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2011 TAR (Texas Adventure Ride) - Ride Report

Okay, how do we top this? We've ridden 80 miles of dirt, visited the Alamo, The Jersey Lilly Saloon, and the Lonesome Dove set and we still have 3 hours remaining.

"George, ever been to Dodge City? You know, the one in Kansas. Where Wyatt Earp was sheriff. And Wild Bill Hickok too? The place all the Texas cowboys drove the cattle too."

"No, can't say I've been."

"Look, we're in the groove. It's only 750 miles from here so we've got plenty of time to go there and still get to Austin on time. Whaddya say?"

"We can't stop now. Let's do it!"


We gassed up in Langtry and made a bee-line for Kansas. Two hours later we arrived on Front Street, maintained just the way it was in the 1880s. It's a very cool place.



I was a little tired, so I rented a room for an hour in the Dodge City hotel and took a nap. I was roused from my sleep by some ruckus going on in the street in front of the hotel, so I went out to have a look see.

That darn Wyatt Earp was bullying some poor cowboy. Well, I wasn't going to stand for that. I don't care how fast with a gun that man is. I figured I was well rested. It had been the best day ever on a bike. I could ride further and faster than anyone in history. Maybe I could draw a pistol at the same speed. So I challenged him to a showdown. I'm sure I'm faster than him. I mean, how old is he now? Like 160? Oh yeah, I got this.

I borrowed a rig and we faced off in the middle of the street. A hush fell over the entire town. Doors closed. Windows shut. The wind blew up a little dust. Somewhere in the distant an eagle sounded off.

Wow, that Wyatt was a LOT faster than I figured. He beat me by a 1/2 mile, despite his advanced age. I took two bullets right through the chest, fell to the ground and died right there.

Once the commotion settled down they summoned the undertaker who put me in a pine box. They put me on display there on the main street for a day. Oh well, it had been the best day ever on a bike, but it was over now.


Well, that's the end of my story. Thanks for reading but I'm gone now so I have to stop writing.
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Re: The best day on a bike ever

George and I discussed the situation and since we were making such great time we decided to detour to The Alamo. It wasn't that far out of our way and I've always wanted to get a picture of my bike in front of it. George was enthusiastic about the idea so off we went.
It only took another 15 minutes and Viola! we were there. We rode right up to the front door, positioned our bikes and took each other's pictures.
Here's George and both our bikes.
Very cute, Rich.
Great magic Richard on the 'time travels'. Tricepilot and I did much the same last summer. :rider:
Great magic Richard on the 'time travels'. Tricepilot and I did much the same last summer. :rider:

Every now and then the stars align and you can do things that would otherwise be impossible. Sounds like you and Trice had one of those special days last summer. :clap:
Remind me to never eat there again. The first time I've had indigestion in 30 years!

Yum yum....I can't wait!

All three of those bike smelled like BBQ for the rest of the day. Maybe we should have parked some place else?

Mike The Wheelie King Nelson,Milton The Map Otto,and J Tracker Thompson. Thanks to those guys for letting me tag along.

Oops....I forgot one. You'll never guess who these hands belong to?

Thanks to all of you for your kindness..... even for the single day that we hung with you. You were kind and welcoming....to the boys and I.

Thanks again.....

Looks like a good time guys, wish I could have made it. Richard's magic has improved and I see Stingray has broadened his skillz from running out of gas to getting flat tires :) Funny that Richard never mentioned his flat tire though... Bummed there were no pictures of Izz welding something on his bike :( But seriously, would have loved to be there.
Bummed there were no pictures of Izz welding something on his bike :(

This has got to be the first trip I've been on with Iz that I didn't get a picture of him working on something..... I did however get one of him stealing something.......


And this is what he did with it.....


But just to get your "Iz repair" fix here's a pict of him from the previous weekends ET450 ride where he made an "in the field" wheel bearing and spacer repair out of an old piece of PVC and a pair of tree trimmers on the beer delivery wagon.... This guy really needs his own show :mrgreen:

But just to get your "Iz repair" fix here's a pict of him from the previous weekends ET450 ride where he made an "in the field" wheel bearing and spacer repair out of an old piece of PVC and a pair of tree trimmers on the beer delivery wagon.... This guy really needs his own show :mrgreen:


Say, whaaaaa???
Friday's team. Stingray Scott, Jarret, Big A Arnold, and Israh.

