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It Really Was Beyond Epic

I was just thinking earlier today that if a KLR fell in the forest and nobody took a picture, did it really happen? Thanks Richard.:roll:
Yes, it was another great event. Certainly a great group of people and great riding. And I've already made reservations for next year for a poolside AND downstairs room!
And I'll try and remember to bring door prizes also.
Day 3 started off with a flat, who thinks my spare has too many patches?

Our fearless leader and GPS repairman for the Friday and Saturday ride.


Yep.....all this five hundred dollar GPS needs is a little cheap electrical tape and she should work just fine!

I didn't know about this ride, but certainly hope I can join the next one!!

I didn't know about this ride, but certainly hope I can join the next one!!

Gotta call you on this, Gary....I asked you at Billy's if you were coming? Perhaps a misunderstanding? ;-)
Hey Daly, what did you think of Day 1?

I'm not completely sure but I think he had a good time. :sun:

Day 2
Day 2 dawned bright and warm. After breakfast and a quick rider's meeting it was time to go. Five of us teamed up and headed northeast to explore some new roads I hadn't been able to get to the last time I rode here.

Eight miles out of Clarksville we jumped on the first dirt road of the day. 100 yards later I was sunk to the frame in mud. :lol2: It took three of us to pull it out. I didn't get any pics but somebody did.

A short distance later we made the first u-turn of the day. A tornado had been through this area a few months ago and there were still lots of trees down, many of them on the road directly in front of us. All told I think we had to turn around and look for a bypass 7 or 8 total times on today's route.

After several other dead-ends we finally we found a way through, discovering a wonderful class 2 forest road.

We worked our way northeast on forest and county roads until we finally arrived in Ozone. We thought it was a good time for a break but unfortunately the Ozone Burger Barn was closed so on our way we went.

Then we rode the best road of the day. It was a fantastic class 3 road that started on top of the mountain and dropped down to Piney Creek in the valley far below. Wow, what a superb road. It will definitely be included in a future route.

At the bottom we had just stopped for a water break when we heard the sound of approaching motors. A minute later JT and Vinny showed up, followed a few moments later by the rest of their group, having just ridden the same road. What are the odds?

Once one our way again we found the road leading out of the valley, a sweet class 2. Unfortunately, a short distance later Milton got cross rutted and dropped the bike and got his right foot pinned beneath the swingarm. We got the bike off of him but the damage was done - his right foot had taken a beating. This called for strong medicine - 3 tablets of Aleve.


With a little assistance the bike and Milton were ready to go again.

Despite the pain in his foot Milton never lost his winning smile. Or his desire to keep on riding.

This picture has nothing to do with my story but it's such a good picture of Scott I thought I should post it. I took it during one of our stops so I guess it's relevant. We told him to get a marks-a-lot and change the '08 on his Ron Paul sticker to '12. :lol2:

Milton wanted to keep riding but wasn't sure how his foot would hold up. He said he could sit on the bike mostly pain free but standing up might be a problem. My solution was to let him lead. That way he could ride at a pace that worked for him and if the trail got too tough he could let us know that we needed to find a bypass. Off we went. Smile still in place.

The foot kept getting worse so a short distance later we abandoned dirt for the rest of the day. Besides, we were hungry so we rode Hwy 123 to Mt Judea for a late lunch at the Eagle Rock Cafe. After that Milton decided it was time to head back to Clarksville and maybe get his foot checked out at the hospital.

The doctor said he had 3 broken bones in his foot. They splinted it and sent him on his way. He was still smiling. The man epitomizes the adventure spirit and I'm honored to call him my friend.

As my story illustrates, I think it's fair to say that this rally was Epic for most riders and Beyond EPIC for a few. I can't wait for next year's rally. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you there next time.
Got to Days Inn Thursday around noon. Unloaded the KLX 250S and loaded all the gear in the sweltering heat and humidity for a shakedown ride before sunset and to get my bearings for the departure Friday morning. Left at 7 Friday morning to see how much of track 2 I could do. Went around the west side of Horsehead Lake which had very few visual clues at the beginning. Pretty much just followed the track through the weeds until the road became more obvious. A few undisturbed mud puddles and no sign of previous bike passage made me doubt my course, but the track said I was where I suppose to be. Skipped the first bypass and opted to continue for a crossing of the Mulberry. My last turn and decent toward the river on 1522 show zero previous activity and became more over grown the further I continued. There were a series of tall berms across my paths that in hind sight I believe were put there to impede vehicular travel.



