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Beat the Labor Day Heat


Jul 5, 2006
Reaction score
What started out as a plan to ride the cool mountains of southeast New Mexico and escape the heat of the desert turned out to be more of a search for a dry place after the remnants of "Hurricane what-ever" drooled up from Mexico. As I got within 20 miles of Scott & Sandy's place Fri. afternoon, I was greeted by frog-strangling rain and drifts of BB sized hail that was 4-6" deep along the hiway. I've ridden the Sacramento Mountains since the early 70's, so this wasn't exactly a surprise, but having brought the HP2, and not knowing how good the stock tires were for deep mud, I would have preferred dryer conditions. Scott and Sandy greeted me along with their 2 dogs (whose names I've forgotten) and not long after Lori and Dave arrived, having ridden a KTM 640 and KLR from northern New Mexico, but missing the rain along the way. Dean on a Honda XL was the next to arrive and Sat. morning started overcast but dry





Scott led us down the mountain to a ridge that sets just above Alamogordo and gives a great view of White Sands and the Tularosa Basin. After struggling up a loose rocky up-hill for a while, everyone stopped to take in the view and undress a bit due to the increased temps at the lower elevation.




The next leg took us back up into the mountains along West Side Road which pretty much goes across the west face of the mountains for 30 miles. Scott knew of some side roads that ran out onto exposed ridges with great views, but due to meteorlogical discombobulation, all we got to see was fog and mist...






A lunch stop at Timberon gave the weather time to blow in and sure enough as we came out of the restaurant, we were greeted with light rain. Since we were heading north back to higher elevation, it was time for everyone to break out the rain gear, and within 5 miles we were blessed with a steady drizzle that lasted the rest of the day. The trip up to Sacramento Look-out was thru steadily wetter and mudier roads, but still a great ride. After a brief stop at the top we back-tracked to the hiway and boogied to Karr Canyon and right on into Scott and Sandy's front door. The rain was just getting warmed up and by nightfall showed no signs of abating. Sunday morning was even wetter and by the time Rick from El Paso arrived, it was apparent that unless we wanted to ride in a downpour, the ride was pretty much stalled. Never the less it was a most enjoyable week-end, albeit a little short, but Scott and Sandy were very gracious hosts and we all got to bench race, drink beer, and ride motorcycles, so there ain't much more to wish for... I really enjoyed meeting everyone and would like to thank Scott and Sandy again for organizing the ride.
Thanks for the report Skinny.....that's such a great place to ride....Happy to see Lori and Dave made the ride......They are super folk.....Dave can ride anything anywhere anytime.....Lori was christened "One of the guys" after riding the Slickrock trail with us in Moab last May....She was awsome...

Now I'm really sorry I missed the event....

We really enjoyed meeting everyone. Dual Sporters are good people.

And speaking of good people. Here is the crew..

Dual Sport gals.

We pull our own weight.OOPS.

Highly scientific think tank assembled to solve all BMWs engineering problems.

Adventure guerrillas in the mist.

Westside road. Funny how the cameras don't come out in the interesting parts. Hands too busy I guess.






Thanks again for joining our ride Steve, and thanks the kind words. One more thing, thanks for avoiding me after I biffed on the downhill at Horse Ridge. :rofl:
Daaaaaaaaaang ... I am bummed. Rain or not, it looks beautiful. I really wanted to meet everyone. I watched the radar here on Saturday and Sunday and hoped it wasn't causing too much havoc.

Thanks for pushing the cool our way though ... it is 64F this morning! It feels good, but almost a bit nippy. My blood is still thin enough for the 100+ of two weeks ago.

Lori and Dave are two of my favorite folks, I am so glad they are in NM now. I like the way that Dave is eyeing that HP2. LOL!!!

Y'all need to come meet us in Moab next May, Dave and Lori are already planning on attending again.
Huh. I don't recall riding anywhere NEAR Roswell... :lol2:

We missed you too, Steve & Tony. I have some more pics I'll post later.

klrno2 said:
We really enjoyed meeting everyone. Dual Sporters are good people.

And speaking of good people. Here is the crew..

They've tried to beam me up...that's why I line my helmet with tin foil...
XR650Rocketman said:
Skinny.....You look like you need a haircut when you're standing next to Dave....
Looks like a fun group....

If the rest of me was holding up as well as my hair, I'd be a happy dude...:trust:
It was great meeting and riding with everyone. Love to do it again when it's dry. :mrgreen:

Everyone already posted some very good photos, so I won't bore you with my duplicates. Dave did get a nice one of the switchbacks, and Sandy & I in the distance.


On Sunday, we woke up to this, and it didn't stop all day!!

