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Arrested for Wearing a Helmet in Walmart


Jul 15, 2018
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Crazy world... I frequently go through stores with my helmet on to save the hassle. Figured I'd share. I've been subbed to this channel for a while and he does a really great job at reviewing incidents in a non biased way.
Wow, in c-stores and Dollar General I do all the time in place of a mask. Never been a problem, have a friend that does it also.
Then the children with guns say that the motorcyclist was acting like a child... the irony..

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I was asked by Walmart employee to take my rat terrier out of store. They had a sign on door, service dogs only. I just left and have compiled ever since. Many stores have signs that ban backpacks and I bet Walmart will soon have them. Did anyone notice how stuffed the backpack looked. We live in a dangerous world that has more rules and laws than anyone can imagine. The M/C rider could have complied and walked away and not have been arrested for trespass, and had a learning experience. I believe he was asked to leave by the manager, he was making other customers uneasy.
This whole thing looks like it was planned out by the rider and I would not be surprised if there were other incidents.
The camera work from the beginning looks edited IMO.
When we leave WM for years there is an attendant at the exit that looks over the basket or bags and when leaving through garden center they look at and mark receipt. You don't stuff purchase in a backpack before exiting, that is cause for suspicion. Sam's is more thorough than that. Everything this cat did from how he parked his bike to stuffing backpack to compliment was suspicious.
If he had pulled out a weapon, the same ones that are down on the law would be down on the law for not doing enough. Look up 2012 police officer in Austin Tx. Murdered buy a suspicious person in Walmart. Being a police officer may be the hardest job in America. Anyone remember the Boston bomber backpack?
I'm not surprised that the manager called the cops. I am surprised the manager made the call to have him banned from all Walmart stores.
Don't have time at the moment to watch the video but may people fail to understand "my house, my rules."

If the establishment wants you out, with very few exceptions, you gotta go.

Was the guy actually arrested for wearing a helmet inside the store? Because the click bait title seems to elude to this.
I don't blame the WM manager for being uneasy about this rider coming in the way he did. With all that armor, dark visor helmet, backpack, there's definitely reason for concern.

The rider would have been wise to uncover his face, probably remove helmet, turn off headphones. He was in a bubble. Not illegal, but socially ignorant. I sometimes wear a helmet into a convenience store (open modular face) but I feel uncomfortable even that way.

Where it really went sideways IMO was how the police officers continued to treat him as a major threat, hands on their weapons, getting increasingly aggressive, even when he clearly was not combative nor threatening.

I am curious if any LEOs here have thoughts they're willing to share. Maybe there are things that occurred here that I didn't catch, that might be legitimate reasons for the officers in this case to escalate once they engaged.

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Don't have time at the moment to watch the video but may people fail to understand "my house, my rules."

If the establishment wants you out, with very few exceptions, you gotta go.

Was the guy actually arrested for wearing a helmet inside the store? Because the click bait title seems to elude to this.
It might be a click bait title, but seems to be a very objective telling of the story. Not sensational.

(And thanks for commenting. I'm eager to hear your additional thoughts.)

Sent from my HD1907 using Tapatalk
I'm not surprised that the manager called the cops. I am surprised the manager made the call to have him banned from all Walmart stores.
I'm more surprised the manager lied to the cops and told them that he confronted the rider and asked him directly to leave the store, when the surveillance footage shows nothing like that.

As was said above, it'll be a nice settlement for the young man who did nothing wrong.
I'm more surprised the manager lied to the cops and told them that he confronted the rider and asked him directly to leave the store, when the surveillance footage shows nothing like that.

