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August 2015 pie run reports.

Mar 21, 2004
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post your august pie run reports here please!
(you guys do know that anyone can start this thread?)
We had a great ride up from Wildwood ( south of Woodville) good weather, good company and good food. Thanks to the pie run organizers.
day started out way to early, I left the house at 6:50am :eek2: and was in and out of light rain till Midlothian where I joined up with Jeff and Brian for the ride down.
this was also the long range shake down ride for jeff's scramblerized 82 Honda Goldwing.
I don't know how many Goldwing's are running around on knobbies, this may be a first!
Tyra roller over 50K miles on the way down.

I also think we set a record for gold wings at a pie run with 8, unfortunately I didn't take any before pictures and they had to depart early for some sort of wind ding thing.

bikes out side.



waiting on food


they have mighty good CFS there (no pic I was hungry) desert pie selection sucked but the cake was quite good.
We had a great ride... until that one corner... It got deep and wild. There were legs flying everywhere!

Bikes home safe and sound. Riders home safe and sound. Someone is going to be digging sand out of their ears for a few days though... :wary: :cool2:

It was nice to see everyone though, some new and some familiar (even though I still can't remember names worth a flip :doh:) The food was good and the service fast. I did not try any of the desert. Have to watch my svelte figure and all that :-P
So what happened to ol' garfey?

Finally found the new boots and was clipping the GPS on at 1045 and a bike rolls into the yard, thought it might be one of y'all. Twasn't, 'twas a new up-the-road-neighbooger who was looking for a vise to try to straighten his bent h-bars. What he really needed was a new set of h-bars. I had several sets from which to choose.

Rod had already sailed for S'ville to deal with a plumbing problem at his Dad's house so since no one had expressed interest in the squiggly roads up thisaway for after lunch/pie, I elected to stay and get to know a young fellow who expressed interest in doing odd jobs, any time. I need that as I'm increasingly creaky these days.

Besides, I bought the fixin's for a Key Lime Pie and will make it this afternoon.

Maybe one of these days I'll actually make it to a Pie Place! :trust:
Well.. my day was sure interestin....
After talkin to the plumber about a clogged sewer line at dads house.
Donnie had the situation under control (mostly) by lunchtime so I was able ta salvage the days ridin & even found a good place for lunch...

Those are salmon croquets with purple hull peas ...sweet sweet yams... & hot water cornbread
I didnt get a pic of the buttermilk pie? ...but mmmmmmm
If I coulda hung around for a while.... I woulda gotten ta see an impromptu Sat concert there by one of the last remaining members of The Otis Redding band......
But Im glad I heded back home... since its rainin here rite now

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Philip (beautiful blue V-Strom) and I (Ducati) rode 980 and 94 up from Huntsville, and here we are, with Snoopster and Jack and Tourmeister and others, refueling for the ride home.

Tried to capture the really cool old Nacogdoches railroad passenger station in the background.

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It was great to see everyone and meet a few new people. I managed to get in about 815 miles of riding this weekend. 350 of which was for just the pie run. While many of my miles were related to going to Dallas from Houston for work it was nice to get out and ride. I have not done much riding this year.

Upon returning to my Dallas hotel room I found this waiting for me. What a great surprise! Now I know what the blue moon special is at the Magnolia hotel. :)


P.S. I will post tracks for the route recommended to me for the pie run. I did the route on my way back to Dallas. It was beautiful with very little traffic.
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:tab Here is the route we ran after lunch (se attached GPX file). It really is a fun and nice route, both the paved and unpaved sections. There is just the one short stretch of REALLY deep and LOOSE sand though... Debbie "Snoopster" is on her F800GS (not the DS version of the 800GS), Dave "Ouroboros" is on his 1200GSA and I am on my 1200GS. We are all on street biased dual sport tires...

:tab We head West out of town. It is a nice paved road toward Lake Nacogdoches. Just past the lake, we turn on to a nice dirt road through the woods that cuts over to FM 1911 at a corner of the Angelina River. After crossing US 69, we cut South into the Davy Crockett NF. This is all fantastic dirt until we reach FM 358 East of Pennington. There were some pretty long stretches of sand through the forest, but it wasn't deep or loose. As long as I held a constant 35-40mph, the bike rarely even wiggled even though I was on street tires. We found a really cool old steel trestle bridge with wooden planking. I think it was at the Neches River crossing. The sign said it was limited to 7-1/2 tons. I'm thinking that is a tad optimistic!! There were also numerous little wood platform bridges.

