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Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose - Adobe products in Cloud (Merged x2)

Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

49.99 a month. If I made my living doing image work , maybe. But as an amateur hack, out of my league
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

I'm making do with "Preview". It crops, rotates and re-sizes just fine.
For 99.999% of what I do, Lightroom works very very well and is pretty darn cheap still.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

I have it on the $29.99 monthly rate for having a CS license. I bought Photoshop CS5 on a Newegg sale ($175) right before 6 came out. I needed some of this and some of that so it made more sense than trying to buy the master collection . Ends up being cheaper for me. I am already used to the subscription format, Autodesk has had it for quite a few years, Revit suite is about $8,000 a license with an almost $1,000 a year subscription fee.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

Yeah I have CS6 a JD paid big bucks for it and also Lightroom and I understand Lightroom will be on the per month pic fee list also!!! But if I go this route ill get a discount for just buying PS CS6.. I just don't know if I want to pay $49.00 a month for the suite collection.. Ugh!!
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

For me not as a "Suite" (after effects, dream weaver, ect....) user, I would only be using PS.

I recently went from PS CS4 to PS CS6, that upgrade cost was somewhere shy of 200 bucks. CS4 was my first foray into Photoshop and buying it from scratch was around 700 bucks. So I have 900 dollars spent in this software in 50 months of use.

The new "membership" pricing model has my head exploding, not because of cost entirely, because in 50 months the software cost has worked to cost me around $18.00/per mo, versus the new $19.00 per.. My head is exploding because unlike the "perpetual" licensing model, when you quit paying you no longer have access to the program. Just like renting a car. Now add in my expected life of CS6, another 24~36 months of use, before I spend any new money with Adobe, and my cost is down to the $10.00 / per month range. If this model is still around when I am ready for an upgrade, and it still costs $19.00 / per month, it will be in essence twice as expensive for me and there for a no go option. Which to be honest makes me sad.

Right now they are saying the Light Room will still be a "perpetual" license product.

DPR Interview with Adobe person said:
[Bryan O'Neil Hughes] Lightroom is for photographers. And the Lightroom team is very aware of the reaction by photographers to Photoshop CC. We don't have plans to make Lightroom a subscription-only option but we do envision added functionality for the CC version of Lightroom.

CS6 + LR5 and I are going to become very close and long term friends I predict. I will not be entering into a monthly subscription service with Adobe.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

Yeah I have CS6 a JD paid big bucks for it and also Lightroom and I understand Lightroom will be on the per month pic fee list also!!! But if I go this route ill get a discount for just buying PS CS6.. I just don't know if I want to pay $49.00 a month for the suite collection.. Ugh!!
My suite was $29.99 for the first year of Creative Cloud with CS5...of course when renewal comes up next year I may rethink my use of it but with compositing 3DSMax renderings into existing photos, Photoshop is a lot easier to use for me than the Autodesk product for that purpose that I tried in the past, and cheaper as well.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

I too have mixed feelings about the subscription only option.

You can purchase (lease?) a single product (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc) at $30/mo on a month-to-month basis.

If you get the whole enchilada ($50/mo, for 12mo) they throw in Lightroom for free.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

It's cheaper than buying upgrades... I love it. Get the whole suite for a few bucks a month with no extra charge for upgrades.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

If you upgrade every time there is a newer version, and you are a user of the entire Creative Suite solution then yes... it is cheaper

However if you are like me or maybe even many others out there, that went from March 2009 to December 2012 on the same version of Photoshop (CS4). It is significantly more expensive.

So if you are only upgrading every 3 or so years, i.e. Every other version, then this is about twice as expensive, month to month on average.

Also, I made the purchase once, and I can still use it 2 years from now. With the creative cloud membership, you can no longer access the program if you don't pay the bill each month.

So in a year you will have spent $240.00 (photoshop only), and not own the program at all.

Earlier in the year I spent $199 to upgrade from CS4 to CS6 and, I still have the software and I do not have to give Adobe anything else each month.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

For me not as a "Suite" (after effects, dream weaver, ect....) user, I would only be using PS.

I recently went from PS CS4 to PS CS6, that upgrade cost was somewhere shy of 200 bucks. CS4 was my first foray into Photoshop and buying it from scratch was around 700 bucks. So I have 900 dollars spent in this software in 50 months of use.

