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2011 Roll The Bones Rally - Ride Reports/Pics

Re: 2010 Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

A fine weekend indeed to spend with friends old and new.
Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

great bunch of folks, great ride, thanks Ghost, Rod, SOG!!!


Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

Some of my pics from RTB 2011....

These are a few from Friday's afternoon gravel road ride(NO...we didn't make Loco Coyote ..but that's ok) We ended up as far east as Meridian. Some of the CRs we took incl HCR106,105,203 (which I had never ridden),223,222 & 225.
We also hit some of Bosque's best up in the hills...FM219 &FM1238 to 4135, 4125,4130 & of course FM1473 before takin CR1030 outta Meridian & down to FM2136 & CR4180. Looped around on CR4175,4195 then back up 4145 to the Rock Church for a stop before takin FM219 & CR309 from the Gap & on to FM1602 south then 306,301 to Hwy 22 & back in to Hamilton.

Some of the gravel CRs were a bit dusty,but overall not that bad. A nice selection of roads on the first half.....& then after some of the guys headed back toward Hamilton my turn to lead in Bosque Co. Great bunch o guys.... sorry I can't remember the names.


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Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

....& some from yesterday's ITSA RAID.

The Riders...
James & company....daughters Hanna & Heather along with friend Randy. James' wife Karen stayed back at the O-T
James (Texican) on the F800GS
Our illustrious videographer Gary on his Concours BIG THANX FOR SHOOTIN THE VIDS/PICS
& BigDaveGS....hard ta miss Dave.


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Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

I'd also like to send my heartfelt wishes out to Graeme Peart for his wife's speedy recovery from her accident injuries Friday Afternoon. Graeme was supposed to ride with our group on the gravel ride but only a few minutes into the ride,he recieved that terrible phone call & had to turn back to Circle T,pack up & head to DFW to be with his wife. GRAEME...WE"RE THINKIN BOUT YA & YOUR WIFE.
Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

I couldn't believe it when Graham got the call, do keep us posted and I wish you and your wife all the best, It was great meeting you (I lead the ride on the CRF450) and I hope we will see you and your wife next year when she has fully recovered.. Keep thinking good things and hoping for the best.. If there is anything we can do to help, just let us know..

Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

I didn't take many pictures, but here is one with mine and Schickmeister's bikes:


And we made it to the Loco Coyote for lunch and there was a corvette club there. Here are some pictures of that and the food that he and I couldn't finish:



Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

I'd also like to send my heartfelt wishes out to Graeme Peart for his wife's speedy recovery from her accident injuries Friday Afternoon. Graeme was supposed to ride with our group on the gravel ride but only a few minutes into the ride,he recieved that terrible phone call & had to turn back to Circle T,pack up & head to DFW to be with his wife. GRAEME...WE"RE THINKIN BOUT YA & YOUR WIFE.

Just talked to Graeme. His wife is still in ICU. She is having surgury today. She is still not out of the woods so keep her on your prayers.
Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

Had a great time. Much thanks to the Mature and Handsome crowd for letting me gather round their campfire again this year. Most enjoyable fellowship.

I made it out toward the southwest Saturday AM to Indian Gap. Interesting little community. There are some old buildings still there. You can see there was some history here once upon a time.


This is a pretty big structure with several chimneys. Maybe the old school?


I'd love to get a closer look at these instead of just taking pictures from the fence.

Came across some pretty cool water crossings along the way.


Sure would liked to have been around Saturday night but had an early engagement to attend Sunday morning. Looking forward to the next one. :rider:
Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

Had a great time. Much thanks to the Mature and Handsome crowd for letting me gather round their campfire again this year. Most enjoyable fellowship.

I made it out toward the southwest Saturday AM to Indian Gap. Interesting little community. There are some old buildings still there. You can see there was some history here once upon a time.


This is a pretty big structure with several chimneys. Maybe the old school?


I'd love to get a closer look at these instead of just taking pictures from the fence.

Came across some pretty cool water crossings along the way.


Sure would liked to have been around Saturday night but had an early engagement to attend Sunday morning. Looking forward to the next one. :rider:

Yes that is the old School...I have rode pass it many times. I would love to rummage through that old building:trust:
Re: Roll the Bones Rally - AAR/PICS [merged]

....& some from yesterday's ITSA RAID.

The Riders...
James & company....daughters Hanna & Heather along with friend Randy. James' wife Karen stayed back at the O-T
James (Texican) on the F800GS
Our illustrious videographer Gary on his Concours BIG THANX FOR SHOOTIN THE VIDS/PICS
& BigDaveGS....hard ta miss Dave.

