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Abilene to Memphis TN - Ideas?

Apr 28, 2022
Reaction score
Climbing on the back of the tame goose and headed east for a week. I can overnight one night each, coming and going.

I-20 - I-30 - I-40 is the "Normal" route. I want a little more scenery but cannot detour more than a few hours.

Any decent side trips or alternate routes come to mind? Please share.
Did you go on this ride ?
It didn't go according to plan mainly due to time constraints, but I did go. Took off northwest from Abilene on smaller roads until I hit Gainesville, then followed 82 to Texarkana. Spent the night there and had lunch with a couple buddies from there, then followed US 67 & 70 into Memphis. I missed the Ouachitas/OK entirely. Got a late departure from Memphis (visiting Mom) then got a chance to see my daughter and granddaughter... smack in the belly of the Metroplex I was trying to avoid. Got back late on the 15th, good visits and sore behind.

Got a brother up in Tulsa who rides, I intend to hit him up to go on the one you suggested.