Then this fallen tree which I ramped up to get over. To knarly to drive around.

The last several hundred yards to the river was badly over grown with vegetation being taller than me on the bike. If it wasn’t for the track I would have lost complete confidence in pushing on through. If there was some previous activity there I could missed it by 5 feet and not be able to see it. This was as good as it got and a relief to find. The chiggers are eating me alive.

After crossing the Mulberry

I found a locked gate on the other side.

These signs on the opposite side of the trees


I thought I had better oblige the posters so I cleared path around the west side and went around to get out then drove past this old church.

After getting back to 215 I broke from the track and headed back to Oark for some food units here


I elected to do the smaller of the two loops north of 215 after leaving Oark thinking the shorter loop would be enough for the day. Started off OK but wasn’t long before the uphill section was kicking my butt big time. I would plan my line and go for it. Finally lost it and dropped the bike sideways and upside down in the trail. With the front and rear tire resting in depressions after righting the bike I thought was going die of cardiac arrest before I ever got it point back up hill again. I could hear several others crashing and banging against the rocks on their way up below me so the pressure was on to get the **** out of the way. Man I was spent upon reaching top. The rest on top was about like this until the final downhill turn ahead. It was worse than the climb.

I spent about 30 minutes looking for another way down but gave up. Ended up inching the bike down, straddle walking through the maze of ruts and drop offs. I was very happy to be on 215 again and done for the day. I will not do this short loop again.
Friday I started the Track 2 big loop counter clock wise entering 5099 off 215. The long steep climb on 1497 was a blast. The road has got to have a history of being badly rutted out from the rain but it had been graded recently and it was fun to make the climb without the obstacles. Never saw a car on the road. Nice class two but I was starting to get bored so about halfway around I detoured back south on fire service road 1533 which was a high road closer to the top of the mountain.
This was typical of the route with some off camber ascents, descents with heavy vegetation crowding from both sides of the roadway

And a couple of these monsters to get around.

After exiting back onto 215 I went west and reentered northbound on 1504 then 1518 to St. Paul. Decided to just stay on 23 south, 215 East back to Catalpa for lunch.
Made a stop at the suspension bridge on the way. This is as far as I got. The thought of me trying to swim out wearing my gear didn’t seem promising.

Had a nice visit with Logan which is the biggest 6 year old 1st grader I’ve ever seen.

Sunday I headed on to Catalpa and took 1003-2 East to 21. I have renamed 1003-2 Timken Rd due to its squirrelly surface paved with ball bearings.

Headed north on 21 toward 16 and tried to find a north south route to Catalpa but found only dead ends. Finally gave up and headed back south on 21 turning back west on 1400-1 and then north on 4428, then 1425A which was another fun road with a few climbing S turns, some actual mud to drive through, a steep decent with loose rocks, another friggin gate that was going tick me off if locked (because this one was fenced on both sides), and a creek crossing.



Lunch at Catalpa then headed back to do the full track 2, class 2 big loop north of 215 then home to Clarksville and a nap. Thank you again Richard. Never would have attempted this without your guide.
Great stuff guys, certainly sounds "Beyond Epic" in a few cases! Man Milton I'm so sorry to hear about your foot, you must have really gotten it good to have so much damage with those MX boots on, thank goodness you were wearing them.
A big Thank you to Richard:clap: for putting this adventure together!!! Also to my hotel neighbor, Neil for giving me some riding tips!! It was good seeing Scott Friday aka Tourmeister :wave:
Thank you to all the dirt riders, now Electrified (Steve) wants a dirt bike:flip:
A big Thank you to Richard:clap: for putting this adventure together!!! Also to my hotel neighbor, Neil for giving me some riding tips!! It was good seeing Scott Friday aka Tourmeister :wave:
Thank you to all the dirt riders, now Electrified (Steve) wants a dirt bike:flip:
GO STEVE! :rider:
Day 2: Mark's Bike gets wet, I didn't see it but he probably hit the water like he was running a section in the Dakar!


