This will be a big bike friendly Intermediate guided ride. This is not for first time big bikes of road riders. Nothing a GS or AT can’t handle. Perfect for T7, XR 650l, KLR, DR, And what ever you want to bring. This is not a hard ADV or Enduro ride. Flowing with obstacles ranging from level two and three. A slow pace that moves but not a race.
The ride will be approximately 2hr +- depending on attendance, headsets incurreged. I run Cardo but can connect to Sena with limited functions.
Meet up is at the dat use area at 8:30 with stands up roughly at 9:00. Bring good boots and armor as this is an unforgiving environment if you choose to hit the ground.
This ride is for Saturday 12/09/23
The ride will be approximately 2hr +- depending on attendance, headsets incurreged. I run Cardo but can connect to Sena with limited functions.
Meet up is at the dat use area at 8:30 with stands up roughly at 9:00. Bring good boots and armor as this is an unforgiving environment if you choose to hit the ground.
This ride is for Saturday 12/09/23