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I think I may switch to electric 100%...

Apr 23, 2020
Reaction score
Cedar Park, Texas, USA
...simply because I absolutely HATE the smell of gasoline on my hands!

What in the world will clean this off?

I've tried:

Fast Orange --- both the regular and the wipes... does not get gasoline off. Just plain old doesn't work.

isopropyl alcohol --- sort of works, maybe better than other stuff, but not good enough. Pre-moistened alcohol swabs actually work pretty well if you use like 20 of them per hand and are very aggressive. Not so great for your skin, maybe better than gas.

Dr. J's hand sanitizer --- no, not that Dr. J. This stuff is 75% ethanol. One would think it might work. And it does, a little bit. But not nearly good enough. I mean, they mix ethanol into gasoline, right? so it must be soluble.

Shout/Oxi-clean/Totally Awesome/etc. "oxi" type cleaner --- yes, this stuff does kind of work too. It's as good as anything, and if you get the Totally Awesome in bulk from Family Dollar, it's a cheap way to clean lots of stuff. But it still is not good enough to get the job done.

Simple Green --- no, this doesn't work either. But it is good for grease, oil, etc. that's otherwise hard to get off your hands. Totally Awesome is close to as good at like 1/5 the price.

Berryman says use "baking soda and vinegar" which sounds pretty dumb. I mean, why would you intentionally mix a base and an acid like this? But I might try adding baking soda to the Dr. J's ethanol hand sanitizer to make a bit of a gas-cleaning paste. I have to do something. What a mess.
Try gear oil...You will still stink but it won't smell like gas.

Seriously try "Zep Cherry Bomb" hand cleaner. Not perfect but works better than any other hand cleaner I have found. Put it on your hands dry and work it in good before you use any water.
I've heard that the same trick that works with garlic also works with gas: when washing your hands, rub them on the metal sink surface. Something magical about that - but requires stainless steel...
FWIW the Dr. J's mixed with baking soda actually worked like 50% better than Dr. J's alone. Still not nearly good enough though, so I'm on the hunt for a long term solution.
It doesn't matter what I do that gets any gas on my hands, it's too much. I have tried nitrile gloves and they don't actually prevent gas from permeating onto my skin, particularly since they are so easy to tear.

In this case I have been cleaning the tank and carb on my scooter. Every time you clean the carb you wind up getting some gas on you, it's impossible to get 100% of it out of the carb.

I just have zero tolerance for the smell. And it takes days to wear off.
Try a box of these before liquidating all your ICE vehicles. I got turned onto these during Covid when gloves shot up to $1,000,000.00/box. I can get 3,4,5 or more sessions out of a pair of gloves before they rip. Just peel them off after use and let them dry inside-out, then shoot a puff of air into them to flip them back. I'm still on the same box I bought back in 2021, and I use them a LOT.

No matter what your solution, you should try and have minimal exposure to gasoline, since it absorbs into your skin and goes straight to your liver and STAYS THERE.
Try washing your hands with Lime juice concentrate, then again with liquid hand soap.
This stuff removes the smell of the odorant used in natural gas so wonder how it works on gasoline.
I've never known anybody that was That stressed about the smell of gas but if it bothers you that much you might as well go electric.
So, which one are you thinking about? My main concern with electrics is travel distance and charging stations. If it wasn't for those
limitations I'd me more in favor of Thinking about one. But that's just me. You decide what melts you butter the best & go for it.
Washing with arm & hammer extra strength carpet odor eliminator after washing with dawn dish soap seems to work for me.
Ive been playing in grease for close to 60 years , its been the only means of income ever in my life . My hands are clean every day . I kinda dont like getting my hands dirty . Best thing i ever found for cleaning was washing dishes . I didnt discover that until i fired all the dishwashers that used to hang around here . Pretty much i will clean every job before it comes in my shop and if i do get my hands grimy rinse them in oil or varsol . I keep a drum of it on hand all the time and anything i put together is as clean as the day it was first built and if i do it right it doesnt leak and get dirty again . Hand cleaner sold at oil change stores is mostly crap . Pretty much all of it leaves your hands gooey and stinking after useing it . Oil will do just as good a job and dish soap will finish the cleaning . Micro brush was outstanding but no longer available , i used it for 30 plus years , zep is a good replacement but not available for retail sales . I order it by the case , thats usually a ten year supply for me . That dirt and grime is a lot better than lots of other things i can think of .
if i do get my hands grimy rinse them in oil or varsol
Varsol (aka turpentine) gets my vote. My grandfather, a machinist, used it religiously. He had two things to say about it: 1) if this won't get it off your hands, then your hands were somewhere they shouldn't have been and 2) this'll wash the ugly off an ape
I get another chance to try it, since I just came home from 10 days of vacation to find the scooter's been leaking fuel onto the garage floor.

Turpentine is an interesting suggestion. There are a number of commercial hand cleaners with turpentine. This stuff might be worth a try.
Sorry for the late reply. Hope the turpentine worked out. My father introduced me to “GoJo” when I was a little kid working on my bicycles and mini-bikes. I liked the smell of it and it cleaned everything off my hands. Substitution is the solution…