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Lunch and Pie at Tiffany's - Pie Run IV, April MMXI


Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
Arlington, Texas
First Name
Charles ("Chuck")
Last Name
Good turnout again! :thumb:

Some folks decided to come at the last minute and either I missed some folks or they decided not to come based on the clouds that were lurking around (or they left before our group got there 'cause we were late). At least two groups said that they encountered some rain (one north of Lake Fork and one south).

We had 15 bikes and 18 folks ride from SW Arlington - big group.
Susan and I had 259 miles for the day.

I'll have more details and a couple of pictures :doh: (didn't take many today).

Anyway - put stories in this thread.
So I put 520 miles on my naked Concours. :rider: Check the link in my sig on how it got that way. Last page is incomplete right now, but the quick and dirty is I found a broken motor mount bolt during last check Friday. Had to drain and pull the radiator to replace it. That means this was the test/breakin ride.

Because all the big plastic is gone from the front and a square light is up there, I had a few people guessing. :huh: But she is my current favorite bike and took to this ride like she was ready for more.

...and speaking of more...


...this Butterscotch Cream pie is requesting my continued and repeated attention. :eat: Yup...good stuff.
We had nice 275 mile ride today It was great except for the flat tire that needed plugging outside of Rockwall.

A big thanks to those that stopped to check on Linda and I while I was plugging the rear tire. The last rear flat on the ST was many moons ago back when the ST had less than 4K miles on it. It hit 86K on the way home today. I guess I was due for a flat.

Linda drawing the door prize winner:

Good time we did about the same amount of miles. boogied back via interstate for the Kawa/Honda Fun day. Made it back in time to see the end of the stunt group's session, looked at bikes the demo ride thing was over already :(. Bought a Scorpion EXO-500 to replace the beat up 700 I was wearing today.

Then swung by cycle gear then back to Saginaw.
I enjoyed my 1st Pie Run. Just as I thought, the folks from TWT forums are good people. Talked to a lot of folks and saw some great bikes. Got about 200 miles in the ride from the NE corner of the state(near Texarkana). Rode through a brief shower near Winnsboro. Oh yea, had some delicious pecan pie.

I like old bikes, so this Suzuki caught my attention. Great looking bike.

Good talking to Rhodyne, a fellow Nighthawk rider. He rode this '94 Concours from Austin.
Hope to make another Pie Run in the future.
Was a fun ride. Met up with the Arlington group early in the AM, and Chuck led a great ride as always. Showed 266 mile with an average speed of only 50 but top of 90(probably following chuck around a couple slow cagers).

Note to self don't sit across from Dano anymore. He was bad a bad influence. He order the chicken fried steak and it sounded good, so I did the same. That and and rhubarb pie was pure gluttony.
Linda drawing the door prize winner

Linda was a big help! I *THINK* I chased down most folks and got them to enter. I sure hope so anyway. I had 69 cards in the hat plus at least 2 for Susan and me, so there were at least 71 there. That place was big enough to handle it and I thought the food was very good. :zen:

Linda drew Rueben's name from the official Pie Hat (from Pie Town, NM, thanks Graeme). Rueben came with Rod (R & P Rockers). I didn't see Terry (TLRam1) but that is who Rueben needs to contact about his door prize. If possible, get Rueben to register here & I'll link him with Terry in a PM. Thanks again to CliMax Riding Gear for donating the door prize. :thumb:
Linda drew Rueben's name from the official Pie Hat (from Pie Town, NM, thanks Graeme). Rueben came with Rod (R & P Rockers). I didn't see Terry (TLRam1) but that is who Rueben needs to contact about his door prize. If possible, get Rueben to register here & I'll link him with Terry in a PM. Thanks again to CliMax Riding Gear for donating the door prize. :thumb:

I missed you too Chuck, I made it, good CFS and Rhubarb pie as mentioned above. We were caught up looking at bikes and chasing down riders to ask questions about their bikes.

Ask Reuben to register on TWT or contact myself through the store website under CONTACT US.