Israh and Stingray model some high tech communication devices. Those are mics they're wearing on their throats.

Sooner or later, everyone comes to Calvin.


Who knows where this is?

Bethel Church in Hilda, on RR 783 at Salt Branch Loop and Loeffler Road.





Lunch break, Mason, Texas.

The Mexicans are going to win back Texas without firing a shot.

Great company.

Yep. Stingray ran out of gas, again.
Hey Richard, thanks for another great TAR ride. I was one of the late registrations (had to work Friday morning), but got there as soon as I could. Forgot my camera, so I had to use the phone.

This year there were 3 690's :rider:


and somebody on a Transalp


and flats


and some sort of tire dance


and lots of careful supervision to insure that no mistakes were made


some excellent leaning


another flat


some funny comments


and I even did some leaning


and Steve got all of our pictures (hope the camera survived).


Great ride!
Cool, that mexican place is open again in Mason. Last time I was through there it looked closed.
Thanks to all of you for your kindness..... even for the single day that we hung with you. You were kind and welcoming....to the boys and I.

Thanks again.....


Big John, It was great riding with you & your son's, those young men can ride! Im going to send you that photo i took today or tomorrow, sorry i havent sent it yet just been real busy at work, also thank's for being a great duelsport statesman/spokesperson to the woman who came out angry & went back inside not so angry, everything you said was perfect! Thank's again Big John. :thumb:
Enjoyed a more 'road oriented' ride with some DS mostly on Friday.

Here's a few pics of Fri & Sat. Adios until next time.


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Big John, It was great riding with you & your son's, those young men can ride! Im going to send you that photo i took today or tomorrow, sorry i havent sent it yet just been real busy at work, also thank's for being a great duelsport statesman/spokesperson to the woman who came out angry & went back inside not so angry, everything you said was perfect! Thank's again Big John. :thumb:

Steve....thanks for the compliments. We had a blast. It was fun riding with you guys. Hey.....send that pic over.....

Here are a few pics of our experience......

By the way....we camped out at the Upper Llano State Park. It was very nice.....(save the GirlScouts on the final night!!!!.....15, 12 year olds....google-eyed on my boys....till all hours of the night....geeeez)







Cheers, John

PS....Any of you boys that need a break from the Texas Heat....please join me at my event in Sipapu, NM in early August.....

Here's the link.... CLICK HERE

By the way....in New Mexico....I won't be on the Strom....I will be on this beauty!!!!!

Re: The best day on a bike ever

Richard, where is that Lonesome Dove set located? I thought the original set was distroyed.
Big John - Sorry i havent sent the picture yet, I was going to sneak it in & surprise you but my camera may have been destroyed by my nephew & niece from NYC , it was supposed to be a simple go cart ride, what could possible go wrong? Anyway my camera got stuck between the chain & muffler.....Melted togather real nice kinda like a grilled cheese sandwich with a slice of drivechain on the outside, anyway sorry for the major delay but I haven't given up hope yet as I took 299 picture's on that ride & have'nt posted any of them on TWT yet, but im planning on posting a bunch of them as I know people are waiting for them & they are waaay late! , hope to have them on soon :photo: - MR
Re: The best day on a bike ever

Richard, where is that Lonesome Dove set located? I thought the original set was distroyed.

That set is located at The Tin Star Ranch. Their address is 456 Tin Star Road, Fredericksburg, TX 78624, but Tin Star Road is the name of their driveway (it's a long driveway). They are off of Lower Crabapple Road, between RR 965 and Hwy 16, a few miles east of Enchanted Rock and a few miles west of the Willow City Loop.

I've driven by there many times but this was the first time I stopped in. They had a banner hanging on Lower Crabapple Road welcoming BBQers. We were hungry so we thought we would check it out. They are only open for events, as best as I can tell.