Ok, Ok, ya just had to draw everyones attention to me.......geees...:lol2:
I hope we can use this one thread for all RTB pics regardless of year.....Ya'lls ideas??

:tab I split them because it is easier for folks to find the start of the reports for this year in a new thread instead of looking for the start in the old thread. However, I will also stick a link to the old thread in your opening post for this year's event.
:tab I split them because it is easier for folks to find the start of the reports for this year in a new thread instead of looking for the start in the old thread. However, I will also stick a link to the old thread in your opening post for this year's event.

Thanks, I was going to start a new one but Rod resurrected this one before I could:sun:

I hope you had a good time. I had planned to get to talk more to you but stayed pretty busy:yawn:
Here are some Photes of the Tent camping area and one of Ghost and TxJames at their finest


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Everyone made fun of my Bivy tent last year. They said they didn't know how my 6'8" big ***** got in it, so I brought my next larger tent this year.


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I think I took maybe four or five pictures. With Calvin leading, there really wasn't much time for taking pics as I was busting my chops to keep up :-P
I'd like to re-post this message here on TWT regarding an accident that happened to one of the Roll The Bones Rally participant's wife. While the accident did not happen at the rally (happened in McKinney) It was a sad happening that cut short any Rally riding plans Graeme Peart had begun on Friday afternoon.
The info is from an email sent out thru BMWDFW Group. Dahveed posted it on ADV Rider & it should go here too. Please read it at your discression....Some of the info is pretty intense.

Scott....If you think this needs to be moved to a different location...please put a link to it in this thread...

I’m so scared. The reality of the seriousness of Angela’s condition is setting in. I’m dreading tomorrow, today already. The ride on the rollercoaster, like the ride on her bike, seems to be going the wrong way. I write the remainder of this message with much trepidation. There is still much hope. Some more time will allow further healing. I guess I am getting myself ready for wherever the ride goes.
Yesterday I mentioned that Angela had a fever. Today they took samples for a culture. The concern is that she may be developing pneumonia. The results of the culture won’t be known for about 72 hours – that would make it Saturday.
One of the staff who works with the surgeons in the neurological team came to talk to me in the waiting room while they were doing the EEG. She explained for the type of brain injury Angela has that there is nothing that surgery can help with. She was there to provide hope and encouragement – Angela is young (I’ve heard people say that many times and I look forward to telling her so), fit and strong - but also to start the discussion on the realities and possibilities related to Angela’s outcome. This is the beginning of the discussion I have been dreading. Wednesday is Day 6 of Angela being on the ventilator, on life support. In two more days, thereabouts, if Angela does not begin to follow simple commands and consequently be taken off the ventilator I’ll be asked about whether to move the breathing tube from her mouth to a hole in her neck – a tracheotomy. This is more comfortable and less irritating for long term life support. This is where decisions will become both easy and difficult. From many years ago and as recently as last year we reaffirmed our desires should the worst happen. The Advance Directive, as it is known, states Angela’s desire to keep her comfortable while any life sustaining treatments are discontinued should she suffer a terminal or irreversible condition. I am hoping that those words are not part of any discussions in the next few days.
Angela’s blood pressure has stabilized but she still doesn’t follow simple commands, even with the new sedative. This morning they did an EEG. While I don’t have the official results from the neurologist, the high-level view is that her brain function is slow possibly caused by a lack of oxygen at some point. I was told on Friday that she had trouble breathing by herself at the scene of the accident. I didn’t realize at the time that it might have been this serious. Her actual brain injury, the bleeding and swelling from the concussive blow to the helmet, was shown to have resolved to a great extent as shown on the CT scan yesterday.
This evening, Angela had what is probably the last of the planned surgeries for treating the wounds on her hip, thigh and knee. It went well. One of the docs showed me the work done on her hip. Wow, it looked neat and tidy but if there is going to be a scar it will be a whopper.
Angela is such a beautiful girl, even on her bed in the CCU. The sedatives make her so relaxed there is barely a wrinkle to be seen. She looks at least 10 years younger. Her simple movements even make her look baby-like: a slight shrug of her shoulders, mouthing of unsaid words, her frown when having her lungs suctioned. Bugger that! I want the cranky Angela back.

Mr2mch :
We're all thinkin of Graeme & Angela in this really tragic time. Hopefully they will make it thru this & be able to enjoy the cycling sport again.
