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Pie Run Ride Report - Bluebonnet Cafe August 2008

  • Thread starter Thread starter Texfire
  • Start date Start date


Nice seeing everyone, the food was excellent as was the service even though we mobbed them. Didn't get to visit as much as I wanted, but we ended up fragmented into little groups at individual tables. But the pie was excellent.

I counted at least 8 Wee Stroms, the most common bike in attendance.
I'll echo TexFire, it was good to see everyone again and meet some new folks. Since Chuck was too busy stuffing his gullet to take pictures, here's a few I was able to squeeze in.
















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I enjoyed as well, looks like i had the only Bandit 1250s again, Whats up with that? Parking was not a problem and even though there was a short line to get in, It moved along and the food was great...Thanks to all the TWT folks who put this on, Its a really good thing. SZ.
I enjoyed as well, looks like i had the only Bandit 1250s again, Whats up with that?

I debated between the Bandit and the Strom. I'm glad I chose Strom as I rode the last 30 miles home in the rain. :lol2:
My first pie run and I enjoyed it so much that I am going to try real hard to make the next one. Everyone was sooo friendly! Now I have faces to go with many of those log-on names. And the pie....!!!:rider: :eat: :rider: :eat:
Just got home and showered myself.

Great seeing everyone, my wife and buddies Paul and Steffen (who's first time out meeting TWTex folks) all had a great time.

Thanks again for all the organizational work. :)

Looking forward to Hutto in October!
Only note I have on the negative side was the biker crash on 1431 just west of Nameless Rd in Johnstown. Saw an SUV sideways in the westbound lanes with a major crunch center of the bumper. Biker down being tended to by FD/EMS folks about 100 ft away in the eastbound lanes.

I'd guestimate that somebody tried to pass where it shouldn't have been done. I didn't stop because there were enough Police/FD other bikers, sightseers etc...

I Pray for the biker.....

I counted 77 bikes at one point. Never did get a name tag. Guess ya'll were seated in the back room. We chowed down a piece of pie at the counter and got the heck out of dodge. Just a slight sprinkle on the way home to Austin.
Looks like everyone had a great time. I am so disappointed that I missed it. :tears: I don't know if euromedic and skup told you guys but I had a flat enroute to see you guys.

The tire went flat at the intersection of Hwy 99 (Grand Pkwy) and I-10. I limped into the hospital parking lot where I was to meet with euromedic and skup. euromedic was already there and skup came up a few minutes later. The hole in the tire was clearly visible and it was just off center on the tire so I opted to use the new plug kit I had. I plugged it and aired it up with Euromedic's pump (mine chose to not work about that time). It appeared that it was going to hold (no leaks via the water test) :pray: so we rode the 8 miles to Brookshire where I topped the tire off to its proper pressure. We made it 19 miles before the plug failed and the tire went flat. :giveup:

I made a couple of calls and rescue (Julie/Aquamom126) was on the way. Peter and Tom offered to stay with me but I felt that only one ride should be ruined, not three. Knowing I had help enroute, I sent them on their way to meet Maverick in LaGrange and waited until a trailer came to pick me and the Great Pumpkin up. Two hours later, the Pumpkin was strapped to the trailer and we were on our way to a new tire. TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY DOLLARS LATER the Pumpkin has a new tire and I am back on the road (at 3:00pm). :rider:

Thanks again to Peter (euromedic), Tom (skup) and David (Maverick) for their assistance and patience this morning and thanks also to Chris and Dan at Wild West Honda for getting me back on the road as quickly as they did on a very busy Saturday. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Thanks especially to Julie (Aquamom126) for allowing me to interrupt her sleep to get a trailer hooked up and come get me. I owe her big time!!

I was so very much looking forward to meeting as many of you as I could but Murphy :evil: hopped on the back of the bike for a ride, albeit a short one. Maybe next time.

Wow. What a day.


I met up with Rusty (Woodbutcher), Don (Batcountry) and Justin (je2000) at the infamous Cedar Park Taco Cabana; seems everyone found it okay... :-P We got off to a little bit of a late start and proceeded to the first trail. After pondering the terrain, Rusty and Don decided that the big bikes weren't up to the steep, rocky decent, so they went back to bypass it and meet Justin and I on 1431. From there we decided to scratch the other off-road portion of the ride and move on to Cow Creek Rd and the CR's up around Burnet.

We came up on HardyBaker and his friend who's name I missed (nice Duc though ;-) ), sat and chatted for a while, then continued to Oatmeal. Along the way I had stopped for a moment, then tried to restart the bike, only to find the battery was dead... we bump started it and were on our way to CR330, 335 and 340 into Marble Falls.

Pulled into Blue Bonnet at about 11:20, lots of folks there, but Chuck hadn't made it in yet so there were no names :eek2: Well, folks talked anyway, and we eventually made it in for some pie :eat:

We walked back out to the bikes so I could hi-tail it back on what little battery I had left (seemed my regulator/rectifier was shot), only to find my right side panel missing :scratch: No one noticed up to this point, and had no clue as to when I might have lost it... So Justin helped me get the bike bump-started and I was off to retrace my steps home in hopes of finding the panel...