As was said above, it'll be a nice settlement for the young man who did nothing wrong.
Yeah, I hope the Waltons pay handsomely on this one.
This one's got me scratching my head. First what law was actually broken did the manager have a legitimate reason to ask him to remove his head covering (see how that works) and does the store have signage stating the wearing of coverings, helmets was forbidden eg... no shirt no shoes no service. I'll bet you it doesn't young man did not appear to be threatening anyone acting aggressively or shoplifting so that brings to question the reason for being asked to leave and detained. I've walked into places wearing my helmet mostly gas stations wanting a receipt because pump was out of paper. Never had anyone ask me to remove it. I always wear earplugs so unless your standing in front of me I won't know someone was trying to talk to me. Guess I'll have to start talking it off or risk a night in the pookie
Typical misleading title from utube.
He was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespass.
It was precipitated by him wearing a helmet through the store and not heeding to the alleged multiple requests of the manager to remove it or leave.
I personally feel weird going into any store with a full face helmet with my visor down. Even when I walk into a gas station with my modular helmet flipped up, I make a lot of eye contract with the employees to see if they are comfortable with it. So far no issues, but I'm rarely in there with the helmet on for more than a couple of minutes.

Can't imagine doing my grocery shopping that way.
Watched the entire thing.

I think the guy is a bit clueless about how his actions might have been misinterpreted. ITt also seems foolish to wear full gear play music loudly where you aren't aware of your surrounding..

Having said that, the store manager exaggerated the facts and the cops escalated the situation.

There's no reason they couldn't have just verified there wasn't ill intent, diffused the situation and gave the guy a warning.

Funny thing to me is if this happened today, everyone would assume he was using his helmet as a.mask and applaud him for protecting others. I wore my helmet into a gas station to use the restroom a week ago because it was easier than finding my mask. Nobody even blinked...

I wasn't blaring music though. I had enough sense to turn it off for a bit.
Why would they let him make a purchase after they had "asked him repeatedly to leave”.
Man, that's a really good question.

"If you wanted me out of the store so bad, why didn't you say something before you took my money when I was checking out?"
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I was wondering the same thing. If I was on the jury for this case he would walk. I sure the video was heavily edited but I saw no signage on the entrance that states head coverings not allowed in the store so if the manager's position was to ask him to leave based on violation of store policy than where was it posted? Cops were out of line and all they did was make matters worse by telling him to pull you head out of your a** that would shut me down right there and all cooperation would cease. I will ask again what exactly is the crime that would warrant an arrest. He was told to leave and looks like he was doing just that when the Police arrived "that's compliance"
I don't blame the WM manager for being uneasy about this rider coming in the way he did. With all that armor, dark visor helmet, backpack, there's definitely reason for concern.

The rider would have been wise to uncover his face, probably remove helmet, turn off headphones. He was in a bubble. Not illegal, but socially ignorant. I sometimes wear a helmet into a convenience store (open modular face) but I feel uncomfortable even that way.
I don't blame the WM manager for being uneasy about this rider coming in the way he did. With all that armor, dark visor helmet, backpack, there's definitely reason for concern.
I could say the same thing about people and hoodies. The only reason to wear a hoodie when it's above 40F is so no one can see your face. Garment of choice for thieves and thugs.

What the manager should have done was get directly in front of him to get his attention. At no point did he do that.

I've gone into WM numerous times but I wear a flip face and it is always up, especially if I'm riding in the rain and I don't want to mess up how I have my high collar stuffed under the neck roll to keep out the rain. And it was always for just a single item. Any more than that and I take it off. Leaving it on longer than that is nonsense.
Where it really went sideways IMO was how the police officers continued to treat him as a major threat, hands on their weapons, getting increasingly aggressive, even when he clearly was not combative nor threatening.

I am curious if any LEOs here have thoughts they're willing to share. Maybe there are things that occurred here that I didn't catch, that might be legitimate reasons for the officers in this case to escalate once they engaged.
They were definitely aggressive and even instigative when they kept telling the guy that they are the last people he wants to mess with. I'd have definitely filed suit like the visitor did. They did practically everything wrong. And to boot, I'd have worked on getting the manager fired as well, especially since he also lied to the cops. Profiled by both the LEOS and WM, treated like a criminal. Made up charges. The list goes on and on.

I can understand any LEO being cautious for their own safety. But they were out of line and amped up for no discernable reason.