The new "membership" pricing model has my head exploding, not because of cost entirely, because in 50 months the software cost has worked to cost me around $18.00/per mo, versus the new $19.00 per.. My head is exploding because unlike the "perpetual" licensing model, when you quit paying you no longer have access to the program. Just like renting a car. Now add in my expected life of CS6, another 24~36 months of use, before I spend any new money with Adobe, and my cost is down to the $10.00 / per month range. If this model is still around when I am ready for an upgrade, and it still costs $19.00 / per month, it will be in essence twice as expensive for me and there for a no go option. Which to be honest makes me sad.

Right now they are saying the Light Room will still be a "perpetual" license product.

CS6 + LR5 and I are going to become very close and long term friends I predict. I will not be entering into a monthly subscription service with Adobe.

+1 I've found in the past with box software, I can often leapfrog versions and make due, as "must have" features seem to have a knack for skipping releases. I guess it's too late to get CS6 and LR5. I'll have to do some research on that.
Photoshop going CC only

So Monday Adobe announced that future versions of Photoshop will ONLY be available on the creative cloud. The first year the monthly charge will be $10/month for the first year then goes up to $20/month.

Adobe really wants to push the amateur photographer to look to Photoshop Elements or other post processing software. :angryfire
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

I've been using a old version of PS-Elements/PS and honestly, I don't know what I'm missing having only used these watered down versions. And that's OK with me. 99% of what I do is in Lightroom. I'm finding I use PS to add text of user names for the photo assignments, and maybe - that's a BIG MAYBE - an attempt to do a poor job of creating some layered thing which of often used to create a .jpg and a funny joke. Maybe twice a year?

So as far as this watered down user is concerned, PS could evaporate and I'd be fine.

Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

+1 I've found in the past with box software, I can often leapfrog versions and make due, as "must have" features seem to have a knack for skipping releases. I guess it's too late to get CS6 and LR5. I'll have to do some research on that.
Do a search online, there are many places who sell older releases.

I know for Autodesk products the yearly subscription fee is about half of what the upgrade price would be if you are not on subscription. If you skip a year and are off subscription they really nail you, my company found that out last year as they typically followed the every other year cycle. I just put $10,000 on my company Amex card today for Autodesk subscription fees (for 11 Revit Building Suite licenses) for the coming year, last year to upgrade from 2011 to 2013 was $47,000.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

I suspect, much like when Apple axed Final Cut Pro 7, the prices of box-set CS6 will jump.
Retail on FCP7 was $1000. Shortly after they stopped selling it, prices were well over $1500
Re: Photoshop going CC only

I'm torn on it. ON the one hand, for the occasional use, (like I use Premier) it'll be great. $30 when you need it. $0 when you don't.

But, if you use it all the time, and are fine skipping versions, it's rather harsh.

Discussion here: http://www.twtex.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84766
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

I'm no pro and have only toyed with possibly getting Lightroom 4. I use a free version of editing since all I really do is resize and crop, for the most part.


Seems like this monthly lease is better for the major users and worse for the occasional users. Like some I tend to use software for several years before upgrading, not upgrading every time a new version comes out. Heck, I used Win2k for about 5 years, Vista for a few more and now Win7. Skipped XP and ME (Microsoft's Excrement). I don't own any Apple products so you know I'm lower-grade consumer.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

I am paying $21/mo for the entire suite for the next 12 months and then I will evaluate. I have a feeling there wil be a bunch of changes to the subscription system in the next year.

If not, I will look into Lightroom (which will still be available as a standalone) and PS Elements. And maybe Final Cut for video. I need a program that can handle Canon MOV files without puking all over itself and I can use to make slideshows easily....I am going to use this year to try out Adobe Premier.
Re: Are You Ready To Pay Thru Your Nose

If I was still doing design work then I maybe could justify the CC version of CS. As it is now, I only use PS for post processing, and I WILL NOT pay for the CC version which is $20/month after the first year. I only upgrade every 2 or 3 versions so I would come out way behind on the CC. I DL'd PSE over the w/e and I'm pleasantly surprised, it's come a long way since the last time I tried it and as far as I can tell it will do everything I use PS for now. So when my PS6 gets long in tooth I'll probably switch over to PSE. I just hope LR doesn't go CC only, if it does, then I'll probably stop using Adobe products.