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Guy had a short ride


Ride Red
Aug 15, 2006
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I was on my big bike dirt road exploring in the Sam Houston National Forest. I know all the roads and trails. On the 850 there is very few I enjoy. So I'm leaving Kelly Pond was planning to jump on a little section of Woodpecker. As I was easing through the grass a new KTM came by. I jumped on the trail and not a 100 feet down it, he's upside down. I get off, checking on him. Sure nuff, broken collarbone. I get the bike off him, help him sit up. His adult son gets back to check on him. Son went to get the van and uhaul trailer. Help then load up.

Rough start, less than half mile from camp.


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His wife will probably have it up for sale by tomorrow.
Obviously I have no idea, but both bikes were brand new KTM 125 XC. Pulling a U-haul trailer with grandpa van! So you may be right. They were from South America, very little english. Really great guys and appreciative of my help.
Talk about being in the right place at the right time, eh? I bet they were very glad you happen to be there. Good job!
I was fishing at lake Bryan one day with my boys and I heard a kid beyond the bush between us says dad dad dad over and over. The guy dropped to the ground having a seizure. The only time so far our yearly seizure training at work was needed. Had no phone service in the spot we were at so I had my oldest son walk up to the road and call 911. I coached him on what to say and how to stay calm making the call. He did great. Main thing I did was keep his son clam and hold him so he would roll off the edge of the steep bank into the water. I had my youngest asking the boy about how they did fishing so it distracted him. You have to be prepared, you never know what can happen especially when out riding. I'm thinking about adding a tourniquet and a pack of that stop the bleed powder to my kit.