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Magellan MapSend DirectRoute help needed

Apr 20, 2004
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I am trying to use the Magellan DirectRoute software to create a custom route from Austin to central Louisiana. So far all I can find is how to set the start and finish point and the software automatically routes along the highways (US290, I-10, US 165).

I know from experience that I can cut across the state(s) (Bryan, Huntsville, Leesville) in fewer miles and about the same amount of time. I have worked-around this in the past by constantly re-routing my GPS to the next major town. This presents several problems: constantly fiddling with my unit, no overall "miles to go" display, and I risk missing turns in towns where I am busy trying to "trick" the unit by inputting the next town.

Any help out there? I've looked at all the pull down menus. I've tried dragging the path where I wanted it to go. Any other suggestions?
I just noticed that Microsoft Streets and Trips software routes me through Dallas using the same exact start and end addresses. :eek2: