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Pie Run II: Hico 2/25 ride and pie reports

Looks like a lot of folks went through Crandfills Gap on there way out. Our group of four Burgmans ran up behind another group of 6 or 7 bikes a few miles before we reached there. They stopped for fuel but we had filled up in Hico so we went on by.
A few happy snaps from our Hico adventure...
Looks like a lot of folks went through Crandfills Gap on there way out. Our group of four Burgmans ran up behind another group of 6 or 7 bikes a few miles before we reached there. They stopped for fuel but we had filled up in Hico so we went on by.
lol. I ended up going to the Gap Store twice after lunch (almost 3 times). Rode 1238 5 times, 3 up and 2 down. It was like groundhog day 'cept it was fun every time.

Glad we had a pretty day to ride. Great day to be a Texan.
I hadn't noticed the "Texas Tenere" decal in Rich's bike before.....COOL

Mud....Ya'll "picked up" on some of the roads I hadta leave off of our excursion. But I did point out 4180 after we stopped at the Rock Church on 4145.
Only one down on 4180? Y'all did good, mud. :mrgreen:
Yeah, and he was the best rider in the bunch, just ask him-he'll tell ya! Ha! [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou7zH7PEAws"]Crossing Spring Creek - YouTube[/ame]
I hadn't noticed the "Texas Tenere" decal in Rich's bike before.....COOL.

thats not on Rich's bike! his is the one behind it with the modern version of the Yamaha checker like stripe.
Mudclod; you grinnin multitasker, You make it like a fairyland with all your picts. Movies and snaps that are really "worth a thousand words" They capture the ambiance of the experience xactly. And I really like your offroad pace and your aspect of "lets find all of the offroad challenges that are there., even if we dont try them THIS time! WILL you marry me? Got a pun in Rod!:rider::eat::rider::zen:
Mudclod; you grinnin multitasker, You make it like a fairyland with all your picts. Movies and snaps that are really "worth a thousand words" They capture the ambiance of the experience xactly. And I really like your offroad pace and your aspect of "lets find all of the offroad challenges that are there., even if we dont try them THIS time! WILL you marry me? Got a pun in Rod!:rider::eat::rider::zen:

It's all in good "pfun"
This was my first organized group ride & first ride & camp. Everyone I ran into was friendly and fun. This is the reason I started riding many years ago, and am glad I found this forum. Ya'll are a great group of people.

I'll try and post more later once I shower and get some rest. I am sure some pictures of my 'adventures' with Mr2mch's post-pie ride group will surface at some point :rofl: and thank you for everyone that helped out.

I do look forward to more of these events.
Dave (Has Been) is the orange flash that almost runs me over! [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAp_QoM2M6M"]Hico Pie run bound - YouTube[/ame]
I hadn't noticed the "Texas Tenere" decal in Rich's bike before.....COOL

Mud....Ya'll "picked up" on some of the roads I hadta leave off of our excursion. But I did point out 4180 after we stopped at the Rock Church on 4145.

The Tenere you speak of is owned by japako.
hizzo3, I may just have a picture or two of which you speak. I wasn't going to say anything or post any pictures if you didn't want to talk about it. I'll try and get a few pictures up in the next day or two.

Well...I'm not the one with the pics of the snoozes....& I'll let you tell the rest of the story later

Now that my bloody heart has come out of my throat, thought I was going to to have a heart attack on round two!
A day/weekend full of the best of great stuff! So pleased to meet so many screen names that have real faces, too! :-D

I forgot my one and only photo...
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With soooo many fine folks to meet.......I wish I was as good with rememberin names...as I seem to be with roads. Sorry to any of ya'll I got to talk with & can't recall your name. (I'm better with friendly faces though!!!)
& I usually remember the kind of bike ya ride....unless you change em a lot.
Scott told us about this shortcut-wait 'til I see that guy! Ha! [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lclIVI_cSm8"]Bosque River Crossing - YouTube[/ame]
Jamie and I had a great time following Mr2mch around and meeting so many of you.