Break out the tools and maybe the tow strap:


Here's the getting wet location with the "dirty tuna" for reference


Edwin says "he doesn't always drink water but when he does"...then Andy weighs in with being willing to pay $160 for a snow cone, due to the heat or maybe he just likes snow cones.


After what seemed like hours of trying to get Marks bike running Norbert finally decides to tow it out up some class 3 section with the KTM 990 as the tractor, that most of us couldn't ride up under the best conditions.

While that was going on ahead, Stingray has a flat:




As day 2 comes to a close, with Hugo's supervision, I am able to load a sixer on my Transalp's pizza carrier.


Great ride - Milton - sorry about your foot!
:tab I am not real sure where I might have gotten into them, but I am thinking I got chiggered too!! All the way from my ankles up to my waist, I have these TINY little red spots that ITCH!!! Even have a few on my arms. First time that has ever happened while riding the bike.

:tab I got my images uploaded and will try to get started on the report tomorrow. It is late and I am headed to bed soon (yes, I know it is still early for my normal hours, but I am just beat for some reason).
:tab I am not real sure where I might have gotten into them, but I am thinking I got chiggered too!! All the way from my ankles up to my waist, I have these TINY little red spots that ITCH!!! Even have a few on my arms. First time that has ever happened while riding the bike.

:tab I got my images uploaded and will try to get started on the report tomorrow. It is late and I am headed to bed soon (yes, I know it is still early for my normal hours, but I am just beat for some reason).

Boy Scout tip # 1....we used to buy cake sulfur at the feed store and put inside two old socks....and then just beat it around your ankles and boots to "dust" them with sulfur and this will keep chiggers away.....and yes there are many chiggers in Arkansas!
Day 3 had some pretty tough riding, but this old cabin we toured had to be a highlight for me.


N35.67234 W93.38151(cabin)



I think we were told by the owner that it pre-dates the Civil War plus it has a hand dug well from which we took turns pouring cold water on each others heads.
Gotta call you on this, Gary....I asked you at Billy's if you were coming? Perhaps a misunderstanding? ;-)

I agree you did tell me, it was just to short notice for me.. Still, wish I could have made it.. If you can let me know a few weeks before the next ride, I will be sure to make the next one!! Looks like a great ride, so sorry to hear about Milton's foot, but he seems to have had a great time none the less.

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If you can let me know a few weeks before the next ride, I will be sure to make the next one!!

As an FYI to all riders who want to know about any upcoming events that I organize, I try hard to keep the front page of my web site (www.texasadventure.net) updated with all upcoming events for the next year.

Also, I usually start a specific thread in the Texas Adventure forum here on TWT for each event 3-4 months before that event.
As an FYI to all riders who want to know about any upcoming events that I organize, I try hard to keep the front page of my web site (www.texasadventure.net) updated with all upcoming events for the next year.

Also, I usually start a specific thread in the Texas Adventure forum here on TWT for each event 3-4 months before that event.

Many thanks for that, I am new to TWT and still learning how things work, but I will definitely keep an eye open for your posts..

I thought I'd share a few of my pics:

The four of us brought 6 bikes. That's in case one gets a flat tire (its easier to change bikes, than change a tire):


Welcome ADV Riders!


It was, Beyond Epic!


Connie and ADV Guard Dog. Thank you, Connie, for a you do!


Say, 'Uncle!!'


The Three Wise Men? ................ (or Larry, Curly and Moe?)




Richard's Rider's Meeting, where Rich gives his usual Safety advice something like,"take unnecessary chances, throw caution to the wind...", and there's more safety advice but the rest I dont remember....

What a great trip, we rode track 3 on day 1, then tried 7 on day two, that was a bust, so we made our own (sometimes the best), and then on sunday we just went into the forest and explored every side trail we could find. We started as 3 amigo's, then grew to 10 on Day 2 (yikes, never again) and then down to 5 on day three. Met some great folks and hopefully some lasting friendships.

The tow vehicle

The Players:
The old man (my dad)

The navigator


The stray we picked up (just kidding Terry)

Were not lost, we are exploring!

No ride is complete without a little roadside radiator hose repair.

Wheres the old man, Hey no time for naps!

Our fearless navigator swears there is a road in there somewhere.

Too bad we had to leave.