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Photo Assignment #223 - Suns Out, Guns Out (Assignment) Due midnight 06/02/2024


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Apr 4, 2006
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Arlington, TX
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At the risk of limiting the audience on this one, I am going to pick a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I am a 20+ year firearm owner, and a VERY avid competitive shooter. I travel the country competing in firearms competitions, and I spend some of my free time educating and training new owners of firearms not only the safe handling of them, but also how to become proficient with them. So I only find it fitting that I happen to the the topic chooser and judge for Assignment #223.

On that note, we are doing a firearms related photo contest. BONUS points for if it involves the photo assignment number, the good ol' .223 Remington. I will also consider variants of the .223 as one and the same. So all you 5.56 guys, or you fancy pants .223 Wylde guys you are all good. But don't let not having a .223 stop you. I want to keep this to any and all firearms related photos. It can be a photo of just a firearm, it can be an action shot of one being used (in a safe and legal way), it can be ammo related, you get the drift.

I'm excited to be choosing this one, and excited to see what you all can come up with.


Use this thread to post up images that you have taken that you like or would like feedback on and use the ENTRY thread for posting your final selection.

Specifics for this assignment:

1) Camera phone, point & shoot, DSLR, iPad, or even film; all shooters are welcome and encouraged to participate!

2) Post processing is allowed for this assignment. But please, no straight up AI creations.

3) All forum posting rules apply regarding suitability of an image to post.

4) Your photograph for the entry has to have been taken between now and midnight June 2, 2024.
Here are some photos that I've taken in the past to get your creative juices flowing. :)


2021 GTI Tac Games-24.jpg

2021 GTI Tac Games-235.jpg

Just so you can't say I'm only going to post .223 photos. :)

But if you ask me what my favorite gun that I own is, it is this little guy right here. This thing has been a work horse through the years and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

It isn't all fun and roses though. There are lots of hours of frustration that goes along with it.

Tell me a story with your photo. Every one of these, other than the 1911 glamour shot, tells a story. I know you have stories to tell as well, I want to see them. :)
Best laid plans to go shoot yesterday went south. :giveup: