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Great day yesterday for RideSmart


Mar 25, 2007
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From a corner worker's perspective anyway, the day when great, great weather. The RideSmart folks did great as usual.

I know some of you were out there, post your stories and pics!

I took just over 1300 pics from turn 4, so I'll get some of those posted in here soon.
I came out for the first time and did the laps at lunch. Were you out there then or did you take a break for lunch? If you were still out there, I need to look for myself on the white VFR with yellow/black helmet and gear.

Now I just need to look at the calendar and find a date to come ride "for real"!
you definately need to ride a track day, you'l be hooked! and even if you don't plan on doing a bunch of them, you'll be surprised how much more fun you have on back roads afterwards.

I didn't take that many pics of the parade lap, I'll look and see
Yesterday was my very first track day and WOW I had a ball.. I was in level one and won the Smooth Rider Award!!! I got this nice pic and was told that I am the second lady rider to ever get it!!! Now I am HOOKED :rider:

and can not wait for the next one!!! I was slow,, however I did well in my entries and exits which was my goal for the day!!
Now,, how do I (pimp out) err.. I mean umm sign up my fellow for track day corner worker...:trust:
You taking requests perchance?:mrgreen:

I know someone who's likely got a couple stories to share. :rider:

Drove in sunday evening early and dropped bikes off. Had dinner at a rather overpriced stuffy-ish spot on a friends recomendation. I imagine it was quite the site to see me walking in in shorts/tanktop and grubby to eat at an upscale establishment. Stayed at a hotel thinking it would be quieter than the track. Boy was I wrong. Bunch of folks were there, escaping the hurricane, who made no end of ruckus...they even tore down bits of the chainlink fence to get to the b-ball court next door...but I digress...
Up early the next day and off to the track we go...I knew from the roundrobin session this was going to be a great day. The last time I made it out to TWS I was easily cruising sub 2:00 laps. Yesterday I don't think I was much below 2:15. I honestly never felt so smooth though. I know my laps are consistently getting faster/easier/smoother. I know everyone has varying experiences with the same instructors. For me, the current group in lvl2 has managed to make some points I just never seemed to grasp before. The rest of the folks seemed to be getting along rather well. There was one or two chuckleheads in the group...but there always is. I did notice though that a couple were moved to the next group up. I met a couple of new folks about my speed that were fun to play with, ran into one fellow I haven't seen in a couple years.( He was faster on the honda though..:-P ) Everyone that stayed in class seemed to be in a good mood and responded well to group "criticism". (We all got poked at/encouraged to accompanying video evidence.:trust: ) Both bikes came home in one piece with riders tired and uninjured. One of us kept the other of us thoroughly entertained on the drive home reliving their first day ever ontrack.
The little stop in West was still cranking out fresh kolaches on the way home. :mrgreen: This led to two very pooped, very stuffed, riders getting home about 10pm to unload. One of us woke to having dreamt all night about laps, the other "supposedly" slept in a racers crouch position all night long...
I'd rate it a great mini-getaway that has me working the next 12 days straight to get caught back up at work. Just about enough time to take the weekend off for the next event.:rider:
Hmmm... I think I will snag a few of those for use as front page photos if you don't mind :trust:
Your pics make resisting temptation very difficult. I'm way too fat to be fast, but not to fat for the fun. Do they have a track day for old school street bikes?
Your pics make resisting temptation very difficult. I'm way too fat to be fast, but not to fat for the fun. Do they have a track day for old school street bikes?

At RideSmart they encourage all bikes to sign up, as long as they are good mechanical shape. I've seen a Harley, the big BMW touring bike, several standard bikes, heck some have even taken V-Stroms out there
It would be awesome to see some old school bikes out there
here's a few non-moto...



Your pics make resisting temptation very difficult. I'm way too fat to be fast, but not to fat for the fun. Do they have a track day for old school street bikes?

Exactly. Have they got the "Old guy now riding fat cruisers class?" I am so envious of you guys, because that looks like a lot of fun.:-P

And I can't look up the gal's name in this response box, but good on ya girl!!! Keep at it. :rider:
I keep seeing photos like this in different track day reports and it definitely makes me want to do one. Now if only the people that manufacture leathers (not custom leather, off the shelf) would realize that the majority of the US population is fat, I might actually be able to get involved in a couple of these.
Exactly. Have they got the "Old guy now riding fat cruisers class?" I am so envious of you guys, because that looks like a lot of fun.:-P

And I can't look up the gal's name in this response box, but good on ya girl!!! Keep at it. :rider:

Do it! Imagine how much fun you're next trip to the 3 Sisters will be when you know what the bike can do.
Or put it this way, take the funnest road you've ridden, take out all variables, like dirt and debris, on coming cars, cars pulling out and cops, and thats a track day.

I keep seeing photos like this in different track day reports and it definitely makes me want to do one. Now if only the people that manufacture leathers (not custom leather, off the shelf) would realize that the majority of the US population is fat, I might actually be able to get involved in a couple of these.

I've seen some pretty heavy guys in leathers
Jason, I certainly can imagine the track without all the possible obstacles. The problem for me is access. I don't even know where the closest track might be from Amarillo.

Does some group put on a basics intro with say 250's available for rent? I might look into this further.
to amarillo the closest I can think of is Eagles Canyon in Slidel, or MSR in Cresson.
I don't know about renting small bikes though.

but there's no reason you can't take you cruiser out there, level one the speed are fairly low and it'll help you learrn your bike even better
Yesterday was my very first track day and WOW I had a ball.. I was in level one and won the Smooth Rider Award!!! I got this nice pic and was told that I am the second lady rider to ever get it!!! Now I am HOOKED :rider:
and can not wait for the next one!!! I was slow,, however I did well in my entries and exits which was my goal for the day!!

I chatted with you briefly at the end of the day while waiting on my friends in the track photographer's trailer. Nothing wrong with being slow, especially on your first time out. Remember, "slow in, fast out".

Now that you're hooked, be prepared to devote a lot of time and money to this addiction.
Teknic has some good leathers that fit the larger, American populous. Should try them on.

I keep seeing photos like this in different track day reports and it definitely makes me want to do one. Now if only the people that manufacture leathers (not custom leather, off the shelf) would realize that the majority of the US population is fat, I might actually be able to get involved in a couple of these.
Yes, RideSmart welcomes all kinds of motorcycles. Sport bikes, cruisers, motards, etc, etc. All of them are motorcycles. As long as the bike is in good mechanical shape, it will ride the track. We have had guys bring their Harleys and drag pipes, or their Goldwings do same.
Every time, they all had a blast doing it.
So if your ride is not a sport bike, do not feel that you are excluded from track riding. Not true at RideSmart. All of us will benefit from track riding, regardless of what type of motorcycle we own.
Take a look at our schedule to see if there are dates that interest you, and then let us know.

Take care.

I chatted with you briefly at the end of the day while waiting on my friends in the track photographer's trailer. Nothing wrong with being slow, especially on your first time out. Remember, "slow in, fast out".

Now that you're hooked, be prepared to devote a lot of time and money to this addiction.

Man,,, good thing I am going to college hu??
Have to keep in my bad habit somehow,, may as well be funded with my BA

I keep seeing photos like this in different track day reports and it definitely makes me want to do one. Now if only the people that manufacture leathers (not custom leather, off the shelf) would realize that the majority of the US population is fat, I might actually be able to get involved in a couple of these.

You wouldn't believe the looking done to find the ladies set pictured above. There are FAR more plus-sized suits than there are for folks on the other end the spectrum in my experience...lucky for me I'm headed for the heavy end.:mrgreen: