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300cc Chinese Motard

Don't know who would be dealin' these things in the US. I guess I could google it and see. I'm curious on the pricing, too. Kinda cool, though I'd rather have a DRz400SM or more for the hooligan factor. OTOH, I'd probably stay out of trouble better on this thing. :lol2:
WAAAH! I didn't see the "coming soon" link. They have a 450cc dirt bike and a 500 cc street bike. I've not seen ANYTHING that big from the Chinese.

Googled a little and came up with one site. You have to join, but you can purchase from it.


I like how the "touring" bike is the "sportsracing" bike with a huge headlight fairing.
Houston Speed Triple said:
I don't recommend buying chinese if you can help it...of course, sometimes you can't.

2/3 of the stuff we sell is Chinese. Some of it's junk, some of it isn't. They've come a long ways in their manufacturing.
Houston Speed Triple said:
I don't recommend buying Chinese if you can help it...of course, sometimes you can't.

I've got a 200cc DP bike I like very much. However, I'm not rushing out to get one of these "sport" or "touring" bikes and selling my SV650 or my Wing. :lol2: The little 200 was bought in a dealer deal and I sold a few. I kept this one, over 80 mpg, fun in the dirt and quite useful, and a good toy to play with.

I look at it this way, it's more reliable than an Indian Enfield or Ural, cruises at about the same speeds that are safe for either of those bikes, and a HECK of a lot cheaper. It doesn't have the retro appeal, unless XL Hondas are your idea of retro, but it's a reliable, modern little motor and parts are dirt cheap for it. I've got other bikes for serious street use, but I find myself on this little gas miser 80 percent of the time anymore. :rider:

It's odd to watch the Chinese stuff evolve and the weird attempts at entering the American market. They sell these things in shipping container loads to anyone with the cash to start up a business. That's why there are so many importers on the net. Some of the better ones have started rudimentary dealer networks, mostly mom and pop shops in big cities. It is similar, in a way, to the early years of the Japanese brands, but then again not. And, there's lots of brands selling the same basic designs.

They are not yet what I consider serious motorcycles. They are in the realm of the Enfield or the Ural, fun toys. Most of them that I've seen, strangely, are NOT junk. The engines are quite reliable. However, fit and finish of the chassis and quality of the electrics sometimes leave a bit to be desired and vibration loosens a bolt now and then. They buzz about like their Honda thumper counter parts. I know my old XL600 was no GoldWing either.

One of the fun things with these bikes, though, is finding the Japanese parts that work on them because they seem to be an amalgamation of Japanese machinery from years past.

One odd thing I've seen, the little "Rocketa", a few of which I got and sold from a place in Tennessee, uses a OHV design engine, nothing like anything Japanese I've ever seen. That's rather odd. The OHC engine on my Diamo will interchange with a XR200. I haven't been into it or compared interior part dimensions, but there's a guy on the China bike site that put one in an XR frame. The engine is all of $500 new with carb and electrics. The XR200 pipe even bolted up to it!

If you have a treasured old Honda, say a Trail 70, or Z50, or XR200 that has a blown motor, brand new Chinese motors that will slide right in are cheap! From what I've seen, they are quite reliable, too, and about the same output, rpm red ine, and such.
According to this list theres only 999 chinese motorcycle companies
I dont think they should be allowed to be imported. According to my latest issue of Dealer News many of these things wont pass US safty standards. For one thing besides the junk facter they would never allow American companies to make that stuff here so why let China send their junk here?
ZXDavid said:
According to this list theres only 999 chinese motorcycle companies
I dont think they should be allowed to be imported. According to my latest issue of Dealer News many of these things wont pass US safty standards. For one thing besides the junk facter they would never allow American companies to make that stuff here so why let China send their junk here?

American companies have been making junk for years....Ford....GM....Chrysler. I have bought American big trucks, but they can't seem to figure out small cars. I had a Chevy Vega once. Whadda fine piece of machinery THAT was..:rolleyes: HD was junk for a long time.

You are obviously biased against 'em, a lot of people are, though. Some are political, some just have the junk attitude of the 60s Japanese bikes. Lots of it is probably organized union based bias. I remember the Jap "C**p" attitudes and the Jap bike bashes of the 70s. Was rather hillarious coming from HD riders at that time, biggest pieces of overpriced c**p on the market at the time. This was pre-evo, AMF years.
That SM in the OP is a pretty cool looking little bike but the real wheel alignment is a little scary. :eek2:

Jack Giesecke said:
American companies have been making junk for years....Ford....GM....Chrysler. I have bought American big trucks, but they can't seem to figure out small cars. I had a Chevy Vega once. Whadda fine piece of machinery THAT was..:rolleyes: HD was junk for a long time.

You are obviously biased against 'em, a lot of people are, though. Some are political, some just have the junk attitude of the 60s Japanese bikes. Lots of it is probably organized union based bias. I remember the Jap "C**p" attitudes and the Jap bike bashes of the 70s. Was rather hillarious coming from HD riders at that time, biggest pieces of overpriced c**p on the market at the time. This was pre-evo, AMF years.

