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First Solo Rides!!


Keeper of the Asylum
Feb 28, 2003
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Sarah's first ride was actually yesterday. The problem is that I was holding the iPhone in portrait mode instead of landscape and YouTube automatically puts everything in landscape. So until I learn how to edit/rotate a video... :doh: For now, I will just have to remember to always shoot vid in landscape.
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Next week... wheelies!

:tab Next week nothing!!! :doh: Before they got to where they could control the throttle, I rode on the back with them and would place my hand over theirs to show them how to be gentle on the throttle. Then I would ride on the back and let them do the throttle and I'd just HANG ON! Daniel pulled away from a stop under full throttle with me on the back and got the front end up pretty good. I swear it was a good five minutes before he could stop laughing and giggling! Sarah eases on the gas a little better than Daniel. He just wants to GO!!
I see them eyeing the pool slide moto cross jump ramp when they ride by. Sarah was try to get the drifting going, just like she saw in the video on You tube.:mrgreen: Danial was scoping out the launch distance and landing area catch fence.:eek:
And now for some pics ;-) (all taken with the iPhone 4).

Sarah about to embark on her first solo ride.

:tab She did great. Had a few target fixation issues at first, just like when she started riding her pedal bike, but that was soon a thing of the past. This morning we got up and headed to Livingston to meet "Lawman" from TWT to pick up a harbor freight tire changing setup he was selling me. Then we were off to Cycle Shack in Conroe to get Sarah her own gear.

She likes pink ;-)

Being the kind little brother he is,Daniel let Sarah ride first after we got home. Here they are swapping out elbow and knee pads because I only bought one set.




:tab At this point, Daniel was not riding solo yet. So no pics of him riding because I was HANGING ON!! :lol2: After a while, he was ready to let Sarah back on and this is where she really started getting the hang of it. He got more interested in playing with the water in a little wading pool and she got to ride for about 35-40 minutes straight. She seems to have gotten completely over the target fixation issues and started working on being real smooth with the throttle, holding a constant throttle, and practicing using the front brake. She was rocking!

Waiting for Daniel to hand over the pads...


She got in a groove and was really having fun cornering. We are still working on keeping the eyes up. Sometimes she did it great and other times it looked like she was staring at the front wheel, hehe...



Eyes up!! :thumb:

And back down :lol2:

And really leaning into the fast turns!! :rider:

:tab I convinced Daniel to get out of the wading pool and get some dry clothes on, and then it was time for him to try a solo ride. We did about 20 minutes of me riding on the back and letting him do all the steering and throttle control. Once I saw he had it down, I decided to let him do it on his own without my deadweight on the back of the bike :oops: Keeping him in the frame for taking pics was a little harder than it was for Sarah... He likes to go FAST! But, he did a great job of slowing for the turns and then getting back on the gas. Most of these shots are grainy because I was having to use the zoom on the iPhone because he would zip away from me so fast :lol2:








I didn't even notice the shirt until Beth pointed it out later when looking at the pics with me :lol2:


:tab While we were zipping around the yard, I noticed the grand kids of our neighbors across the street shooting some hoops. They kept stopping and watching us ride. So I convinced Sarah and Daniel that we should go over and see if they want a ride. The little brother could hardly wait. He RAN inside to get his mom to make sure it was okay :lol2: So I geared him up and took him for a few laps of the yard. Then his older brother got to do a solo ride and did really good. So I let them ride together a bit while their mom & dad took pics of them. They had a BLAST! Little brother did not want to stop, hehe. They come up every now and then to visit the grand parents, so I am sure we'll be seeing more of them :-P Real nice kids :thumb:


:tab It started getting close to dark so time to hose the bike off and put it away. Both kids had a great time and I have to say I am really proud of how well they have been listening and doing what I've been telling them. Now if only I could get them to do that all the time! :doh: :lol2:
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Great stuff Scott! Just sat here with my little guy checking out the videos and pictures. He kept saying "He's going FAST" when he saw your panning shots of Daniel. When do the training wheels come off? ;)
Scott: Cute/handsome son, beautiful daughter. Start saving for the weddings-I speak from experience! BTW, they both did great. Dad is a gud teacher!
I'm thrilled to see the kids in gear. :thumb: I hope you are modeling that choice when riding pillion, or along side. It won't be long before you give up the street legal bikes and hit the parks with a trailer full of knobbies every weekend. Enjoy! :rider:
Hmmm... Voni's post triggered a thought with me. Start tracking Sarah's mileage NOW. If she stays with it maybe she'll have a chance to become another female riding legend. :rider:
Enjoyed the videos. My son is only 15 months, but this inspired me to start campaigning early for something like this. Very cool. This is as close as I can get for now.


Again, very cool. Can't wait till mine is that age.
Sarah at the bike show in Houston (almost 1 yr old) and on a Honda XR50

Not as excited about the Kawasaki :shrug:

She was digging the HP2, but was not real thrilled about the back seat ;-)

She really liked the Ural, and so did Mom!

Here is a shot of Sarah at about 2-1/2 yrs old on the KLR

And Daniel (about 8 months old)

Daddy about to ride to Mexico with Richard and Uncle Roger...

Rachel got in some seat time on the CRF50 as well, modeling for now ;-)

Making Daddy's new ride look good (just over 3 yrs old)


Daniel posing before getting his first ride with Daddy (just over 5 yrs old)

Can you tell Sarah is excited? (almost 7 yrs old in a few weeks)



That's awesome Scott, those kiddos look like they're having a blast. Makes you a happy Dad huh. I'd say I can't wait, but then they grow up so fast, just want to enjoy 'em for a while.