I made my way back out CR340 and sure enough, there it was, just north of CR341, just before the 1st creek crossing. I hopped of and grabbed it, then moved down the hill so I could pull off and put the panel in my back pack. I pulled over and killed the bike... :doh: I looked ahead at the hill that climbed out of the creek, then back at the hill I had just come down :doh: :doh:

After a lot of sweat and raw heals from pushing the pig up hills in my dirt riding boots, I had it started and was on my way... I opted to take the short way to 1431; scenic CR341.

I don't know why, but I just don't enjoy 1431 like I used to. Maybe it's because I've ridden/driven it so many times, or that I always seem to be in a bit of a hurry when I'm on it, but I often dread the drive between Cedar park and marble falls.

After a seemingly long and uneventful ride through Lago Vista, I came up on some emergency vehicles at the bridge before Nameless Rd... There were a lot of cars pulled over and a Tahoe with a cruched driverside corner in the road, and I could see a group of bikes on the side of the road ahead.

My first thought was, "man, I hope there weren't any bikes involved"...then, as I slowly rode through the scene, my fears were confirmed; medics were surrounding a rider (in full gear) in the road, and it didn't look good...

I rode up to where the other riders were standing, and killed my bike despite it's ailment. As I dismounted, I immediately recognized the black DRZ400 super moto that was sitting next to my bike at Blue Bonnet... my heart sank... It sucks to see this happen to any rider, but it really hits home when it's family.

Brian "McB" approached and was obvioulsy shaken. He explained that the rider was a girl named Jo (sp?) and was with his group. They came up to the light and saw that she and her boyfriend weren't behind them, so they went back to find them, only to arrive at this scene. I asked if everyone was okay and his face changed as he looked down and said she had lost a leg. I felt like I'd just been hit in the face with a brick... Not knowing where they were from I asked, and asked if there was anything I could do, since I live just down the road. He said they were from the Hutto area and needed a truck, so I offered my trailer and one of his friends went with me to retrieve it. We brought the wrecked Virago back to my house, as well as the boyfriend's ridable GPZ1100 (he rode with her in the abulance), which he apparently ghost-rode into the ditch as he bailed to run to his GF. The plan was to just leave the bikes at my house until they could decide where to take the bikes and come pick them up with one of the rider's truck.

So here I am, looking out the window at this poor girl's bike, once again pondering whether riding is worth the risk. I'm still not certain what happened, whether it was her fault or not, but the officer that released the bike to us made a sincere comment to us, "be carefull out there, 'they' don't see you"... this leads me to believe she, as a new rider BTW, was not at fault. But it doesn't matter, you just never know when one little mistake, beit on your part, or a cage's part can really ruin, or even take your life.

I have a regulator/rectifier to fix.
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I don't know what to say. This really puts a damper on the day. I'm just speechless.
My thoughts and prayers to Jo and her boyfriend and to all of the riders of the group.

"Gotdurt" is right that it hurts when a rider is down but hurts more when it is 'family'.

I don't know why, but I just don't enjoy 1431 like I used to. Maybe it's because I've ridden/driven it so many times, or that I always seem to be in a bit of a hurry when I'm on it, but I often dread the drive between Cedar park and marble falls.

Agree. I used to spend a lot of time out that way. Between increased traffic and the state fixing the road, I hate the stretch between Cedar Park and Lago Vista. They've dropped the speed limit a couple of times through there which helped, but that area still has more than a fair share of crashes.

This is terrible news. Since they are near Austin, we'll keep in touch to see if there is anything we can do now, or later on for Jo and her family.
Crap. I'm almost glad I didn't make it. I hate what 1431 has become.
Wow. What a day.


As I dismounted, I immediately recognized the black DRZ400 super moto that was sitting next to my bike at Blue Bonnet... my heart sank... It sucks to see this happen to any rider, but it really hits home when it's family.

What a terrible event to experience! My thoughts and prayers to the girlfriend and her parents.

I too did notice today on the way to the pie-run that 1431 has lost some of it's lustre :( ....so many cars darting out and all the cross traffic at the crests of hills.

WeeStrom riders must think a lot alike. :lol2: Graubart parked at the same time I did. We both had the idea to beat the crowd and have breakfast and pie :eat: so we showed up at 9:30. Never had met him before. Heck of a nice guy and bought my breakfast and pie. Thank you Graubart and very nice to make your aquaintance.

I had some friends dirt riding at Boulder Creek (turnoff is off of 1431) and I went out there for a bit today to yak and visit. On the way back into town, an ambulance and fire truck passed headed the other direction. My first thought was about all the bikes in the area and hoping it was just a coincidence. :zen: My best thoughts for the downed rider.

Anyway, enjoyed meeting so many of you. Glad to be home out of the heat.
That sucks!!! I went back that way but must have just missed it. I will pray for her to have a speedy and full recovery.
Squeaky, Snoopster, and Rainmaker are back safe in Wallis. Got the bad news while we were still out on the road, and realized we'd passed by there after the fact. We'd seen the markings on the roadway but didn't know a bike was involved at the time.

There was a convoy of charter buses heading east on 10. Brought me back to reality after the bad news and thinking about what lies ahead for a lot of folks on the coast.