And, anybody remember the first Honda cars imported into the US? Pretty funny, weren't they!

Now, not so funny (if you are Ford or GM).

Jack Giesecke said:
American companies have been making junk for years....Ford....GM....Chrysler. I have bought American big trucks, but they can't seem to figure out small cars. I had a Chevy Vega once. Whadda fine piece of machinery THAT was..:rolleyes: HD was junk for a long time.

You are obviously biased against 'em, a lot of people are, though. Some are political, some just have the junk attitude of the 60s Japanese bikes. Lots of it is probably organized union based bias. I remember the Jap "C**p" attitudes and the Jap bike bashes of the 70s. Was rather hillarious coming from HD riders at that time, biggest pieces of overpriced c**p on the market at the time. This was pre-evo, AMF years.

Yup IMO american quality went out the window in the 70's and 80's. The cars fell apart in two years, substandard paint and plastics that eroded quickly in the sun and generally poor quality that just fell apart compared to earlier cars. The late 70's and 80's cars/trucks I had were awful.

But the 72 Toyota went 300,000 miles over 12-13 years, and was still in good shape. My current one is ten years old, 80,000 miles and has only seen a shop twice other than regular maintenance like oil and brake pads.

I stopped buying american cars for good then, and they will have a hard time getting me back. Since then american quality has come back up some, and Japanese quality seems to have gone down some, but not that much. Just a glance out in the parking lot at all the cars just a few years old with the paint burned off the roofs, all american, is enough for me.

The chinese though have a long way to go both in technology and culturally to get there manufacturing to what I would consider quality.
No, you're right, they can't compete on quality with Japan, Europe, America (except for Buell) right now. They're so cheap though, they make GREAT toys! I'm all over town and off road with mine all the time. The lack of quality seems to be in fit and finish and electrical with mine, not the motor. That little thing reminds me a lot of Honda XR stuff.

I just say again, it's a more affordable, better quality toy than something like the Indian Enfield Bullet or the Russian Ural. It lacks the retro desirability that sells those bikes. I'd absolutely LOVE to own a Ural Sportsman rig, mechanical quirks, up keep and all! But, the danged things are 8 or 9 grand! My Chino bike retailed for 1799 at the time I bought it and I got it for 1250, BRAND NEW! The little dirt bike I have is of much higher quality. It's a Jenching, a 150cc TTR 125 clone, and it compares favorably to the TTR, a really fun play bike that can be rudely mistreated and comes away smiling. I've had it up to its base gasket in mud, pounded it on rough, rutted trails, jumped the jumps at the MX park with it. It just comes back for more.

Quality does vary a lot with the Chinese stuff and there's so danged many of 'em they're hard to keep track of. Those little weed eater scooters that were popular several years ago were junk for the most part, but I did find one all steel one that wasn't bad, sold it. I was using it as a pit scooter til I looped it and hurt my back at Denton. :rofl: Danged thing was dangerous.
ZXDavid said:
According to this list theres only 999 chinese motorcycle companies
I dont think they should be allowed to be imported. According to my latest issue of Dealer News many of these things wont pass US safty standards. For one thing besides the junk facter they would never allow American companies to make that stuff here so why let China send their junk here?

First off, they HAVE to pass DOT safety standards, or they could not be licensed for street use. Why let them send them over, because we have the free enterprise system. It ain't perfect, but it's the best thing out there.
:tab If people want to buy cheap price/quality stuff from China, let them do it. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to buy it. It is their money they are spending, they should be allowed to spend it as they see fit. On the other hand, if we ban those goods, leaving only American or the goods of other nations available, we ARE using force to influence how people spend their money. We ARE removing the freedom of choice. It may help the producers whose products are on the "approved" list, but in the end, it harms the consumers because it destroys their freedom to choose where they spend their money. What exactly is "Freedom" if not the right to choose?

:tab Regarding sending China our money, this is a GOOD thing. At the rate our government is debasing our currency, it is to OUR advantage to be trading less valuable dollars for their goods. The faster our currency flows out of our country, the better! It delays the inevitable price increases that ALWAYS accompany the inflation and debasement of currency. What will get us into trouble is if China (and numerous other Asian countries) ever decides to unload all that currency on the global market... Then we will face the danger of runaway inflation and a general collapse of our monetary system. A fiat currency is only worth something as long as the holders of the currency have confidence in the currency to keep its value. As soon as people lose faith in it as a store of value, they will start dumping it in favor of anything they think will hold value: gold and other precious metals, real estate, etc,... If all those countries holding massive dollar reserves suddenly decide that the Euro is a better store of value, then we are in serious trouble!

