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Red River NM

Good info. I just hate to trailer all the way up there for 1/2 a day of riding because I already know she has wicked plans for the majority of the trip.

"There shall be hiking and shopping and road trips and fun to be had by all.....I COMMAND THEE!" :rofl: Actually, this is the first vacation we've taken that's going to be a lot of improv involved. I'm loving it. :thumb:

I'm the Schedule Nazi in our family. We joke about it a lot.

It will be cold. When we left there last July, it was 37 degrees. By the time we got out of the truck in Tulia, it was about 95, and I thought I'd made a wrong turn and ended up in ****.
Forgot the mileage details

2344 miles total

731.6 to get there (one day)
733.8 to get back (two days :giveup:)
869 while there (three days)

Thanks for the write up Phil.
I enjoyed riding with the Texas-Oklahoma bunch last weekend.:rider:
Thanks for the invite to the board also.
I've done a little over 2200 miles since leaving home and am still at least 1100 away from home. Enjoying a few non riding days in Las Cruces before heading home.
Collin must have had some incentive to make such a long one day ride home.



NM 456 on the way to Red River
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Wake up early and it’s cold


Well, at least is was PLUS 23 when you were there. Me and my wife stayed at that Best Western during the first week of February and mountain top lows were in the minus 25 range. The natural gas was out of service in the region because of the heavy demand and rolling blackouts in Austin so we had no hot water. Only one lift was open because of the need to conserve electricity and that lift was being run on diesel. They still charged full price for the lift tickets.
You can almost hear the screams of dissapointment from my office this morning as I read your Ride Report. I have been dreaming of this trip to RR for a few years now. When I originally planned this Rally I had every belief that I could make it.

My surgery went well and I will be back on the ST1300 or the INFERNO by mid June.

My hat is off to you for this great Ride Report and look forward to riding with you next year, where ever we plan the Rally.

Wow you guys just missed the snow. If memory is correct this was May 18th going into the morning of the 19th. Could have been 19-20. We got about 4-5 inches of the fresh wet stuff. Stuck to everything but the roads. You just missed it.
Fun write up with great pics..


Mike Green

I think I saw you on some show in the Discovery Medical Channel about conjoined twins attached at the head... Crazy stuff :shock: :brainsnap