:tab At FM 358 we run over to Pennington and pick up CR 4200 heading toward Lovelady. It has been a while since I last road in this area and I 've forgotten that I've been down this road before. It starts out fairly straight and hard packed. But there are some sections of sand that have some good ruts in them and it gets the bike moving around a bit. Still, so long as I hold the speed constant, it isn't bad at all.

:tab But...

:tab And here is the part I totally forgot about...

:tab There is a spot where there are a series of 90 degree corners, right where CR 4255 intersects CR 4200. The first one is nothing to speak of. I come around it and start accelerating away from it. Maybe a hundred yards later the road drops away into the next 90 corner, which bends left. Here the road is very wide and the shoulders consist of sand piled about 18" high. On the right is what appears to be an old stone school building with numerous chimneys and large plate glass windows. It is collapsing in on itself. When I see it, my memory of this road returns... DEEP SAND :eek2:

:tab I've been through here previously on both my 1200GS (with TKC 80's mounted) and on my KTM 530. I made it on the GS by staying on the gas and just riding it out. On the 530, it was just a load of fun! Today though... As soon as I realized where we were, I think of Debbie because I had told her we'd turn around if things got "nasty"... She thought a few stretches we had already been through were nasty but she handled them great. Anyway, no sooner than I have that thought, I reflexively roll off the gas just the tiniest bit, which is enough to cause my front end to start plowing into the sand. I manage to flop around and bring the bike to a stop without dropping it, but I know she sees me and is likely do the same.

:tab It takes a bit of doing, but I am able to get the bike moving again. As I get moving, I catch a quick glimpse of Debbie behind and to the right of me in my peripheral vision just as I enter the corner. Then I lose sight of her because of the trees and brush. I make it through a short straight and the next corner where there is hard ground. I park the bike and look back... No Debbie... But I do see two guys running out from behind the fence by the building and disappearing back around the corner behind the trees and brush. So I head that direction. When I get there, Debbie is laying in the sand by her bike with an unhappy look on her face. The bike is facing the wrong direction. Dave is there checking on her. He had been bringing up the rear on his 1200 GSA.

:tab Dave and I right the bike. She's in pain because her left foot got caught under the bike and her ankle was tweaked. The bike is fine so I ride it on around to where I am parked. Debbie hops on one foot in that direction. Dave helps her on around the corner while I am parking her bike. Then we take a break in the shade to consider our situation.

:tab I am pretty sure that if we press on, there is more of the nasty sand for at least another mile or so. I suggest we backtrack to the highway at Pennington and just ride highways back to Huntsville. Everyone agrees. That just means we have to get Debbie and all the bikes back through these two corners to where the road gets hard again. Then she will have to tough out the short ride back to pavement, which means standing on the pegs to get through the sand between here and there. She is not wild about the idea, but she agrees.

:tab I set out on Debbie's bike and flail my way to the other side. Her seat is REALLY low and the bike just feels kind of funny to me, which makes it hard to just get on the gas and go. I have a few close calls but manage to eventually get it parked in the shade beyond the deep sand. I walk back to let them know I made it and to get my bike. As I am walking back, they come around the corner on Dave's bike two up, squirming all over the place! I motion to Dave where there is a hard track, but he misses it by about 12" and runs into a nasty rut. The front end plows in the deep sand and over they go! Debbie rolls off into the sand as Dave tries to control the drop of the bike. Both are fine. Dave and I lift his HEAVY bike back upright. I steady it while he remounts and then rides over to the shade by Debbie's bike. She manages to walk most of the rest of the way on her own. I trudge back through the sand and heat, in full gear, back to my bike. About this time I am REALLY starting to notice the heat and my pounding heart!!

:tab I get back to my bike, fire it up, and start the process of making a u-turn in deep sand on street tires. Yeah... now my heart is REALLY pounding!! I hit the first corner and get all sideways but manage not to go down. I stop, refocus, and start again. Midway through the next corner the bike starts plowing again. I stop, refocus, and start again. I've been starting in second gear to avoid the need to shift once up and moving. By the time I reach Dave and Debbie, I can smell my clutch just a tiny bit... I park in the shade with them and we take another break so I can wait for my heart to quit pounding.

:tab The ride back to Pennington is not too bad. There is one fairly long straight stretch where the sand is kind of deep. However, so long as I stay in the wheel tracks, it isn't too bad. I run the right side track and before long I hit a few pretty good wiggle spots. This makes me worry that Debbie might hit them as well and potentially go down. I check the mirrors and see her in the left track, which is a better track. She is standing and I never see any wiggles. The dust is pretty heavy though and the next time I check the mirrors, I only see one set of headlights!! :shock:

:tab I slow down, thinking I might need to turn around, but then I see another set of headlights slowly emerge from the cloud of dust behind Debbie. What a relief!! Once past that section, it is smooth sailing back to the highway. We pull into a little gas station there on US 287. I am thinking it will be nice to sit inside in the AC with a cold drink.