So we did some of this, and watched movies. :party:

Monday morning, it was still raining, although not pouring like it had on Sunday. Dave and I reluctantly loaded up our bikes and took off in the rain for the 300 mile trip back to northern New Mexico.
After about a hundred miles, the rain finally let up. We decided to go a bit west and get out of the holiday traffic and onto some dirt roads. We hit Negra trail/Pinos Wells Rd, the same one we had taken coming down on Friday. The rain left it in a slightly different state than when we rode it earlier. While most of the road is rated at speeds of "how fast do you dare?", there were a couple new mudholes to watch out for. I got into this one just a *bit* too fast. The bike swapped a couple times, and boom. Dave stopped to help, but only after he took a picture. (What a guy.)

We stopped for some lunch in Clines Corners (about 75 miles from home) and as we were about to leave, I noticed the rear tire on Dave's 640 was low. No, it was flat.

Somewhere, Dave had picked up a nail in the tire. We had a spare 21" tube, but decided to patch the existing tube since it was just a small nick. A Harley rider stopped by just as we were finishing up, and mentioned there was rain up near Santa Fe, right where we were headed. Oh, joy.
About 10 miles south of SF, there was a short but intense rainstorm. In fact, some of that rain looked and felt a lot like hail, especially on exposed nose and lips. :huh2:
The rain let up, and as we were stopped at an intersection, Dave commented that the rear tire felt a bit soft, and he wanted to stop at the next gas station to air up the tire more. Well, we didn't make it but a few miles, and suddenly in front of me I see the back end of the 640 squirrel around as the rear goes totally flat. Again. This time, the valve stem pulled itself out of the tube.
Dave pulls off to the side, and we debate what to do. We still had the spare 21" tube, but no air to put in it. (CO2 cartridges were used up with the previous flat). So, he works on removing the wheel (again) while I climb on my KLR in search of a gas station and a can of fix-a-flat. Luckily, there was a gas station less than a mile ahead. By the time I got back, Dave had the new tube in the tire, and we use the fix-a-flat to air it up. Back on the road again, but carefully, as the 21" tube in a 18" rear feels awfully funny on the roads. But we made it the 20 miles home, and parked the bikes and collapsed on the couch (with a bottle of wine). :mrgreen:

All's well that end's well! Sandy and Scott were great hosts, and we'd make the trip again in a heartbeat. All you who missed out because of the rain or whatever (broken shoulder, Tony?!), missed a good time! :rider:
Hey Lori....I'm sorry I missed you first post on TWTEX but I did get your second.......Welcome aboard.....

Great pics and report....I hated to miss it, 'cos I don't miss many......Good to see you and Dave again if only in the pics....

LoriKTM said:
All's well that end's well! Sandy and Scott were great hosts, and we'd make the trip again in a heartbeat. All you who missed out because of the rain or whatever (broken shoulder, Tony?!), missed a good time! :rider:

Lori: Bummer on the rain and the flats, but all is well that ends well ... :chug: It really sounds like Scott and Sandy were fab hosts. I will be there next time for sure.

Regarding the shoulder ... I took a dirt sample on the Big Bend aka Lost Trail (buildup here) (report here) ride a couple of weeks back. Rookie mistake. I was paying too much attention trying to keep the group together rather than the surface of the earth ... like they say, it wasn't the fall but the sudden stop at the end. :doh:

Doc said 6 weeks two weeks ago. No cast but I am SUPPOSED to keep my arm in a sling when I am not sitting down supporting my arm. I can't lift my elbow more than about 6~8 inches from my waist without it talking back to me. It is also hard to sleep, hence being up soooooo early today. :yawn:

All y'all (You and Dave & Sandy and Scott) really need to go with us on our BB ride. Too much fun, but the Rio Grande turned us back this trip.
Nice photos and reports everyone. It is kind of funny that when I was looking at the photo of Dave changing the tube I found myself thinking, I sure wish that was me. I need a fix:rider:

Is that lady in the upper left taking a picture with a phone? :lol2:

"Hey look at this crazy dude in the parking lot..."
Yup, that's pretty funny.
Hello? 911, I'd like to report a crime, a guy is stealin a motorcycle wheel!
OH, wait, I think he is just stealing the tube outta the tire!:rofl:

Pam and I sure hated to miss the ride with Sandy and Scott, see, we've ridden with them before and know what great peeps they be.
And they can really ride too!
We will sorely miss them at Clayton this year, if in fact they don't make it, and will just hope they invite us out to thier cool place in the mountains again.:clap:
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Tourmeister said:
Is that lady in the upper left taking a picture with a phone? :lol2:

"Hey look at this crazy dude in the parking lot..."

I think it was actually more like............."I saw this really pretty pumkin colored motorsickle and I've got this picture of it. Wonder why he is looking inside that black thing in his lap?" :rofl: