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Pie Run II: Hico 2/25 ride and pie reports

Mar 21, 2004
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post how your ride and pie was here
also post incriminating pictures of Bob's second in command (aka: butter bar)from the crazy camp out.
What a great day!! This was my first pie run and met a bunch of great people.
Hope to make the next one and other TTW runs.
Hwy's 174 & 6 made the awfulness of 67 worth it. Thanks everyone for a grand day out.


Nice meeting you Jason. You earned your pie. See ya out there on the road.
The Dallas Burgman group had a dull ride down on Hwy 67 but a fun ride home on FM roads looping down to the southeast through Cransfills Gap, Clifton, Abott, Irene, Italy, Palmer and a bunch of other small towns. It was a beautiful day for riding.

The Cactus Jack Burger with steak fries was a filling lunch but I managed to squeeze in a piece of Lemon Chess pie.
It was another winner Leon, thanks for being PieMan III - or should we call you Tres?

We rolled in about ten to 11:


There was already a lot of fine machinery in the lot.



We came up behind this one about 15 miles out of Hico on the way home. Another beautiful bike.


An image that's never difficult to capture:


All in a line





They found each other.





nice pictures Robin! you even managed to get one of Tyra.

I only managed to get one picture.
Made it home about 6:15. 476 miles for lunch, not bad. Food was good, pie (Key Lime) was great.



Blueberry banana pie..... Need I say more? I will anyway. It was a perfect day for riding and logged about 280 miles by the time I got home. Followed Leon down to Hico from Arlington. He mapped out a great route and pace was good.

Coming back, followed(chased) Rich, Dano an some others. Pace was fast and roads were great.

Overall a great day of riding.
Anyone get any performance awards on 67? I think we counted at least five cops on that road on the way down.

Myself and DancesWithCurves got there late and everyone had pretty much already headed in. We headed in ourselves and I think got the last table. Stuffed ourselves pretty good and I had key lime pie. Last ones in meant we were the last ones served so by the time we walked out most of the group had already taken off so I have zero pics from this trip.

We did have a good time though, stopped off to see OldTLSDoug who wasn't able to attend due to having to work today. Good times, made it home safely.
Oh yea, and how was the banana blueberry pie? I was very tempted and it looked delicious but I wound up eating my old stand by.
So many nice bikes... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gC6Gv7Bx_k"]Two Wheeled Texans in Hico, TX - YouTube[/ame]
Today was great! Followed Leon this morning down there, he picked a great route! It wore me out coming back to Grand Prairie I was glad to be home. Oh and the Banana Blueberry pie was the best!!!
Whoever was on the blue Vaquero, did you end up ok?

I saw it off in the grass, but everybody seemed to be on their feet when I went by. I was on the blue Versys.

Be careful on FM-51, the northernmost curve gets a *lot* of people. I trucked a Hayabusa out of there once when the rider took an ambulance trip.
I couldn't attend because of work. Looked like a lot of nice bikes there, as always. That blue Vaquero is a very sharp looking bike.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsgsJZ9sCw4"]Hico Skycam - YouTube[/ame]

Mr Clod....You must've taken a poll before creating that last video......No seriously..that's a great idea Mud. I always like your video walkabouts. Sometimes ,due to arrival times,or whatever...I don't get a chance to stroll the crowd of bikes & see what everyone else is riding.

It was a great day for riding...even with some of the windy open areas. Good sized bunch o folks showed up & seemed to just about fill the Kup. When Txtinman (Mike) Bobby11 (Brian) & myself showed up at Meridian State Park to collect up the other riders from the Crazy Campout, there were already a couple of others who had just showed up too. Tuono Guy (EDIT: TrueGrit sorry I forgot yours) MacDaddy (Steve) & neighbor (sorry again) & Hizzo3 (I should remember yours after the rides events!!). xcgates (Steve) rode up on the ADVDuc soon after the other campers all rode up to the gate (park rangers wouldn't let us go in).

Has Been (David) in his fine "new" jacket...TreeTopRanch (sorry) SkatZ (Kat) Tx Dave & several others (sorry folks....I'm good with numbers though) rolled out to the gate to meet us & we were off on some of the areas finest twisty bits. I think I counted 11 or 12 bikes in all so we had a pretty good sized group to keep track of.

We rode a mix of FM's & CRs (starting with MOST XCLNT FM1473) with just a bit of gravel for most of the bunch....(I sent xc & Tuono Guy down the all "paved" road (CR4120) while we headed on down CR4130 & 4125 (with the low water crossing)....then in to The Gap where we ran into Mudclod & his band of adventurers. After the short gas stop, Mud's group took off with a few of the dirtier riders from our group to hit some more gravel on the way to Hico while we took the speedy FMs 219 & 1602 towards our PIEnal destination.

Then it got interesting.....My bike was feeling pretty squirelly which I accounted to the "tar snakes" on FM219 just north of Cranfills Gap.....but Noooooo....it didn't stop even after the snakes went away. Pulled off at the split (FM219 & 1238)....FLAT TIRE....
Couldn't fine a clear puncture & even after airing it up didn't hear any air coming out so rode in to Hico like that.....well...you kno the result. After finishing a fine piece o pie....came out to a flat tire again so went across to the station to air it up & try to find the leak....which I did find. TOOK TWO STRING PLUGS TO FULLY SEAL THE TEAR!!! Thanx goodness the tire held after that (I'm gonna check it today & see how my "luck" is holding.)

Great day for a :rider: We were an odd trio, old guy on a strom ,young guys on an R6 and the huge blue couch known as a Vaquero. We finished the day with a little over 250 miles and still stuffed.

Rod- Glad you sat with us enjoyed the conversation and finally putting a face with a name.

Rusty- See comment above

Robin- Great pics:clap: 2 of our 3 made the cut. I know Vstroms are ugly:giveup:

Curtis- Wish you had called after the breakdown. I'm only 7 miles north of there and probably had a master link if I could have found it.

DaveAlvarado- You made the same assumption I would have- couch with paper tags missed the turn. Actually it was the R6 whose front wheel suddenly washed out. Wild view in my mirror:eek2: I'm fairly certain it wasn't excessive speed as he was following me:lol2: I found a very scratched cell phone back where he left the pavement so we are blaming the evil cell phone for his departure from the pavement:eek2: No injuries except pride and a small scratch on the bike.
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Whoever was on the blue Vaquero, did you end up ok?

I saw it off in the grass, but everybody seemed to be on their feet when I went by. I was on the blue Versys.

Be careful on FM-51, the northernmost curve gets a *lot* of people. I trucked a Hayabusa out of there once when the rider took an ambulance trip.
I wonder if this was the group I saw. There was a tow truck on the side of the road as we headed northeast and as we came by I saw a bunch of bikes and folks standing around. Everyone waved and smiled so I took that as a "We're ok" and I didn't see any ambulances around. Hope everything there turned out ok.
Mr2mch and his band of happy campers in Cranfills Gap. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0lb5CO4_Wc"]Pie Run's Happy Campers - YouTube[/ame]