:tab I park off to the right side of a truck. Dave pulls in on my right. Debbie pulls in between me and the truck. Before I can get my kickstand down, I hear, "Agghhh...!!" I glance left just as Debbie loses her balance and goes over on the concrete in the direction of the truck! She rolls off to the side away from the bike, laying on her back staring up at the sun. The old dude sitting in passenger side of the truck sees everything and is kind of freaked out. It doesn't help that he's WELL into a bottle of "The Recipe"...

:tab I check Debbie and she tells me she's fine. Dave and I get the bike picked up and see that it is fine as well, just a few minor scuffs on the side bags. The old dude keeps hollering at Debbie to come over so he can talk to her, but Dave finally tells him to give it a rest. We head inside to find out that while there is indeed AC, it must be set real high... Inside is marginally cooler than outside. Even the "cold" drinks aren't really all that cold. However, they do have a little restaurant area inside with some tables. So we grab some drinks and sit down. There is also a fan nearby which I switch on and point our direction. Debbie is in good spirits despite being in pain. She gets some Alieve from Dave to help with that.

:tab After a nice break, we get Debbie back on her bike. We run home via the paved roads back to Lovelady and Trinity. Dave peals off when we get to the turn off for my house near Huntsville. I zoom ahead to get to the driveway before Debbie does so I can help her get off her bike when she comes to a stop. It's hard for her to get off the bike when it is her left foot that is hurting. We head inside where the AC is set to COLD and it feels wonderful. She gets set up in the living room while I grab an ice pack and a cold drink for her. Once she gets her boot off, we see that the ankle is already swelling pretty good and there is a decent amount of bruising around the ankle and the top of the foot down to the toes. She spends the next hour or so with the foot propped up while she sends and receives a mess of texts and Facebook updates. Later in the evening we help her get into her car so she can head home. Then Beth heads into town to get her an ace bandage to wrap it and also to pick up one of those wheeled walkers with the bench seat and basket so she can use it to putt around in her home.

:tab She has an appointment with her Doc for 3:45 this afternoon. So we are waiting to hear whether anything is broken or if it is just a nasty sprain.


Had a nice leisurely ride to the Pie Run with JackinTexas leading the way & Dave "Ourborous" in tow. The temperature was so cool & having our buddy Jack with us made it even better. We met up at the gas station down the road in Huntsville & after all the visiting was on the road by 7:50. Of course Jack did not take us the direct route as we meandered close to St. Augustine before he turned the reigns over to me since his GPS was out. I was delighted to see brand new blacktop on 21 coming in. We showed up a little after 11:00 with lots of bikes already in the parking lot & everyone already inside.


We had a nice conversation with our small table, Brad, Hugh? and a couple of other experienced riders and the food was tasty. As I was starting to head outside I stopped to talk to Bagwell (on his new KTM), Kevin (with his Paul Smart Ducati) along with Phillip & a sweet couple from Cushing.

I made the decision to ride back with Scott "Tourmeister" in the lead & Dave in tow & admit that I knew they were hitting some dirt on the way back. Scott had told me the night before that we would turn away if we encounter sand.


Well I think Scott may have told a fib b/c the sand was not my friend. About 60 miles out in Pennington we came across some sand as thick as the beach. Before that I had several episodes where my front tire hit the sand & I just went with the wobble which was more sand then I ever had encountered. I saw Scott start to flail excessively & just knew he was about to lose it & I'm sure I probably slowed down as a result of it. My front tire went to the left & I think I gassed it & it turned the bike around & my foot got caught.

(The pictures don't show the sand justice)

I just laid there in pain with my eyes shut & managed to get my foot from out of under the bike when Dave came up & asked me if I was okay. I told him no & he asked me how my neck was before he opened my visor. I told him fine & would he shut off my bike. From out of nowhere a couple of gentlemen were there asking if we needed any help or water. They said they were back there working on what looked like an old school I then realized that Scott had somehow made it through the sand pit & was walking back to check on me.