After Pie and just outside of Cranfils Gap on CR 4145 we saw the neatest Stone Church.




Tourmesiter (left) showed up too.


Then...somewhere outside Turnersville...Hizzo3 out cornered his angel. I secretly think xcgates on his Duc cut up the inside and took him out but I can't prove it.



The tracks show that he was right next to that steel fence. I have no idea how he missed it. Surprisingly, nearly no damage to bike or rider (its a Strom, they're suppose to look like that :-) ).


Well we were up and running again without any police, ambulances or accident reports.

We made it another 2 minutes before this.



This time I know xcgates took Hizzo3 out. At least that straightened out the bars. Again very little damage. Hizzo3 came out of it pretty well again too.
Well...a lot of folks say the Wee's handle better then the 1000's. Maybe. :-P
:tab I arrived about 11:45am after a long COLD ride. It was in the low 30's when I left Huntsville and was overcast pretty much the entire way until the last 20-30 minutes before I arrived in Hico. My throttle side heated grip on the GS seems not to be working... So I had to make a few unplanned stops to thaw out my hand so it would work again! I didn't get a chance to mingle much. I apologize if I should have recognized you and didn't. I am challenged when it comes to remembering names :giveup: I got in a nice visit with TossingLead before heading out to the parking lot to find that many people had already left.

:tab I was apparently ahead of Mudclod and his gang. As I was coming out from a dead end, they were turning around after missing the turn for it. I told them what I saw... but you know how kids are about having to see/do things for themselves :lol2:

Scott told us about this shortcut-wait 'til I see that guy! Ha! Bosque River Crossing - YouTube

:tab I wasn't sure if you guys would believe me or not... So I went around and came at the crossing from the other side off of FM 1238. I encountered locked gates and could not even get to the crossing. So if you had tried it, you would have had to turn right back around anyway ;-)

:tab When dropped down off the end of 1238, I fell in behind Mr2Mch's group. We stopped at that cool old church. I rode a short way further with them and then peeled off at Norse and headed over to Clifton. The run back was MUCH warmer than the ride out. I also got to hit a lot more of the fun roads since I was not as pressed for time. Got home in time to go get BBQ with the family and my folks.

:tab A good day on the GS. 470 miles :rider:
Well, I had a previous invite from some church buddies to camp at Ink's Lake state park on Friday night so I figured I'd do that and then make the Pie Run. Then the registration sticker and new plates for my daughter's car showed up in the mail earlier in the week. Since she's in school in Waco I figured I'd just expand the ride.

So, a cool night (okay, cold) camping out. Up moderately early, warm shower, shake the frost off the tent and hang it in the sun so maybe it will dry off before I have to pack it. No luck, packed wet tent, but not until a good breakfast with the guys. I headed out 30 minutes later than I wanted so I made a little better time than the law allowed for up to Hico. Fortunately nobody decided to correct my evil ways. 42 degrees when I left the campground and it was flirting with 60 when I hit Hico.

Said hi to many folks and managed to put faces to some more names. It's tough when you are trying to link a real name, forum name and face. No pie for me. The regular food took a long time to show up so I skipped pie. :doh:

Headed for Waco, but not necessarily the most direct way and saw some new roads. Did the plate swap for Katie and visited a little bit. We'd just seen her two weeks ago so not too much catching up was needed. Then I got a text from a buddy who was riding dirt bikes and shooting at this farm in Hutto. Since I wasn't going to run down I-35 anyway, I stayed east of and wandered south to Hutto. I got there in time for the last of the gun action and talked dirt bikes for a while. Then headed home.

Got home just at 6pm, 384 miles for the trip, including getting out to Ink's Lake on Friday night. Sat down for some home cooked dinner and a Margarita while the Supercross race just started on the TV. It was a good day.

Sunday, was back to the normal weekend. Mowing and laundry.:doh: