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East Texas 450 (500 + actually) Nov 11-13 2011

And another:

It was a beautiful day, but dust was bad in places, Rob just stayed back enough to make it look good. All and all was a great ride and the sand was packed better than expected.
Rob, Thanks for getting your video up. Your riding makes it look so easy. Lol
Here are a few of my pics and a link to all of them.

Had a great time we need to do it again in February. :mrgreen:






Link to All Pics
I know that some didn't like the idea of doing this ride in one day, but I had a total blast doing it that way, and I promise we didn't enrage any locals.

We didn't drive any faster or crazier than we normally do and the mileage was manageable. I would have liked to play around at 9 mile a while but we had to keep moving. Darkness was the only tough factor, as it hit hardest when we were most tired. This would be a very doable ride in the summer when the days are longer, but then you have the heat to deal with.

Thanks again for the tracks, the support, and the ideas.
I know that some didn't like the idea of doing this ride in one day, but I had a total blast doing it that way, and I promise we didn't enrage any locals.

We didn't drive any faster or crazier than we normally do and the mileage was manageable. I would have liked to play around at 9 mile a while but we had to keep moving. Darkness was the only tough factor, as it hit hardest when we were most tired. This would be a very doable ride in the summer when the days are longer, but then you have the heat to deal with.

Thanks again for the tracks, the support, and the ideas.

Jay you didn't encounter the drunken hunter that Steve and I were stopped by late in the day on the first/last section on Sunday while headed back to the Walmart parking lot. He was wasted and pissed off that he had paid good money for a lease and us butt hole (his words were not so kind) dirt bike guys kept racing by making all kinds of noise and spooking the deer. I saw a six shooter long Colt .45 sitting on the seat of his truck as he got out and tried to confront me. I wish I had my camera rolling but it was dead. As we approached him driving his truck coming toward us he swerved in front of me to try to stop me on the dirt road. I locked up the brakes to keep from going right into his grill at 30+mph.

The weird thing was after apologizing to him and told him everything he wanted to hear to let us go, we put the hammer down to get away from the guy before he changed his mind and started shooting, we then passed a state sheriff parked just off the dirt road and I know we were hauling butt just to get out of there. The Sheriff just waved as I panic stopped in case I was "Speeding" not really knowing how fast I was going.

Anyway, I think we all had a great time all things considered. I would have liked to have not been in the group with the most flat tires, but I am grateful to have had Gary in my group. That guy could fix anything with his eyes closed, and he's great at fixing flats too. Too bad him and Silvie are moving to Seattle in a week or so, they will be missed but we will ride again.

Anyway I had fun, that's all that matters. :>
Another vid:

...As we approached him driving his truck coming toward us he swerved in front of me to try to stop me on the dirt road. I locked up the brakes to keep from going right into his grill at 30+mph.

The weird thing was after apologizing to him and told him everything he wanted to hear to let us go...

Travis you are much more diplomatic then myself. I am probably one of the least excitable and nonconfrontational person alive but if somebody was to recklessly swerve at me like that on purpose for no valid reason not sure if I could stay coolheaded. Actually I probably wouldn't have even stopped, nice thing about DS bikes you can just go off the road and around. One thing for sure if I did stop it wouldn't be me the one who was apologizing.

It was kind of shocking and all happened very quickly. I really didn't have time to understand what had just happened till I was further down the road. At first I thought the guy just couldn't make up his mind on what side he was going to let us pass but as I got closer that was when I realized he was trying to cut me off and get me to stop, once I saved the crash and went to his left (drivers side door) he already had the door open and was screaming at me to stop right where I was. It was someone that reminded me of my drunk grandfather before he died. I immediately tried to calm the guy down and that was when I saw the gun on his seat of his truck. That was when I just kept saying "Yes Sir" to everything he said to me. As soon as he turned around I put the hammer down and hauled butt. I agree my XR400 is pretty loud but I wasn't going to wait around till he changed his mind.

It kind of sucked to have that happen after such a fun event less weekend.
We were very fortunate on the one day ride. With the exception of one slow truck for a couple of miles and the hunter on the ATV we really didn't have much interference from traffic. I still feel sorry for that hunter though. The dust on the road was as bad as it gets so he tried with all his 25hp might to squeeze me to the left and keep me from passing him. I didn't want to roost the guy to get around him. He would still be picking caliche out of his teeth.

As for scaring the deer. Rman mentioned a hunter at Sam who once thanked him for getting the deer up and moving.

Next time you see a drunk guy in a truck with a gun, go ahead and call the sheriff. That's the folks they need to catch.
He was about 100 ft to the entrance of his camp, I remember passing it on Friday morning and thinking those guys are idiots for camping that close to a road that is open to the public. There were a bunch of "good ole' boy" hunters in there and I know how small town people are usually better friends with local LEO's, I don't think any confrontation with the cop involved would have ended well in my favor.
OK I am new to this forum and no I didnt do the new guy introduction :doh: But I want to do this ride , I understand that there will be one this fall ? I work shift work and need plenty of advance on the next date . This ride looks great and only 2 hours from my home . Also I have a drz400s with a factory tank , do you think every 80 miles = gas station ?
Eighty miles between stations is reasonable. Just don't pass one up. At the time of the last fall ride, the BMW was only good or about 95 miles on a tank. Get a 1 gallon rotopax and mount, or add two MSR bottles to your tail bag for a safety margin and you should be fine.
My Husaberg holds 2.1 gallons of fuel and I carried 2 MSR bottles in my back pack with no problems last year.
BTW when will someone be putting together one of these rides. I have missed them all so far, but really want to go on at least one so I will know my way around when I try it solo.
I am planning to ride the Moscow to Rusk section on the Eastex 450 June 12 and 13th. Will be camping in Rusk. If interested we can meet at the Donut Palace in Kountze,TX at 7am. and stands up at 7:30.
Looks like I will miss your ride this weekend. The wife has plans for us. :eek2:..I would rather be:rider:. Have a safe and fun ride. I will try and make it next time.
I am planning to ride the Moscow to Rusk section on the Eastex 450 June 12 and 13th. Will be camping in Rusk. If interested we can meet at the Donut Palace in Kountze,TX at 7am. and stands up at 7:30.

I might be up for riding with you tomorrow only. Let me inspect my rear tire and see if it can make it (knobs chunking and cracking). Anybody else committed to ride? I'm without GPS so would be at the mercy of your navigating skills.

No one else has committed to the ride so far it just me. If you would like to make a day ride please come ride with me, you could peel off when you get ready.
I"m not sure what the name of the shift schedule is that Entergy has me working. Other than can you work all the time or when we need you. I"m on my eight days off plus a few days of vacation. I go back to work June 20th.
That is good to know .... Me and you are off on your long break my short weekend , and my long break you will be off on your three days in the middle of the week .