After a few minutes I was trying to hop through the sand as I couldn't put any weight on my ankle & Dave was having trouble trying to walk with me while I was leaning on him so he told me to get on his back & he carried me out of the curve & into some shade. Scott went back & got my bike & had to adjust my side case which I think I hit with my hip as the bike was whipping around. Dave came through the bad stuff & literally picked me up to go 2 up to where Scott was parked. After all that they decided that it would be best to turn around & go back through the beach sand to get back on pavement & to a gas station in Pennington about a mile away. Dave took me 2 up through the bad area & said I should be ok if we went down b/c his bags would protect me. We found out that he was correct. I was able to hop off the other side on my good side. I some how managed to make it back standing up on the bike & leaning on the right side but as we pulled into the station & went to put my foot down & couldn't support the bike & down I went on the pavement. I managed to clear the bike but this is what I saw from the drunk guy in the passenger seat who was asking if I was okay.


Dave & Scott rushed over to check on me & Dave was helping me hop over & get in the shade. The bike was fine & the drunk guy kept saying, "Girl come over here". We were trying to tell him that my fall in the parking lot was a result of my other fall but he wasn't listening & kept wanting me to come over to him. Dave finally told him to shut up & I hopped into the store seeking some a/c & hydration. There where some tables & chairs for us to sit on & Scott turned the fan towards me as I had my foot propped up. I decided to not take my boot off as I was afraid that I wouldn't get it back on & we still were an hour from home. I told the guys that I thought I could make it home but the fewer stops the better. I rolled through a few stop signs but somehow managed to only have to put my foot down twice. Now shifting was another thing as it was pretty painful especially going up through the gears. As we turned into the neighborhood Scott sped away & I knew that he was trying to get off the bike to be there for me when I pulled in. Luckily there was not a 3rd drop.

Thanks to Dave for carrying me around, Scott for shuttling my bike & for helping me get my boot off & get me an ice pack & of course Beth taking over & get me a walker, wrap, ibuprofen & food. The swelling has gone down but there is bruising & I can't really put weight on it. Hopefully the Dr will tell me it's a bad sprain when I see him this afternoon.


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Well, that was a bit more serious than you let on in the FB posts. Hope the ankle is just a minor issue and will heal up quickly.
Debbie is quite the rider. She did very well till we hit the beach sand.
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Debbie is quite the rider. She did very well till we hit the beach sand.

:tab Well like I said earlier, had I been leading a pack of DS riders through there, I have little doubt that more than a few would have been flopping around out of control and hitting the ground :lol2: But yeah, through all the other stuff she was rocking along just fine. All she needs now is better boots and maybe some knobbies :-P No doubt she'll think twice about following me down another dirt road :cool2:

:tab Still waiting for news on the ankle...
:tab Still waiting for news on the ankle...

:tab Well... broken Fibula down near ankle :doh:

:tab Doesn't look too bad though because it is hard to see the crack on the x-ray. So the bones aren't radically displaced. Deb heads to the ortho doc tomorrow afternoon for a more in depth exam and to find out if anything needs to be done to it.
:tab Well... broken Fibula down near ankle :doh:

:tab Doesn't look too bad though because it is hard to see the crack on the x-ray. So the bones aren't radically displaced. Deb heads to the ortho doc tomorrow afternoon for a more in depth exam and to find out if anything needs to be done to it.

Hope all goes well at the doc. Better the leg than the ankle itself. Prayers and well wishes for Snoopster.
Thanks for the nice words Dave & Scott. I went to the Dr & I've fractured my fibula. I go see an Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck.
See if I have this straight Snoopster:

- After some pie, went dual sport riding with the boys in the woods
- Stormed the beach on a blind curve and went down
- Got back in the saddle to head back to town - with a broken leg :eek2:
- Hassled by some E. Texas Duck Dynasty wannabe when your broken leg wouldn't support the weight of your bike
- Then rode another hour on the bike, with a broken leg, to get home :eek2::eek2:

A heck of an adventure and some unreal kind of toughness.
Just what kind of pie did you have???
See if I have this straight Snoopster:

- After some pie, went dual sport riding with the boys in the woods

- Stormed the beach on a blind curve and went down

- Got back in the saddle to head back to town - with a broken leg :eek2:

- Hassled by some E. Texas Duck Dynasty wannabe when your broken leg wouldn't support the weight of your bike

- Then rode another hour on the bike, with a broken leg, to get home :eek2::eek2:

A heck of an adventure and some unreal kind of toughness.

Just what kind of pie did you have???

DFW Tom, that's a hilarious shorter version of my events after the Pie Run. Sorry but we're you the one sitting next to me or at our table? I'm horrible with names.

BTW, I had a few bites of PKiser's cheesecake.