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Where to mount helmet camera

May 29, 2008
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OK - I got the Drift Stealth and so far I like it, but I'm having fits trying to get it mounted. It seems that since my helmet is a flip-up style that I'm rather limited on where I mount it. I'm not happy with having something mounted on top of the helmet but anywhere else I run the risk of really having the camera kock-eyed. I know I can adjust the lens some - but there's only so much that can fix.

So, help me out here - where else can I mount it and how much is this going to back my head and neck around on the highway? I'm not attaching the other side of the velcro until I'm sure of a location. I'd really like to have it helmet mounted so I can easily direct the direction the camera shoots in.




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chin bar? just at the edge of your vision. This allows you to keep tabs on where it is pointed. Or that leading edge next to the chin bar.
What angle is the lens? My Roam has a 170° and when mounting it to the side of the helmet, I saw too much of the helmet visor in the shot. Ended up with it on top and see nothing but the view in front of me with the bike dash in the lower part of the shot. Don;t really notice wind pulling on the camera.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usfucbp5Ssw"]FM1291 to Frelsburg - YouTube[/ame]
I mounted my GoPro on the front windscreen of the GS and I also have a rear facing top box mount.

Used both in Mexico and Guatemala recently with excellent results.

I also have a flip up helmet, and I personally don't like the quick-jerk views you record when you check for traffic and look at other distractions. True, these can be edited out.

Vibration not a factor. The tilt of the bike through the curves is captured perfectly with a bike mount vs. a helmet mount.

I probably will use a helmet mount, but not on a Schuberth C3 flip up.
What angle is the lens? My Roam has a 170° and when mounting it to the side of the helmet, I saw too much of the helmet visor in the shot. Ended up with it on top and see nothing but the view in front of me with the bike dash in the lower part of the shot. Don;t really notice wind pulling on the camera.

I did some quick test shots on a tripod yesterday and the best for what I think I'll be happy with is at the highest resolution (1080) which takes the angle from 170 down to 127. I most likely won't be using this except on the slower speed roads so it's not like I'll be going down the highway at high speed, but still, even at 30 something windcatching can really beat your head and neck around.

I tried finding a place on the side but since the helmet is not smooth that makes it rather impossible. Of course, unless I take off the base pad the helmet won't fit in the trunk anymore, but I think I can live with that for awhile.

DaveC - what exactly are you referring to as a chin bar?
The first 4 links are photos of the set-up i use.The rest are whats needed.Also added the links for a charger/powercord for the camera that way you don't have to worry about batteries as long as you have a cigarette power outlet.

[ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/54181788@N06/5861505475/in/photostream"]IMG_0178 | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]
[ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/54181788@N06/5862056050/in/photostream/"]IMG_0177 | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]
[ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/54181788@N06/5862055596/in/photostream/"]IMG_0175 | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]
[ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/54181788@N06/5862055848/in/photostream/"]IMG_0176 | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]



Hope this helps

I use a GoPro so my mounting system is a little different. With that said, I mount mine on the bike. So far I've used the handlebars and crash bars as mounting locations.

On the dirt bike I have used the helmet mount and I don't like it. The mount is ok and I don't feel it but the video sux. With all the head movements it is too hard to watch.

I also have a chest mount that I will use in the future on the dirt bike and maybe on the Tiger but that doesn't appear to be an option for you. I have mounted a camera to my shoulder which works pretty good.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
FYI, I just read that some States are cracking down on helmet cameras saying that nothing can be mounted (protrusions) on a safety helmet as it could break your neck in an acccident??? I'm sure it's mostly States with mandatory helmet laws.
FYI, I just read that some States are cracking down on helmet cameras saying that nothing can be mounted (protrusions) on a safety helmet as it could break your neck in an acccident??? I'm sure it's mostly States with mandatory helmet laws.

I think (imo) there is probably very little being done about helmet cameras and there is just one or two incidents that become exploded by media sources.
These adventure helmets that are so popular right now have visors that are protrusions but meet regulatory agency standards.
Most of the cameras on helmets are put on with velcro and any real resistance met from impact and the camera tears right off. I think that if pushed through the courts then those "laws" would be repealed. I have not read about laws being passed by any states but really just interpretation by the law enforcement agencies and them taking liberties with their authority.
Mostly it's an excuse - they're getting complaints about the stunter crowd who are running around with helmet cams and as usual are attempting to attack the symptoms instead of tackling the problem. Instead of having massive coordinated busts and roadblocks, they're just going after anyone with a camera.

One point against a helmet mount was pointed out in my recent accident. I had a GoPro on top of my helmet; despite the case it got smashed to flinders and the card ejected never to be found.
Here's a couple of mine from the handlebar mount.



And the helmet mount

If you want to enhance the feeling of speed in your videos, mount it as low on the bike as possible. On top of the helmet will often feel like you are barely crawling.

Here's one I took mounted low at Nelson Ledges. I suck and was barely crawling but it looks like I'm running MotoGP speed.

Ok, so it doesn't but you get the idea. :mrgreen:


I've got some more videos over here if you are interested -> http://www.leanangle.com/videos-old