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Home again, a ride report. (picture intense)


May 8, 2008
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Out and About
After much planning and a setback, we finally got to take our trip.

Amanda and I had been planning it since May of last year. Our first issue was how to take a family motorcycle trip with two bike. A sidecar of course! So we spent the better part of our time in the desert looking for just the right one. She had been wanting a sport bike, and now a sidecar. We compromised:

Our trusted steeds.

June 27th after church we were all loaded up and headed out.

We had no place to be,not even sure which way to go. It was great!

First stop was Queen Wilhemina State Park. Which meant we got to ride hwy 1! I love this road.


The photographer didnt get any while at the park.
From there we went north to Eureka Springs. It just so happens that sidecars on unmodified bikes handle wierd. And turning is a chore.

luckily it was a super low speed adventure with a nicely placed ditch there to catch her. I rode it out with ease.

We got to the great little town I just had to introduce my family to.


They liked the many springs best.

From there we headed north then east, ending up in Poplar Bluff, MO.

We thought Memphis would be nice, but decided to get a few more states under our belts, so we did:



Memphis was nice. We spent a down day there. Played on Mud Island

ate some BBQ, saw some sites


and of course walked down Beale Street.

Little Rock was next for us. We of course took the long way there.

Spent the 4th there..


Monday we were off to the Crater of Diamonds State Park.
This is how two of my girls "dug" for their treasures

While the other used the bucket properly

Sadly nothing was found.

Tuesday found us heading home.


Ten days gone, 38 hours, 6 minutes riding clocking up 1,970.8 miles.

More fun than I'e had in a very long time.

Two years we go to DC for the 4th!
Thanks for sharing the ride. Glad y'all made it back to enjoy the family time on the bikes.
Looks like a great trip with a beautiful family. Your a blessed man!

Perhaps i should already know this, but what type of side car is that?
The hack is a Vetter Terreplane. I had to reverse the picture to get the state the right way. No welcome sign due to construction, and I wanted the pic. Unless of course you believe when I say my kickstand is on the right side :trust:
I figured you were on the back side of the sign and needed to get the state turned right.
I see a couple of bikes, I see a multiple family photos at the different state signs. I don't see family, motorcycles and states in the same picture. Are you trying to pull a fast one on those of us living vicariously through you?? ;-) Shouldn't there be pics of everyone on the bikes and in the sidecar, motoring down the way?


Less-see - 4 females + Chris...

I don't see a trailer - did you have a chase vehicle with all of the gal's luggage or did you just ship stuff ahead? :eek2:


Any resolution on the sidecar rig steering issue?
(I have toyed with trying to design a hinged attachment - like your parallelogram idea - to get the bike to lean but the hack to stay level :ponder: )
A great family trip with memories that will last a long, long time, and plenty stories to tell friends back home. We're sure glad there were no injuries with the run-in with the ditch. Only one of our rigs, the double-wide touring rig, has modified steering, and it's much, much less tiring as the day(s) goes on, especially with a passenger in the sidecar.

Please put the October 15-17, 2010 Caddo Lake sidecar gathering in your plans.
We'll mark it on our calendar! Amanda's excited about a "meeting of the hacks", as she put it.
Awesome family adventure.

We just got back from Arkansas on July 4th. I would have to say to anyone interested in visiting Crater of Diamonds, save your money unless this is something you really have to cross off your bucket list. It was HOT and like you said, hard to find anything, the soil was a hard as a rock even though it looked plowed. Although the park is actively removating their camping areas, there is not much to do in Murfreesboro.

The next time we go, it will be to the Crystal Mines around Mt.Ida/Hot Springs...but not in Summer.
I'm with Gilk51 on this one, where is the 18 wheeler that had to haul all the womens clothes :rofl: Cool you got to take the whole family on a bike trip. :clap:
This is awesome. Great photos and you guys have given those kids memories of a lifetime.

Ride safe,