:tab Once currency dumping starts, the market gets flooded with currency and that only hastens the increase in prices. If nothing is done to check it, it can easily sprial into hyperinflation. This is exactly what happened in Germany in the years between WWI and WWII. In April of 1919, The exchange rate for German Marks was 12 Marks to one American dollar. By December of 1923, four years later, the exchange rate was 4.2 BILLION Marks to one American dollar!! :brainsnap By 1922, the German banks were printing individual bills worth One Billion Marks EACH!! The money obviously became worthless as a store of value. People would burn it in their woodburning stoves because the bundles of paper money needed to buy firewood would burn longer than the wood the money could buy. The end result is that the society was reduced to barter, an extremely cumbersome method of economic exchange.

:tab I rant and rave about inflation all the time because I think it is the most serious problem facing our country right now, even more so than the "War on Terror". After all, you gotta pay your soldiers or they tend to lose their motivation to fight ;-) War is not good for the economy, it consumes the overall wealth of a society. The so called "Trade Imbalance" is not a root problem, it is a symptom. It has two sources, inefficient producers here and inflation. Both of those lead to higher prices for good produced here. So if left to chose, most consumers will choose the cheaper imports even if they have somewhat less quality. Inflation is theft, pure and simple. Our government inflates like crazy. This leading by example has devastating affects on our society. It promotes overt consumption and penalizes savings and thrift. It promotes short sightedness when making investment and business decisions. It centralizes wealth in the hands of the inflators which creates a trough feeding style of economy where everyone lines up to get the slop (new money) first while the getting is good and late comers get shafted. It consumes to the true capital wealth structure of our society and lowers the standard of living for everyone. It is the erosion of the very foundation of our society right out from under us. So even if we could fight and "win" the War on Terror, the consequences for our society are dire. IF the Chinese try to rise up to challenge us in the future economically or militarily, we will be in a world of hurt.

:tab So buy Chinese, lots and lots! At least that way, real value is coming our way in the form of goods of ever increasing quality in return for currency of ever decreasing value! The net effect for them is a transfer of wealth from them to us! As we inflate, the dollars they are trying to use to build up their military become more and more worthless. If you really despise the Chinese, this is the BEST way to bring their government to its knees without having to fire a shot. This is the best way to bring about any chance for real reform in their society. So shop Wal-Mart! Most of that money never even leaves the country. Even for them, the cost of labor is one of the largest pieces of their overall expenses. So all those clerks, managers, shipping employees, etc,... benefit when you shop there ;-) The money that does make it back to China only loses its value to their detriment.
Jack Giesecke said:
No, you're right, they can't compete on quality with Japan, Europe, America (except for Buell) right now. They're so cheap though, they make GREAT toys! I'm all over town and off road with mine all the time. The lack of quality seems to be in fit and finish and electrical with mine, not the motor. That little thing reminds me a lot of Honda XR stuff.

I just say again, it's a more affordable, better quality toy than something like the Indian Enfield Bullet or the Russian Ural. It lacks the retro desirability that sells those bikes. I'd absolutely LOVE to own a Ural Sportsman rig, mechanical quirks, up keep and all! But, the danged things are 8 or 9 grand! My Chino bike retailed for 1799 at the time I bought it and I got it for 1250, BRAND NEW! The little dirt bike I have is of much higher quality. It's a Jenching, a 150cc TTR 125 clone, and it compares favorably to the TTR, a really fun play bike that can be rudely mistreated and comes away smiling. I've had it up to its base gasket in mud, pounded it on rough, rutted trails, jumped the jumps at the MX park with it. It just comes back for more.

Quality does vary a lot with the Chinese stuff and there's so danged many of 'em they're hard to keep track of. Those little weed eater scooters that were popular several years ago were junk for the most part, but I did find one all steel one that wasn't bad, sold it. I was using it as a pit scooter til I looped it and hurt my back at Denton. :rofl: Danged thing was dangerous.

You do know the chinese make the same old BMW clone rigs as Ural and Dnepr right? The old chang-jiang bikes.

Last I checked they were about $2700, but then again quality is sub par to even Urals and Dneprs from what I hear and you have to get one here. Some gal rode one across china though.. :) Nice story to read... http://www.chinaroad.org/

Folks tend to bring em in unassembled listed as parts, then assemble a bike here and register it to avoid the DOT/NTSHA vehicle importing hassle.

You can get Dneprs in a kit for about half the cost of a Ural as well. They actually made most of the military bikes. If ya look you can get them with a rear diff that you can lock or unlock, a much better system than the Ural's use. But you deal with no dealer support, and Urals and Dneprs have grown apart in interchangeability of many components over the years.

I've got a lot of info on em at the house, and if I run into the right one for sale it's mine.
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Yeah, I've written off the Chinese BMWs due to lack of availability. I've checked out the Dnepr site, about 5K for a Sportsman type rig. I'm not in any position to buy one right now anyway. 1200 for a China bike, though, ain't a big deal. :lol: It'll probably be 8 years before I'm in financial shape to buy another motorcycle and it'll be a touring, sport touring, or standard bike most likely. I don't know yet cause that's a long time. :lol: