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Self Portrait fun


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Austin, TX
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Post your attempts up. I needed a new passport so that means a new photo. So I read all the rules and set up lights and a background. Built up the lights, manual focus, self timer and finally got a good shot...only to find when I printed it that I was in too tight. So I have to shoot again with the camera back a bit. This time I'll probably get my wife or daughter to work the camera. Getting the focus right was a pain.

So here's an early in the process shot when I had the focus nailed and the main light set. This is straight off the camera, no edits at all.


And this is after I got the second light to fill the other side of my face. Then I put on a good shirt and got busy. I'm not going to post the final one I thought would be my passport photo because I've got my glasses off and a flat expression. However, this is decent. Getting the glasses so they don't reflect or create shadows was fun.


Basically, a white sheet in back with most of the wrinkles out of it. A big, but cheap, softbox with a light to the subject left, and another light to the subject right with a diffuser (magmod) and pointed at the wall to that side so I get big, diffused light.

So, has anybody else played around with taking their own picture?
The first one is from Barber Motorsports museum, in case you were thinking that was an Aggie shirt. :lol2:
I did, once, but I kept ending up with pictures of an old, ugly guy.
Okay, here's the setup. Had to reshoot with my wife on the camera so I could move the camera back a bit and have it auto focus. Before, with my long arms and cable release I was able to get one autofocus and then switched the lens to manual.

The ottoman (foot stool if you are from Louisiana) was only there so I could locate my standing position. I'd just stand with the back of my legs against it. That way the light was the same each time. Also for my self done ones, it made sure focus was in the same spot.


And yes, that is a flash on a gorilla pod, sitting on a stool. I was too lazy to get out another tripod when I realize the flash needed to be higher.

Second picture is back towards the camera.


The spacing was important. I needed separation from the background so it would be out of focus and my shadow wouldn't show. I needed to have the big light close to me so the light would be soft and all over me. Passport photos should have no shadows on the face. The second light just bounced off the wall and filled in where the big light didn't. I could have pulled out a second softbox and also backlit the background, but that wasn't necessary. I also could have just used a reflector on my right side to bounce the big light back at me and done it with one flash.
I did much the same but just went to something like f/16 and didn't much worry about that uber-thin DOF line. Using that 70-200 does you no favors with larger DOF either.
True. f6.3 at 100mm for those shots. Same at 90 for my final one. Got a decent number with the eyes sharp. It's a passport photo, so a 2"x2" print. Not going to have a lot of detail visible. Veronica still thinks I was crazy to do it myself, but it is well done for a mugshot.