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Are we in trouble for this...

Maybe we can try that when we get the top case...

It's a Northern Tool Wolo - looks like a Stebel clone - it performs very well.
Maybe we can test it for you sometime... :trust:

which version of the wolo did you get?
which version of the wolo did you get?

I think it is just designated as the "Bad Boy".

<snip>and shootergal has said "the T in twtex could also mean 'Three'"<snip>

I hate to be picky, but using THAT logic the T in twtex could also mean four, because Tesera in Greek is the number 4.

By the way, fun looking bike.
I hate to be picky, but using THAT logic the T in twtex could also mean four, because Tesera in Greek is the number 4.

Looks like Latin and a Greek abbreviation. I vaguely remember tesera meaning "today" when I told the Greek Captain that the software would be ready "avrio" (tomorrow). He responded with, "No, Tesera!" :lol2:

The only Greek number that I know is 7 ("epta") since our simulator was for the "alpha-epta" - A-7. Specifically, the A-7H (Hellenic). :sun:

Who did the seat work and what was the cost?

Morris Custom Upholstery in Carrolton. Susan says they were working out of their home/garage and gave her a quote up front. They honored it but said they would probably charge more for similar work on another one. So, I can give you more details in a PM. I suspect the cost may be different depending on the seat pan and what else is in it.

The MP3 seat is complicated since it contains a butt pressure sensor that acts as a safety feature. That had to be removed and replaced.

She talked to them on the phone - there are 3 guys - a dad and two sons. Bobby is the one who does custom MC seat work. She then drove over there - he did a quick rework of the seat to take home and test. She did that, seemed OK, she then took it back over there - this was on Wednesday. He called mid-afternoon on Thursday to say it was ready. she got it back home in time to make the JC M&G in Cleburne that night.

I think they did a good job though, & Susan has made 2 trips now to check it out. The trip to Liberty Hill tomorrow (180 miles one way) will help test it out more.

Hope that helps. :zen:
Looks like Latin and a Greek abbreviation. I vaguely remember tesera meaning "today" when I told the Greek Captain that the software would be ready "avrio" (tomorrow). He responded with, "No, Tesera!"

He probably meant that it will be here at 4 because today is simera. Tomorrow is avrio, they are very big on tomorrow.

The only Greek number that I know is 7 ("epta") since our simulator was for the "alpha-epta" - A-7. Specifically, the A-7H (Hellenic
This one I had to look up, I learned it as efta. Learn sumpin gnu every day.
I could very well have mis-heard both of those - I tried to copy the pronunciation but they always looked at me funny. :doh:

Yes, and "avrio" it was, if not "mith-avrio" (day after tomorrow) :lol2:
This brings back good memories, I lived there for 2 years. Met the wife there (she is not Greek).
Good food, good beer (Mythos), and good ouzo. The scenery was not too bad either. I could see the Acropolis from my back balcony and the sea from the front.