. pie run?????

As vfer mentioned, the next one is slated for The Shed in Edom. The thread will be forthcoming soon. I went riding today and stopped at Hico and mentioned to Irene that we'd be coming back there in Feb.

If you think it would be appropriate, it could be used as a fundraiser for the board. Copies of the DVD could be "purchased" by making a donation to the board. Scott, you could determine the donation amount required to receive the video.

I think this would be a fabulous idea. I have the original now in case anyone is wondering.

In front of their cool, 80 year old house (built in 1926)
We really enjoy our home, but it does come with "character." In case anyone hasn't noticed, that is the ORIGINAL roof from 1926. Still working...

About half of the rest went upstairs and straight to bed, hehe. I'm amazed they made it to midnight
Yeah, I was amazed at myself for making it to midnight as well. Little did I know that the adventures of the night would keep me up until 03:30.

So, what are the plans for January, 2006?

Well, there was some discussion about where the Pie Run idea might be going for 2006. At this point, my guess is that we'll continue the idea into 06, but there are some other ideas that are starting to gel for other "themed" rides, too.

Again, many thanks to everyone for making this happen. I look forward to doing it again, maybe in the summer time?
I just got to upload some pix.





Fun times!!!!
Steve N Rita
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So Steve, I guess that pic of all the bikes lined up is what this was all about...

I had a great time ringing in the New Year with all my TWT friends. :chug: Very nice job on the slide show & music. :clap: Thanks to everyone for organizing this event. I saw next time we wear name tags & try to socialize some more.

Here are my pics – I tried to take out the duplicates.

Steve “cruzintexas”, Rita “Hurricane Rita” & Beth “Blue Bomber”

Erik “Rainmaker” and Becca “Squeaky”

Chris “wczimmermann” and Tim “hispl” trying to get the power point show to work

Gavin “Skid” and Becca “Squeaky”

Erik “Rainmaker” and Debbie “Snoopster”

Leaving the Holiday Inn Express to seek out several geo-caching sites. This was my first time & I really enjoyed it.

Found several places in the College Station area

Checking out a site near the campus

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Squeaky said:
Totem Pole? (Deb was trying to get a good vantage point for a picture)

The A-Maze-Ing St. Francis

Here is how my pic turned out:

Steve: Thanks for coming up with a great route to the hotel. :flip: It's been a while since I rode with you & forgot how fast you can go. I don't think riding 2-up makes any difference.
It's been a while since I rode with you & forgot how fast you can go. I don't think riding 2-up makes any difference.

:lol2: And he was telling me how slow he was going...