Thanks a bunch Chuck for holding the drawing! :clap:

We crossed over Lake Fork, took 17 to 514 which was a nice road back to Point TX, no cars, a few sweepers and some tighter twisties.
Linda was a big help! I *THINK* I chased down most folks and got them to enter. I sure hope so anyway. I had 69 cards in the hat plus at least 2 for Susan and me, so there were at least 71 there. That place was big enough to handle it and I thought the food was very good. :zen:

Linda drew Rueben's name from the official Pie Hat (from Pie Town, NM, thanks Graeme). Rueben came with Rod (R & P Rockers). I didn't see Terry (TLRam1) but that is who Rueben needs to contact about his door prize. If possible, get Rueben to register here & I'll link him with Terry in a PM. Thanks again to CliMax Riding Gear for donating the door prize. :thumb:

Omigosh, it happened again, someone from our group who'd never been before, won!!!

I'll see what I can do to tell him. Thanks Chuck for everything.
This is David, our close friend, type type typing on his iPad while...

I call this photo "Misplaced Priorities"

:tab About 450 miles by the end of the day for me. Managed to dodge some serious thunderstorms on the way back. The Turkey Vultures were unusually thick on the roads today. I had several close calls with them. There must have been 30 or more crowded around a HUGE dead hog that was in the middle of road!! North of Edom there was a LOT of tornado damage from a recent storm. Lots of damage to some houses and trailers, many tool sheds were shredded and wrapped around trees and telephone poles. In one pasture there was a massive old oak tree laying on the ground, but no hole anywhere around it... I figure it was picked up by a tornado and relocated!! :shock: It's been a while since I have banged out this many miles in one day... I hurt... But the pie and company was good, so I guess it was worth it :-P
Scott? how did I miss seeing you there? :scratch:
19 in a row! managed to miss the rain, nasty storm blew up after we left.

great to see Soozy back up on two wheels again :rider:
:tab I got in early, probably 10:30 or so... I was parked over by the two gas tanks and propane tank. I went inside and ate before most other folks did, then came back outside so I could check out all the bikes and scooters. You probably did not notice me because I did not have Beth and the kids with me ;-)
We saw lots of roadkill as well. A lot looked to be raccoons. :shrug:

One really bad (fresh?) deceased something had 3 buzzards that took their time taking off. :puke: Nice to have the air horn :mrgreen:
I saw Scott as I (finally) was coming inside. :zen: He was already fed and outside unsupervised... :doh:
Chuck you need to give me a fist full of cards and a pen or two next time and together we can knock out registrations in half the time.
Our group of Burgman riders plus a couple of cruisers had a pleasant if a little damp and dreary ride down from the Dallas area on FM roads.



Once there we saw lots of bikes, talked to their riders then went in for lunch and of course some pie. Mine was pecan. The empty plate was for the cake I had already eaten. :oops:


Our planned evening ride was cut short by mechanical problems on one of the bikes but still it was a good day.
The photos of the bikes are nice but what kind of pie did everyone else have?

So far, we've got two pecan, one butterscotch cream and one Apple®...
It was great to meet people and see all the different bikes. Rode in from Carrollton thru Rockwall and Lake Tawokini. Only hit some sprinkles around Lake Fork. Nothing on the way home. The cherry pie was good too.
The wife and I both had pecan. :sun:

We tried to take a whole one home but they didn't have any extras. :-(
Jena enjoyed her first Pie Run and meeting a few folks, and seeing all the Burgman scooters. We are awaiting delivery of the steering modification for her Burgman sidecar rig to make in more suitable for 200+ mile days; it should be ready before the Rusk sidecar gathering. We did not encounter any rain and quickly removed the convertible top on the sidecar.

We had a treat on the back to Louisiana, as the veterinary clinic in Quitman was hosting a "Pet Day" (customer appreciation day) with some antique tractors from the 20's-50's on display, including a Ford with the sign shown on the photo. Unfortunately, we were too late for Corkie to enter the pet show.

By the way, the butterscotch pie was excellent. /Lee


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One more apple pie slice here. :rider:
Rode in with the Arlington crowd and took a more direct path back. Left my camera at the house though.